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Auto Walk[Key 1], Jump[Key 2], Dodge[Key 3], Melee[Key 4] Mod For Shell Shockers JS - Combined auto-actions script triggers different actions (auto-walk, auto-jump, auto-dodge, auto-whisk) based on key presses (1, 2, 3, 4). Each action toggles on/off independently.
ChatGPT Widescreen Ultra Fast JS - The fastest ChatGPT widescreen userscript. Just one line, you don't even have to install a script. Create a bookmark and activate with one click.
Naruto Mod 1 JS - A Script that makes the gameplay much more easier
Download Youtube video in just 1 click! JS - download youtube video in just 1 click. It's very easy
wartab_move JS - перемещение в 1 клик со страницы Бои за территории
Zyn Warning Removals & Topbar Adjustments JS - Adjusts styles on Zyn site to remove warnings that take up 20% of the view.
X/Twitter 1 Click report spam and block JS - Report spam and block profiles with 1 click
Google toplinks shortcut JS - press 1, 2 or 3 to open links on google and yt serp
Make YouTube arrow up/dn set volume in 1% incrementals JS - Does what @name says
黄金右键-灵活控制视频倍速(改)-Golden Right-Flexibly control the playback rate of videos (edited) JS - Hold '→': speed up playback, release '→': return to normal speed, press '<': decrease faster playback speed, press '>': increase faster playback speed, press '?': reset normal speed to 1 and faster playback speed to 2.
CSDN 1-Click Downloader JS - 1-Click Download CSDN pages to PDF
Fullscreen NO-IP JS - 20/5/2024, 17:46:27
Set YouTube Video Volume to Max JS - Sets the volume of YouTube videos to maximum (1)
zentao4HAT-4 JS - take on the world!
AntiRickRoll JS - Removes and puts text over a rickroll. More links will be included.
ThreadsS1KProblem JS - Delete ".0" in Threads interact stat when it's over 1K, which should be an integer instead of a float.
Auto Join All Giveaways JS - Automatically send POST requests to join all giveaways by cycling giveaway_id from 1 to 1k(will be updated once gw number passes 1k). Display a "Running bruteGW (num)" indicator.
WKStats Levelup Fix JS - Fix weird issues with the levelups on wkstats that are assumed to be caused by new additions of kanji to levels
EZ HACK MOD by EZ HACK v 1.5 Beta JS - A mod suitable for professionals only, not automatic, only automatic healing.
Auto Walk[NumPad 1], Walk+Jump[NumPad 2], and Walk Left+Right[NumPad 3] Mod For Shell Shockers JS - Auto Walk, Walk+Jump, and Walk Left+Right script triggered by numpad keys (1, 2, and 3), initially disabled.
- ( NOT PAYING ) JS - Coleta energia a cada 1 hora
Automatically show more replies on Twitter (+ offensive replies) JS - 6/1/2024, 1:49:37 AM
DownloadAllContent JS - Lightweight web scraping script. Fetch and download main textual content from the current page, provide special support for novels
Floatplane YouTube Hotkeys JS - Replicates YouTube's hotkeys for use in the Floatplane player
Douban Username Alias Modifier JS - Modify Douban usernames in-script CSV format data. Limitations: (1) Only works on PC Douban (, and (2) Supports in-script CSV format data only, as Tampermonkey cannot access local files due to security restrictions.
RTP subs Downloader JS - 6/1/2024, 9:49:46 PM
hide twitter video controls (until hover) JS - 6/3/2024, 1:04:59 AM
mokahr work time total JS - 主要功能:在 页面统计自己本周的加班时间;次要功能:mokahr全局去水印,在attendance页面增加会mokahr首页的链接。
Auto Click Enabled Button JS - This script detects and automatically clicks buttons that become enabled. It has been tested and works correctly on the* page.
