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画面上のツイートをテキストでコピー JS - ツイートのユーザー名、本文、statusidを一行にまとめてコピーするやつ
PSO2攻略Wiki コメントページ詳細 JS - コメントページにコメント数や流速を表示します
Transifexで原文と訳文をまとめてコピーするやつ JS - URL、原文、訳文をテキスト形式でコピーする
PukiWiki Plus!の検索でハイライト部分の一覧を作る JS - 検索結果から表示した記事でキーワードがハイライトされるので、それの一覧を先頭につけます
アマゾンポチと入れさせないやつ JS - 「#アマゾンポチ と入れて@返信でカートに追加・後で買う」「@amazonJPさんから」を消す
Wikipediaで他言語版のリンクをh1の隣に持ってくる JS - Add link for InterWikis into h1 tag
PSO2攻略Wiki 検索結果のコメント系を折りたたむ JS - 折りたためるようにします。
Lumiz Macro V3 JS - Pulsa X Para 16 Espacios
hls.user.js JS - m3u8 playback using HTML5 video and MediaSource Extensions (CORS Required!)
JIRA Count My Points JS - Counting the story points I have delivered.
hover for link JS - try to take over the world!
Replace "viewed" with "download" button JS - Add download button to new interface
Respawn All Black list JS - Permet de blacklister tous les gens d'un topic
Wookieepedia Default to Legacy JS - Default to Legacy instead of Disney Canon.
RawGit Button for JS - add a RawGit button for
AppVeyor Console Timestamp JS - Displays line timestamps in the job console
SEDAR Captcha Solver JS - Automatically solves the Captcha when you want to open a document
Disable video autoplay in messenger JS - To play the video just click the play button in the bottom controls bar :)
Cda Speed Slider JS - Speed Slider
Cubemania - Auto Select Inspection JS - auto checks the 15 second inspection checkbox on the cubemania timer
Hide ad at top JS - Hide the damn ad at the top of slashdot that gets in the way of articles
SoundCloud hide reposts JS - Only see new songs in your SoundCloud stream
allrecipes print version JS - Skips to the print version of any recipe on
Clicking Bad Auto-Clicker JS - Automagically presses buy/sell buttons on clicking bad!
Macro E JS - Macro by Kai
APOLLO & PTH Autofill from torrent JS - Attempt to read the .torrent file and fill in the artist and album
APOLLO :: Collage Building Helper JS - Make it easier to build your collage.
fb-right-sidebar-hider JS - Removes the right sidebar from Facebook
Roll20 Character Switcher JS - Switches the chatting character to the one whose sheet or macro you clicked on
zelda cursor sound JS - plays a zelda chime when you type.
Fast W-1m/s by PutinWarp JS - hack by PutinWarp
WME BeenThere JS - This lets you drop boxes around the map to help visualize where you have been editing
teblefixer JS - fdbsaazbv
Vocabulary for Wanikani JS - Adds vocabulary to the wanikani dashboard
Highligth visited episodes on JS - Highligth visited (red) episodes on
Remove death msgs JS - Removes Death Messages, etc. to reduce lag
Macro By ManiiKz For AD JS - try to take over the world!By ManiiKz
AD Clan Macro Alis JS - Macro by ManiiKz
Large Theatre mode for YouTube JS - Shows a larger theatre mode (1280px x 720px) with window >= 1294px on YouTube
Map Linker GoogleMaps JS - Link Google with other maps
Macro W Ad Clan JS - Macro by ManiiKz for AD clan
Add Link To Remove Old/Crowded Reddit Posts JS - Add a link on Reddit tab bar to remove posts on front page or subreddit in N number of pages which are older than N hours or has more than N number of comments.
Karnage Auto Purchase JS - Press '-' for disposable supply, '=' for common supply, '\' for rare supply
Steam Community - Group Announcements Remover JS - Delete all announcements in your steam community group
NoTwitterMoments JS - I don't like that new twitter "feature"
no zhihu redirect JS - no zhihulink redirect
SauceNAO Moder JS - Easy to Use SauceNAO
- 直接下载 JS - 直接下载subhd.com的字幕
实时计算点数分配方案低配简化版 JS - KFOL助手的自定义点数分配脚本,可根据当前状态实时计算点数分配方案,运行速度最快,比劣化版也要快2-3倍,60层以下精度与原版相差无几
douban fm fav export JS - douban fm fav exporter, 豆瓣电台红心歌单导出
YouTube speed rememberer JS - Remembers playback speed.
