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Skin Preview

HKG Skin Preview for Agarplus

// ==UserScript==
// @require
// @name         Skin Preview
// @namespace    Skin Preview
// @version      2.0.7
// @description  HKG Skin Preview for Agarplus
// @author       Benunzee
// @match        http*://
// @include      http://*
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==

// variables
var sideContainer = '.side-container.left-side'; //container to append skin changer menu
var leftContainer = '.forums'; //used to find left container
var loadCheckInterval = 100; //interval to check if container has loaded
var Title = 'h2.aTitle'
var Tags = 'div#teamNameContainer.input-group'
var Ad = 'center'

//check if page loaded
var ci = setInterval(function()
    if ($(sideContainer).has(leftContainer).length)
        // set the title to something cooler
        $(Title).replaceWith('<div id="profile-main"><div id="profile-pic" class="form-group clearfix"><div class="nav arrow-left"></div><div id="preview-img-area"><img id="preview-img" src="blob:http%3A//" style="display: inline;"></div><div class="nav arrow-right"></div></div>');
        // Remove Ads

        // set title
        $(Title).replaceWith('<div id="profile-main"><div id="profile-pic" class="form-group clearfix"><div class="nav arrow-left"></div><div id="preview-img-area"><img id="preview-img" src="blob:http%3A//" style="display: inline;"></div><div class="nav arrow-right"></div></div>');
        // Remove Ads
}, loadCheckInterval);