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Better GitHub Pull Requests JS - Improves the GitHub Pull Request UI and adds several features. "Better PRs"
Hide releases (categories/users) on ABB JS - Hide releases in specific categories or by specific users on ABB
- user blocker JS - Block user posts on through the settings page
Old Reddit: Simple Filter JS - Filter subreddits, users, websites and topics
Quin Anti-Stall JS - No more 4 hours of the mind numbing drivel just to be butt bois'd after less than 1 hour of gaming. Just open the steam,switch tab/monitor and you will be alerted/unmuted when the stalling has ended.
HC Free Coin Faucet Rotator 1 JS - Claim Free Coin
Ics Viewer - ProtonMail JS - Quickly see the .ics calendar file event information directly on your browser without having to download it or add it to any calendars!
Source Bot JS - MINI Bot to MPP
IMDb Page Cleaner JS - Remove unnecessary information from IMDb & rearrange the layout
dd-wrt mac to Hostnames JS - DD-WRT Match MAC Addresses and then display custom Hostnames
Sploop Console Script JS - As you already know, in the console is no longer working, or rather, the output to the console. Perhaps you would like to continue using it? If yes, then use this script.
Hide SRS rank image on new grammar JS - When looking at synonyms and antonyms on grammar pages, "new" related grammar, that hasn't been added to reviews yet, still show an image, as if they were on SRS Level 0-2. This script removes those images to properly mark them as "new".
toqqicodez - Best macro's extension. JS - Sets show mass and dark theme to true, provides a tricksplit with E or 4, triplesplit with 3, doublesplit with D or 2, faster feeding with Q, and split with 1 Made by toqqicodez
Discord SEQTA JS - Seqta for gamers
More Ore - Enhanced Save JS - Automatically tries to export save to a file every 1+ hours (customizable)
AO3: [Wrangling] Rainbow Home Page and Bins JS - adds CSS classes to style table rows as a rainbow, and updates dynamically when filters are applied
🐭️ MouseHunt - Item Quantity Fix JS - Fixes the "You Own: 0" bug when viewing an item info page.
Donderhiroba Total Played Counting Script byYiZhong JS - Counts how many time you've played taiko AC.
Fix Bitwarden compatibility JS - Make login/password boxes on selected sites compatible with Bitwarden auto-fill
Cookie Clicker Hack JS - Infinity cookies, infinity chips, autoclicker, autocookies (you should have 1 cookie).
AE86 JS - 0 shame anti, op insta, autp replace..etc!
World Language Games - Automation for "Millions" (DEFUNCT) JS - This script will automatically launch and complete the game "Millions" on World Language Games, while adding a random duration between 1:00 and 3:59, and 0 to 4 wrong guesses. PLEASE NOTE - This script is defunct and was made for an older version of Millions that has since been updated.
MH - Minluck & CRE tool v2.0 (new) JS - Shows hunt statistics on the camp page
Youtube Audio Mode JS - Listen to only the audio on YouTube without loading the video.
Fandom tablesorter JS - 7/14/2022, 1:33:28 PM
IdlePixel Slap Chop JS - Ain't nobody got time for that! Adds some QoL 1-click actions.
SkidRow Link Enabler - JS - 7/19/2022, 1:44:52 AM
- - Restore controls (RMB, keys, select) JS - 7/19/2022, 1:14:02 PM
AO3: [Wrangling] Bulk-Manage Tags JS - Mass-select tags and set/unset the unwrangleable flag, replace fandoms, remove 0-use syns, or copy tag names/links
Simplebits Auto Miner JS - Auto mine a simplebits mine.
MPP - AdvancedChatLogger JS - 8/6/2022, 1:13:53 AM
Melvor Idle - Remainging XP JS - Adds a counter below the XP count to show how much remaining XP you are away from a selectable target level.
Wordle Incognito Helper JS - Gives hints and reveals the answer to the daily Wordle all while remaining cleverly hidden to anyone watching.