IServ focusable links JS - Restore dotted line focus indicator
AliExpress Ultra Efficient JS - Sort Price from Low to High, Put Items in View list All Automatically
GHQEditor JS - GHQ Site Editor for Chrome and Firefox
MangaHere AutoLogin JS - logs in automatically if not logged in.
Cat Mouse Translation JS - 划词翻译
GetRec'd: AO3 JS - adds recommendations to
Subhd,Zimuku for RARBG JS - Adds Subhd,Zimuku shortcut to
WK Lesson Spoiler Tags JS - Makes example sentence translations visible on mouseover
gxb-auto-next JS - jie fang shuang shou#(huaji)
devRant - Quick Emoji JS - A quick emoji bar for
ECNU autologin JS - 华东师范大学统一身份认证的cookie只保留到关闭浏览器前,下次打开浏览器就要重新登陆,令人非常不爽,因此使用脚本延长cookie保留时间。
Lnmtl Learn Chinese JS - show the 字 next to the words that would usually be in popups
goodreadsReply JS - Quote only the selected text on a Goodreads comment reply; allow user to use Markdown
Extract all tweets from Twitter JS - Get all tweets from a tweeter timeline in one go. A button is provided in the navigation bar. Click the button, get the tweets in the textbox. Copy tweets and save locally.
关掉开通 QQ 空间的提示 JS - 再关掉 QQ 空间之后,每次进入空间时都会有一个烦人的提示。这个脚本去掉这个提示。
Instagram-native-player JS - This little script replaces Instagram's player with the native one built in browser
Facebook Notifications Highlighter JS - Highlights your interesting notifications, with an option to hide the unimportant ones.
Bitminer Status++ JS - try to take over the world!
AcFun HTML5播放器 JS - 把flash播放器的位置去掉,嵌入手机版 AcFun 的 HTML5 播放器
Virtonomica: фильтр технологий в управлении JS - Добавляет фильтр для технологий на стр управления
JVC contenu JS - Lire directement les tweets
IEEE TitleAsPDFfileName JS - 在下载IEEE的论文将文件名命名为题目,而不是一串数字 save the pdf file using the title as file name.
Wowhead Expand Site JS - Expands wowhead Site to take full width
Github Private by Default JS - Make Private Repos the default on
[BitoEX] exchange differences JS - add exchange differences in BitoEX
[BitoEX] show price per bitcoin JS - BitoEX show price per bitcoin in dashboard
Springfield! Springfield! Previous and next episodes links JS - Adds links to the previous and next episodes on the scripts pages of Springfield! Springfield!
ACS Homepage Patch JS - Attempts to fix EVERY. LAST. PROBLEM.
Highlight HTC Vive games on Humble Store JS - Highlights games that supports the HTC Vive on the Humble Store, so that you don't have to hover over the 'platforms' icon to know which games have a VR mode
Highlight Oculus Rift games on Humble Store JS - Highlights games that supports the Oculus Rift on the Humble Store, so that you don't have to hover over the 'platforms' icon to know which games have a VR mode
ACS Website Patch JS - Attempts to fix EVERY. LAST. PROBLEM.
Groupees - Keys Exporter JS - Export steam keys and mark them as used
SE Timeline link JS - Adds a timeline link for the questions
bilibili 直播 HTML5 播放器 JS - B 站的直播的 HTML5 播放器
Facebook - Custom Colors / Vlastné Farby JS - User can define custom facebook colors / Užívateľ si môže definovať vlastné farby
Add Link To Expand YouTube Community Comments JS - Add a link to expand YouTube Community comment contents and replies
HDPI thumbnails on dashboard JS - Forces dashboard' game thumbnails to use HDPI versions of the images.
webmthing JS - LOOP T3H WEWEBEMS
Lastest Doc Redirector (python, django, ruby) JS - Redirect the version you googled to the latest doc versions.
Plonter Save Builds Plugin JS - Allows you to save & load builds on plonter
New Userscript JS - try to take over the world!
Deezy meetme JS - try to take over the world!
Return Github Light JS - Make Header Light
(Ov)Mhod's Macro JS - Fastest W-Feeding, , (G) Doublesplit Macro, (A) Max Split, and More to be Added! :heart:
Earth Empires Editor JS - Earth Empires Editor (EEE) adds several easy to use functions for EE.
arxiv titleAsPDFName JS - when download paper from, automate set the file name as the paper's title
github no header-dark JS - seamlessly remove .header-dark on github
springer download title as pdf file name JS - when download paper from, automate set the file name as the paper's title