Farm RPG Farmhand JS - Your helper around the RPG Farm
FOL - Disable reply/like JS - 5/1/2023, 14:30:43
YT時間軸書籤bookmarks JS - youtube timeline for Automatic memory [temporary timestamp] + custom 3 bookmarks
DayZ Map Improvement JS - 6/11/2024, 1:26:23 AM
Nexus Mods - Download Mod Faster - Improved UX (All Games) JS - Improves the user experience for visitors by adding Insta-DL buttons in various places like |1) categories mod tiles |2) mod description/file page
[Brick-Kill] Create More Games JS - Creates 3 to 5 games when loaded in, bypassing the 1 game limit. Disable after it's been ran.
Boomcards Cheat JS - 1/18/2024, 2:42:45 PM
Metacritic Style Ratings for RateYourMusic JS - Converts album ratings on RateYourMusic to a Metacritic-style 0-100 scale
[Brick-Kill] Request Accepter JS - Accepts the requests to join from 1 user if you're using Clan Botter.
BTluckyHelper JS - come as you are
Gemini Keyboard Shortcuts JS - This userscript enhances your Gemini experience by adding a wide range of keyboard shortcuts for streamlined navigation and interaction, as well as cleaning up Gemini's UI.
Easy Wishlist & Ignore JS - Press 1 to Wishlist, 2 to Ignore
- VPN and DNS! JS - VPN and DNS (good)
Remove Highlight Button (after page load) JS - 5/23/2024, 1:55:17 PM
Remove Highlight Button (before page load) JS - 5/23/2024, 1:55:17 PM
Sudoku King JS - Cheat for
AO3: Stat Graphs+ JS - New and improved statistics page for AO3
隐藏馒头站的无评论项 JS - 隐藏M-team的无评论项
Idle Pixel XP Calculator helper JS - When clicking on the XP under a skill, loads the XP calculator page with the current XP and a target level of +1 of current already filled in
SkillShare Obsidian Template JS - Script to copy SkillShare course info as YAML & lessons titles with duration
YouTube Music volume control shortcut JS - Add keyboard shortcuts to change the volume of YouTube Music
隐藏 Baidu 置顶热搜 JS - Hide No.1 in Baidu
Remove Legacy Parameter from Telegram Links JS - Remove legacy=1 parameter from specific Telegram links
CZK to EUR Converter for JS - Convert prices from CZK to EUR on using a configurable exchange rate
Smooth Scroll JS - Enables smooth page scrolling using JavaScript. Improved from an initial concept by Winceptor.
Scroll to Top Button JS - Adds a customizable scroll-to-top button near the page bottom.
Wanikani Open Framework Turbo Events JS - Adds helpful methods for dealing with Turbo Events to WaniKani Open Framework
No Forced Steam Language JS - Removes any forced language settings from Steam URLs in search engines
Twitch Seeking JS - Keyboard shortcuts to seek more easily in Twitch VODs
Grundos Cafe Pet Birthday Display JS - See the birthdates of neopets and their petpets on their pet lookup.
Dim Watched YouTube Videos JS - Dim the thumbnails of watched videos on YouTube
nicovideo-autoplay-canceler JS - ニコニコ動画で動画の自動再生が開始された直後に自動的に一時停止します。停止に少しラグがあるため、停止時の再生時間が3秒未満の場合は0秒まで戻します。「nicovideo-next-video-canceler」「nicovideo-player-expander」は別のスクリプトです。
Robux changer 2 JS - This robux changer only works on Anywhere else is unstable. Combine Robux changer 2 with Robux changer 1
GeoGuessr Custom Maps JS - playing with modified maps in geoguessr games
Remove "Feed" from Genius JS - This Tampermonkey script removes the feed button from and allows you to easily toggle the removal on or off through the Tampermonkey menu
Google Search URL Fixup Fork JS - Sets the links in the JavaScript-free Google Basic Variant (gbv=1) search results to their original domains, which circumvents click routing through Google's query parameters, fixes browser history mismatch, and strips tracking query parameters.
