Geoguessr unrounded map stats

Display the exact number of played games, locations count and likes for Geoguessr maps

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  1. // ==UserScript==
  2. // @name Geoguessr unrounded map stats
  3. // @version 0.2.2
  4. // @description Display the exact number of played games, locations count and likes for Geoguessr maps
  5. // @author victheturtle#5159
  6. // @license MIT
  7. // @match*
  8. // @grant none
  9. // @icon
  10. // @namespace
  11. // ==/UserScript==
  13. let lastURL = "";
  14. let mapData = {};
  15. let mapSearchData = {};
  17. function checkRoundedStat() {
  18. let q = document.querySelectorAll("div[class*='map-stats_mapStatMetricValue__']");
  19. if (q == undefined || q.length < 4) return false;
  20. if (q[1].innerText.includes("M") || q[1].innerText.includes("K")) return true
  21. if (q[2].innerText.includes("+")) return true
  22. if (q[3].innerText.includes("K")) return true
  23. return false;
  24. };
  26. function addDetailedPlayed() {
  27. let elt = document.querySelectorAll("div[class*='map-stats_mapStatMetricValue__']")[1];
  28. let value =;
  29. elt.innerText = value;
  30. for (let ms of [100,200,300,400,500]) {
  31. setTimeout(() => {elt.innerText = value;}, ms);
  32. }
  33. };
  35. function checkGamesPlayedStats() {
  36. if (mapData.props != null) {
  37. addDetailedPlayed();
  38. return;
  39. }
  40. fetch(location.href)
  41. .then(res => res.text())
  42. .then(str => {
  43. let parser = new DOMParser();
  44. let html = parser.parseFromString(str, "text/html");
  45. let dataHTML = html.getElementById("__NEXT_DATA__");
  46. mapData = JSON.parse(dataHTML.innerHTML);
  47. addDetailedPlayed();
  48. }).catch(err => {throw(err);});
  49. };
  51. function addDetailedLocCount() {
  52. let divs = document.querySelectorAll("div[class*='map-stats_mapStatMetricValue__']");
  53. let countElt = divs[2];
  54. let likesElt = divs[3];
  55. let countValue = mapSearchData.coordinateCount.toLocaleString();
  56. let likesValue = mapSearchData.likes.toLocaleString();
  57. countElt.innerText = countValue; likesElt.innerText = likesValue;
  58. for (let ms of [100,200,300,400,500]) {
  59. setTimeout(() => {countElt.innerText = countValue; likesElt.innerText = likesValue;}, ms);
  60. }
  61. };
  63. function checkOtherStats() {
  64. let mapId = location.href.split("/").pop()
  65. fetch(location.origin + "/api/v3/search/map?page=0&count=1&q=" + mapId)
  66. .then(res => res.json())
  67. .then(json => {
  68. if (json[0].id != mapId) return;
  69. mapSearchData = json[0];
  70. addDetailedLocCount();
  71. }).catch(err => {throw(err);});
  72. }
  74. function doCheck() {
  75. if (location.pathname.includes("/maps/") && location.pathname != lastURL && checkRoundedStat()) {
  76. checkGamesPlayedStats();
  77. checkOtherStats();
  78. } else if (location.pathname != lastURL) {
  79. mapData = {};
  80. mapSearchData = {};
  81. }
  82. location.pathname != lastURL;
  83. };
  85. function tryAddDetailedOnRefresh() {
  86. setTimeout(doCheck, 300);
  87. };
  89. function tryAddDetailed() {
  90. for (let timeout of [250,500,1200,2000]) {
  91. setTimeout(doCheck, timeout);
  92. }
  93. };
  95. document.addEventListener('click', tryAddDetailed, false);
  96. document.addEventListener('load', tryAddDetailedOnRefresh(), false);
  97. window.addEventListener('popstate', tryAddDetailed, false);