Greasy Fork is available in English.

Steam complimentary product remover

Automatically removes complimentary products from your Steam account, edit "allowedDates" to tell the script which dates are allowed to be removed from.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Steam complimentary product remover
// @namespace   Violentmonkey Scripts
// @match
// @grant       none
// @version     1.0.4
// @author      -
// @license     MIT
// @description Automatically removes complimentary products from your Steam account, edit "allowedDates" to tell the script which dates are allowed to be removed from.
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint esversion: 6 */

// ADD DATES HERE FOR REMOVAL (Script only removes products on specified dates)
// Dates should be in the exact format as used on the steam licenses page (ex: "10 Oct, 2020" or "NN MMM, YYYY")
var allowedDates = [
    "1 Sep, 2021",
    "2 Sep, 2021",

var idMatch =/(?<=\( )(\d*)/;
var codeMatch = /(?<=')(.*)(?=')/

var loop = setInterval(() => {
    // if class newmodal is present, click the OK button
    if (document.querySelector(".newmodal")) {
        } else {

    } else {
        // Find all divs with class "free_license_remove_link"
        var removeLinks = document.querySelectorAll('.free_license_remove_link');
        let linkClicked = false;
        removeLinks.forEach(link => {
            // check if the date is in the allowed dates array
            if(!linkClicked && allowedDates.includes(link.parentElement.previousElementSibling.innerText)) {
                linkClicked = true;
                let linkhref = link.children[0].href
                var id = linkhref.match(idMatch)[0];
                var code = linkhref.match(codeMatch)[0];
                console.log("Attempting to remove " + link.parentElement.innerText + "\n Code: " + code + "\n ID: " + id);
                RemoveFreeLicense(id, code);
}, 500);