Melon Ticket API Logger JS - Log 'summary' with realSeatCntlk >= 1 in formatted output or display '잔여 좌석이 없습니다' message from Melon Ticket API calls after the page is fully loaded
Torn: speedway JS - 1 lap speedways
Squareup remove blank space at bottom of pages. JS - Square has what seems to be a mostly useless element that takes up room for no reason on the bottom of most of their pages.... I myself had 0 issues at least so far. Do better Square.
Github Pull Requests - Always Hide Whitespace JS - Always add the "hide whitespace" when viewing Github PR diffs
downloadArxivPDF JS - 8/24/2024, 6:08:47 AM
YouTube Material Design 1 JS - Apply Material Design 1 styles to YouTube
YouTube with Material Design JS - Apply Material Design 1 styles to YouTube using Materialize
0.1% Chance Total Deletion JS - Gives a 0.1% chance to delete anything on the page, including elements, text nodes, comments, and attributes.
Global Element Deletion with Persistence JS - Delete elements globally with persistence across different pages and sites.
Copy Lyrics Button JS - Adds a button to copy lyrics with one click on
Youtube - skip to time in Url param JS - 01/09/2024, 1:04:43 pm
GitHub Bookmark Repositories with Lists and Removal JS - Bookmark GitHub repositories into different lists, remove bookmarks, and manage them without starring the repos
GitHub View Bookmarked Repositories JS - Add a "Bookmarked Repositories" option to your GitHub profile page and handle bookmarks display
Racing Custom Presets 2024 JS - Make it easier and faster to make custom races - Extended from Cryosis7's
IADO Mod (Edited Chimken-Mod) JS - Turning chimken mod into the best moomoo hack slowly but surely.
Attendance Percentage for IIITA ERP JS - 25/11/2024, 19:19 PM
RabbitMQ Payload Injection Tool JS - 9/12/2024, 1:59:09 PM
Auto Redirect to Freedium JS - Automatically redirects Medium/TowardsDataScience articles to Freedium
Simple Youtube Ad-blocker (Working) JS - Speed up YouTube ads to play in 1 second, and ensure normal speed after ads, with a toggle button, targeting ads only.
GC Cheat! Keyboard Controls JS - Add keyboard controls to GC's Cheat!
Dark/Light Mode Toggle JS - Toggle between dark and light mode on any website with a button on the center right of the screen that auto hides.
Disable YouTube Hotkeys with Modern Settings Page JS - Disable various YouTube hotkeys, including frame skip, with a modern settings page
YouTube Ad Speedup JS - Speed up YouTube ads to play in 1 second, and ensure normal speed after ads, with a toggle button that hides in fullscreen.
HPS Counter JS - HPS Counter
Nitro Type - DPH configuration JS - Stats & Minimap & New Auto Reload & Alt. WPM / Countdown
Car Specification for Torn Races JS - Replace specified texts on the Torn Racing page
Left-handed Stumblechat JS - Makes the messages only use 1 line and sets chat div position to fixed with bottom-left alignment.
Prevent javascript:void(0) tabs JS - Prevents middle-click, ctrl-click, or shift-click on javascript links from opening blank javascript:void(0) tabs.
bilibili shortcut JS - press key 'A' to focus on the bullet chat input box, 'B' to replay video from the start, 'G' to toggle web full screen mode, 'R' to refresh recommended videos,'S' to focus on the search box, 'T' to toggle wide screen mode, 'V' to toggle mini window player display, home page 1-6 to click recommended videos
- Add to Calendar Button (Fixed Year) JS - Adds an "Add to Calendar" button below section 1 on event pages with correct year handling
Stash Explorer JS - Open galleries/images in Windows Explorer. Requires included to be running locally.
Root => Ultrabox Drag & Drop Support JS - 10/7/2024, 1:13:19 AM
Searchable Bookmarks JS - Allows you to save, edit, and quickly search for frequently used items with a movable frame and hover effects
Dead Frontier Mini Window JS - Dead Frontier-Adds a button to the Dead Frontier page that when clicked shows or hides a mini-window containing the DF Profiler Boss map and a timer