

As of 2021-06-13. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name          天翼云盘助手
// @description   天翼云盘跳过客户端直接下载文件,支持文件夹打包下载。
// @version       1.0.9
// @namespace     TyCloud_Tools
// @icon          https://z3.ax1x.com/2021/05/31/2m1BTA.png
// @author        邓小明
// @include       *//cloud.189.cn/t/*
// @include       *//cloud.189.cn/main.*
// @include       *//cloud.189.cn/photo.*
// @grant        unsafeWindow
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
	'use strict';

function init() {
	var append_html = `
	<style type="text/css">
	.btn-show-link{ background-color: #2b89ea; border-color:#0073E3; color: #fff; cursor: pointer; }
	#J_FileModal::after { content:""; width:100vw; height:100vh; background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0.65); position:fixed; z-index:1; top:0px; left:0px; backdrop-filter: blur(5px); }
	#J_FileModal .modal-dialog{ position:relative; z-index:2; }
	#J_FileModal .modal-dialog .modal-header .close{ cursor:pointer; }
	#J_FileModal .modal-body{ margin-top:15px; border-radius:3px; padding: 15px 10px; height: 360px; overflow-y:auto; }
	#J_FileModal .modal-body h2{ font-size:20px; line-height:2em; font-weight:bold; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis; }
	#J_FileModal .modal-body ul{ }
	#J_FileModal .modal-body li{ padding:0 5px; font-size:14px; line-height:40px; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap; text-overflow:ellipsis; border-bottom:1px dashed #efefef; }
	#J_FileModal .modal-body li:hover{ background-color: #f8f8f8; }
	#J_FileModal .modal-body a{ color:#2b89ea; display:inline-block; width:100%; }
	#J_FileModal .modal-body a i{ color:#666; font-size:12px; font-style:normal; }
	var url = unsafeWindow.location.href;
	if (url.indexOf('cloud.189.cn/main') > 0 || url.indexOf('cloud.189.cn/photo') > 0) {
		/* 个人云盘 */
		if ($('#J_Create').length) {
			$('#J_Create').after('<a class="btn btn-show-link">显示链接</a>');
			$('.btn-show-link').on('click', mainShowDownload);
		} else if ($('.JC_Refresh').length) {
			$('.JC_Refresh').after('<a class="btn btn-show-link">显示链接</a>');
			$('.btn-show-link').on('click', photoShowDownload);
		} else {}
	} else if (url.indexOf('cloud.189.cn/t') > 0) {
		/* 分享页 */
		$('.breadcrumb').append('<li style="margin-top:-5px; margin-left:20px; padding:5px 10px; background-color:#f75a54; color:#fff; border-radius:3px;">勾选文件显示下载链接</li>');
		if ('undefined' != typeof _shareId) {
			if ($('#J_SaveAs').length) {
				$('#J_SaveAs').after('<a class="btn btn-show-link">显示链接</a>');
				$('.btn-show-link').on('click', shareShowDownload);
			} else if ($('.JC_Refresh').length) {
				$('.JC_Refresh').after('<a class="btn btn-show-link">显示链接</a>');
			} else {}
		} else {
			/* 恢复单文件下载按钮 */
			for (var t = document.getElementsByTagName('a'), e = 0; e < t.length; e++) {
				'btn btn-download download-link disable' === t[e].getAttribute('class') && t[e].setAttribute('class', 'btn btn-download download-link');
	} else {}

function getSelectedFileList() {
	var mainView = null,
		fileList = [];
	if (unsafeWindow.fileId) {
		fileList = [{
			attributes: unsafeWindow
	} else if (unsafeWindow._shareId) {
		mainView = unsafeWindow.appRouter.mainView;
		if (mainView instanceof Object && mainView.fileList) {
			fileList = mainView.fileList;
			if (fileList.selected().length) {
				fileList = fileList.selected();
		//obj.processFileList(fileList, unsafeWindow._shareId);
	} else if (unsafeWindow.mainView) {
		mainView = unsafeWindow.mainView;
		if (mainView.fileListTabObj && mainView.fileListTabObj[mainView.options.fileId]) {
			fileList = mainView.fileListTabObj[mainView.options.fileId].fileList.selected();
		} else if (mainView.getSelectedModels) {
			fileList = mainView.getSelectedModels();
	var selectedFileList = [];
	fileList.forEach(function(item) {
		if (item.attributes.fileId > 0) {
	return selectedFileList;

function getMetadata() {
	var url = unsafeWindow.location.href;
	var match = url.match(/cloud\.189\.cn\/t\/([0-9a-z]+)/i);
	var shortCode = match ? match[1] : null;
	var result;
		type: 'get',
		url: '//cloud.189.cn/v2/listShareDirByShareIdAndFileId.action',
		data: {
			shortCode: shortCode,
			accessCode: getCookie('shareId_' + _shareId),
			verifyCode: _verifyCode,
			orderBy: 1,
			order: 'ASC',
			pageNum: 1,
			pageSize: 60
		dateType: 'json',
		async: false,
		success: function(data) {
			result = data;
		error: function() {}
	return result;

