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dmhy tree view

convert plain file list into a tree view

Från och med 2017-01-12. Se den senaste versionen.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         dmhy tree view
// @author       TautCony
// @description  convert plain file list into a tree view
// @namespace
// @version      0.26
// @date         2017/01/11
// @modified     2017/01/12
// @license      GPL version 3
// @encoding     utf-8
// @require
// @require
// @resource     customCSS
// @resourse     defaultIcon32
// @resourse     defaultIcon40
// @match*
// @grant        GM_addStyle
// @grant        GM_getResourceText
// ==/UserScript==
var icons = {
    unknown: "",
    audio: '',
    video: '',
    image: '',
    text: '',
    rar: ''
var type2Icon = {
    audio: ["flac", "aac", "wav", "mp3"],
    video: ["mkv", "mka", "mk4"],
    image: ["jpg", "bmp", "jpeg", "webp"],
    text: ["txt", "log", "cue", "ass"],
    rar: ["rar", "zip", "7z"],
var Dictionary = (function () {
    function Dictionary() {
        this.__data__ = {};
    Dictionary.prototype.add = function (key, value) {
        if (key in this.__data__)
        this.__data__[key] = value;
    Dictionary.prototype.clear = function () {
        this.__data__ = {};
    Dictionary.prototype.containsKey = function (key) {
        return key in this.__data__;
    Dictionary.prototype.get = function (key) {
        return this.__data__[key];
    Dictionary.prototype.size = function () {
        return Object.keys(this.__data__).length;
    Dictionary.prototype.values = function () {
        return this.__data__;
    return Dictionary;
var FileSize = (function () {
    function FileSize() {
    FileSize.toLength = function (size) {
        size = size.toLowerCase();
        var head = "";
        var tail = "";
        for (var _i = 0, size_1 = size; _i < size_1.length; _i++) {
            var c = size_1[_i];
            if ((c >= "0" && c <= "9") || c === ".")
                head += c;
                tail += c;
        var value = parseFloat(head);
        switch (tail) {
            case "byte": return value;
            case "bytes": return value;
            case "kb": return value * Math.pow(2, 10);
            case "mb": return value * Math.pow(2, 20);
            case "gb": return value * Math.pow(2, 30);
            case "tb": return value * Math.pow(2, 40);
        return -1;
    FileSize.format = function (length, factor, tail) {
        return (length / Math.pow(2, factor)).toFixed(3).toString() + tail;
    FileSize.toSize = function (length) {
        if (length >= Math.pow(2, 40))
            return this.format(length, 40, "TB");
        else if (length >= Math.pow(2, 30))
            return this.format(length, 30, "GB");
        else if (length >= Math.pow(2, 20))
            return this.format(length, 20, "MB");
        else if (length >= Math.pow(2, 10))
            return this.format(length, 10, "KB");
            return this.format(length, 0, "Bytes");
    return FileSize;
var TreeNode = (function () {
    function TreeNode(node) {
        this.__name__ = node;
        this.__length__ = 0;
        this.__childNode__ = new Dictionary();
    TreeNode.prototype.add = function (key, value) {
        this.__childNode__.add(key, value);
        return this.__childNode__.get(key);
    TreeNode.prototype.insert = function (path, size) {
        var currentNode = this;
        for (var _i = 0, path_1 = path; _i < path_1.length; _i++) {
            var node = path_1[_i];
            var next = currentNode.__childNode__.get(node);
            if (!currentNode.__childNode__.containsKey(node)) {
                next = currentNode.add(node, new TreeNode(node));
                next.__pareneNode__ = currentNode;
            currentNode = next;
        currentNode.__length__ = FileSize.toLength(size);
        return currentNode;
    TreeNode.getIcon = function (ext) {
        for (var type in type2Icon) {
            if (type2Icon[type].indexOf(ext) >= 0) {
                return icons[type];
        return icons.unknown;
    TreeNode.prototype.toString = function () {
        return this.__name__ + "\t" + FileSize.toSize(this.__length__);
    TreeNode.prototype.toObject = function () {
        var ret = {};
        ret.children = [];
        ret.length = 0;
        ret.text = this.__name__;
        ret.state = { opened: true };
        for (var key in this.__childNode__.values()) {
            var files = [];
            var value = this.__childNode__.get(key);
            if (value.__childNode__.size() === 0) {
            else {
                var tmp = {};
                tmp.children = [];
                tmp.length = 0;
                var inner = value.toObject();
                for (var _i = 0, _a = inner.children; _i < _a.length; _i++) {
                    var innerNode = _a[_i];
                    tmp.length += innerNode.length;
                ret.length += tmp.length;
                value.__length__ = tmp.length;
                tmp.text = value.toString();
            for (var _b = 0, files_1 = files; _b < files_1.length; _b++) {
                var file = files_1[_b];
                var ext = file.__name__.substr(file.__name__.lastIndexOf('.') + 1).toLowerCase();
                ret.length += file.__length__;
                    icon: TreeNode.getIcon(ext),
                    text: file.toString(),
                    length: file.__length__
        return ret;
    return TreeNode;
var GM_getResourceText = GM_getResourceText;
var GM_addStyle = GM_addStyle;
(function () {
    'use strict';
    if (typeof GM_getResourceText !== "undefined") {
            .replace('url(32px', 'url(')
            .replace('url(40px', 'url('));
    else {"You may need to install to use this script.");
    $('#tabs-1').append('<input type="text" value="" style="box-shadow:inset 0 0 4px #eee; width:240px; margin:0; padding:6px 12px; border-radius:4px; border:1px solid silver; font-size:1.1em;" id="search_input" placeholder="Search" />');
    $('.file_list').css('width', '100%');
    $('.file_list').css('max-height', '600px');
    var data = new TreeNode($('.topic-title > h3').text());
    $('.file_list > ul li').each(function (index) {
        var text = $(this).text();
        var line = text.trim().replace(/\t+/i, '\t').split('\t');
        var nodes = line[0].split('/');
        var size = line[1];
        data.insert(nodes, size);
        core: {
            data: data.toObject(),
            themes: { dots: false }
        plugins: ["search"]
    var id = 0;
    var lastVal = "";
    $('#search_input').keyup(function () {
        if (id)
        id = setTimeout(function () {
            var val = $('#search_input').val();
            if (val === lastVal)
        }, 250);