Melvor Reduced Grinding JS - Reduces combat and skills' interval; Increases exp, mastery, gold, and SC rate; +1 attack roll for combat;
NoCheapskates JS - [12:34:09 AM] TheMainLogic: someone make a script where i cant see bid offers of 1 and 2 coins please
Bilibili Danmaku Find and Highlight JS - 1.Search keyword of danmaku and highlight them in progress bar; 2.Display danmaku density curve
[SNOLAB] I Heard Telegram Speaking JS - [SNOLAB] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. 1. Speak latest message your received 2. Speak what you just send. 3. Send what you saying
HeroWarsHelper JS - Automation of actions for the game Hero Wars
CodeForces Print Helper JS - Help you to print complete problemset from CodeForces with only 1 column
[SNOLAB] [Mulango] Telegram Translator JS - [SNOLAB] [Mulango] Speak latest telegram message With TTS technology just in your browser. 1. Speak latest message you received in your learning language 2. Speak what you just send in your learning language. 3. Send what you saying in your learning language (for example saying something start with CQ CQ ...).
Search page beautification JS - Supported search engines are 1. Baidu; 2. Sogou; 3. Google; 4. Bing. Compatible with "AC-baidu" script[Support custom background] [Support random background image] [Support background image classification] [Support shielding ads] [Support transparency adjustment]
MAM Total Torrents JS - 1/1/24 Shows the total number of torrents on all clients, and the change in number of torrents for each client
Trip Mode vHF JS - A modern Convo.trip module. #101025 #110101001
Youtube Sort & Filter Playlists When Saving Video JS - When saving a video to a playlist, 1) add a button to sort the list alphabetically and 2) add a filter textbox to filter the list by title
Mangadex Darken Read Chapters (1 Row Items) JS - To darken read chapters on Mangadex's latest releases page and follows page (1 Row Items)
Trip Mode vCracked cRACK JS - A modern Convo.trip module. #101025 #110101001
RetroGameBuddy JS - Adds links on the "Send Fleet" screen to fill in the required number of ships of each type to carry all resources.
AdBlock Script for WebView JS - Parse ABP Cosmetic rules to CSS and apply it.
Soundgasm Improvements JS - Restyles and adds new functionality to Soundgasm --- dark mode/keyboard shortcuts/quick download/and more
Hedge Streak Counter (Automated) JS - Adds a hedge streak counter to the GeoGuessr website. Compatible with country streak counters if both scripts are at least v.1.3.0.
Country Streak Counter JS - Adds a country streak counter to the GeoGuessr website
MH - Outside Map (Halloween) JS - Brings map information outside
Remove Bot Comments JS - 10/15/2022, 1:36:23 PM
Duolingo-Cheat-Tool JS - Auto answer Duolingo script!
BC: do free downloads JS - adds a link that triggers buy for $0; set format to FLAC and click download. multiple purchases get a "download all" link (wait for them to process before using). Set your email at the top of the script if you want it autofilled.
Pixiv-ForceSafeMode JS - While writing the last Pixiv user script, I realized that the official (Safe/R-18) filter didn't cover all the scenes. So I made this script to filter all bad information with one click.
privacy.resistfingerprinting Blurry Google Docs/Sheets Fix JS - Fixes blurry font on Google Docs and Sheets. This issue is caused by resistfingerprinting forcing window.devicePixelRatio to be set to 1 no matter the actual value. WARNING! This overides the spoofed devicePixelRatio with the real value while in a Google Docs/Sheets document thus decreasing security.
Remove_Live JS - 去除B站多余的直播播放器(滑稽)
AQW BuyBack Every Item - JS - 10/31/2022, 1:38:28 PM
Sticky Table of Contents - JS - 12/26/2021, 1:29:58 PM
Imgbox Tweaker JS - Adds custom formatted links, working Copy to clipboard buttons, menu pre-select for 1-click uploading, links centering.
Simple Youtube Surround JS - Makes the youtube sound more surrounded ( It's better when you listen to music )
GC - Gormball character selector and prize logger JS - Remembers your last played character and up to 100 prizes
Create Full Room JS - Room of 8 players in 1 click.
TikTok Larger Video + Mouse Volume Control JS - Makes the TikTok video take up more of the screen
Ao3 De-Piped Tags JS - For some fandoms, a character is given two names, like: "Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia". This script lets you choose which name you want to see.
GeoGuessr Country Streaks (Settings Page) JS - A fork of Jupaoqq's GeoGuessr country streak counter. Count streaks and save results to your maps. Includes a preferences page for ease of use.
ScheduledAutoClicker(thc282) JS - Scheduled Auto Clicker for Browsers!!
CMG Hacks for Safari JS - A port of my chrome extension (CMG Hacks) for Safari!
Label Notifier JS - Sends a notification when a <label> element has a value of 0
Mineparkour (ADMIN-CHEAT) JS - Mineparkour (ADMIN-CHEAT) Best Hackever Key To Open Menu is 1
- (admin-hack) JS - Key to open menu is 1 features infinity coins spawn Infinity XP spawn Infinity totalKills spawn Infinity bestKills spawn Infinity Pet-Level spawn UNLOCKED ALL PLAYER SKINS UNLOCK ALL PET SKINS NO GAMES-STARTED INFINITE LAST-KILLS NO GAME-TIME(beta-mode) Infinity WINS Infinity Best-Game-Time Infinity Total-Score Infinity Best-Score BotSkillLevelLow(beta-mode)
Greasy Fork - Fix for problem with [datetime] and Waterfox Classic [Standalone] v.1 CSS - ▶ CSS Fix for problem with [datetime] / Waterfox Classic (only need for WATERFOX CLASSIC)
1Password 1-click archive & delete JS - Adds a 1-Click Delete & Archive Buttons for entries
- Cheats JS - " Cheats"
qB Torrents Auto Delete JS - qBittorrent Torrents Auto Delete
Vault Catcher JS - Watches for mistakes when giving members money from faction vault, and blocks requests that are over the user's total money
YouTube Ad Removal JS - Removes Ads
FABGoogle JS - Simplify google and add more customization
Accesskeys for public-inbox JS - Faster access to the features on websites running public-inbox, like and
Rainbow nickname MPP JS - Rainbow nickname bot
Fix Tildes| JS - 1/16/2023, 8:55:02 AM
[GMT] Edition lookup by CD TOC JS - Lookup edition by CD TOC on MusicBrainz, GnuDb and in CUETools DB, seed new/update existing MusicBrainz releases based on the TOC
🏆 [#1 Chess Cheat] A.C.A.S (Advanced Chess Assistance System) JS - Enhance your chess performance with a cutting-edge real-time move analysis and strategy assistance system
Intent share URL Query string for Pinafore JS - Recieve "overwrite" value and overwrite compose-box
u-d-l视频下载下载 JS - u-d-l网站视频下载
Sandbox hacks without wasm Hook!!! JS - sad emoji :(
allow_copy_and_selection JS - 5/25/2021, 1:16:51 PM
Penguin Client JS - Lots of mods
- Worthless Bots JS - Creates bad bots
Hide the [1], [2], [3]... number system for better copying JS - This will hide the [1], [2], [3]... number system for better copying
Youtube Auto "I understand and wish to proceed" JS - Auto click the "I understand and wish to proceed" in age-restricted videos.
Click to copy - Anaconda repo JS - 2/22/2023, 1:28:22 PM
Leetcode Enhancements JS - Leetcode Enhancements. 1) Use Go Mono for Console. 2) Press Ctrl+E twice to reset the problem.
Overleaf Editor Custom VIM Keybindings (Code Mirror v6) JS - Configure a list of shortcuts for Vim-mode + user-defined :commands for toggling panels on Overleaf.
江苏开放大学刷课脚本-解决有些课程无法点击问题 JS - 江苏开放大学刷课脚本- 解决有些课程无法点击问题
Cookie Clicker Autoclicker JS - A simple script for cookie clicker that will autoclick cookies for you
DMM point expire sum JS - Display the sum of your DMM points expiring in 1 month
Sarasa-Gothic-Font-Substitution-Tool JS - Replace the font with Sarasa Gothic (CJK) and the corresponding monospaced one.