/* 文件夹打包下载链接 */
function buildFolderDownUrl(fileId) {
	var sessionKey = getCookie('validCodeTimestamp');
	var result = 'https://cloud.189.cn/downloadMultiFiles.action?sessionKey=' + sessionKey + '&fileIdS=' + fileId + '&downloadType=3&shareId=' + _shareId;
	return result;

/* 文件下载链接 */
function getFileDownUrl(fileId, subFileId) {
	var result = '';
	var s_url = unsafeWindow.location.href;
	var match = s_url.match(/cloud\.189\.cn\/t\/([0-9a-z]+)/i);
	var shortCode = match ? match[1] : null;
		type: 'get',
		url: '//cloud.189.cn/v2/getFileDownloadUrl.action',
		data: {
			shortCode: shortCode,
			fileId: subFileId,
			accessCode: getCookie('shareId_' + _shareId),
			subFileId: fileId,
			noCache: 1
		dateType: 'text',
		async: false,
		success: function(data) {
			result = data;
		error: function(data) {
	return result;

function shareShowDownload() {
	if(getCookie('COOKIE_LOGIN_USER') == ''){
		application.showNotify({type:'error', message:'登录后才能显示'});
		return false;
	var sels = getSelectedFileList();
	var html = '';
	var tmp = getMetadata();
	if (tmp.path) {
		html += '<h2>压缩包:</h2><ul>';
		html += '<li title="' + tmp.path[0].fileName + '_打包下载.zip"><a href="' + buildFolderDownUrl(tmp.path[0].fileId) + '&fileName=' + tmp.path[0].fileName + '_打包下载.zip">' + tmp.path[0].fileName + '_打包下载.zip</a></li>';
		html += '</ul>';
		html += '<h2>文件列表:</h2>';
	html += '<ul>';
	sels.forEach(function(item, index) {
		var file = item.attributes;
		if (file.isFolder) {
			var f_downloadUrl = buildFolderDownUrl(file.fileId) + '&fileName=' + (file.fileName ? file.fileName : file.fileId) + '_打包下载.zip';
			html += '<li title="' + file.fileName + '"><a href="' + f_downloadUrl + '">' + (file.fileName ? file.fileName : file.fileId) + '_打包下载</a></li>';
		} else {
			var s_downloadUrl = "https:" + getFileDownUrl(file.fileId, file.parentId) + '&fileName=' + file.fileName;
			html += '<li title="' + file.fileName + '"><a href="' + s_downloadUrl + '">' + (file.fileName ? file.fileName : file.fileId) + ' <i>' + file.fileSize + '</i></a></li>';
	html += '</ul>';
	$('#J_FileModal .modal-body').html(html);

function mainShowDownload() {
	if(unsafeWindow.edrive.userId == ''){
		application.showNotify({type:'error', message:'登录后才能显示'});
		return false;
	var file_id = (unsafeWindow.location.hash && unsafeWindow.location.hash != '#home' ? unsafeWindow.location.hash.replace('#home/folder/', '') : '-11');
	console.log('file_id', file_id);
	var file_list = JSON.parse(unsafeWindow.localStorage.getItem('home-' + file_id));
	if(file_list == null){
		application.showNotify({type:'error', message:'获取失败'});
		return false;
	var html = '<h2 title="' + file_list.path[file_list.path.length-1].fileName + '">' + file_list.path[file_list.path.length-1].fileName + '</h2>';
	html += '<ul>';
	file_list.data.forEach(function(item, index) {
		if (item.isFolder) {
			html += '<li title="点击进入文件夹:' + item.fileName + '"><a href="#home/folder/' + item.fileId + '" class="folder_btn">' + item.fileName + '</a></li>';
		} else {
			html += '<li title="点击下载文件:' + item.fileName + '"><a href="' + item.downloadUrl + '" target="_blank">' + item.fileName + '</a></li>';
	html += '</ul>';
	$('#J_FileModal .modal-body').html(html);
	$('#J_FileModal .modal-body .folder_btn').off('click').on('click', function(e){
		application.showNotify({type:'error', message:'请进入文件夹后再获取'});
		setTimeout('window.location.hash = "' + $(this).attr('href') + '"', 1000);

function photoShowDownload() {
	application.showNotify({type:'error', message:'功能待完善'});

function showDownloadDialog() {
	var template = '<div id="J_FileModal" class="treeBox-modal modal in" style="display:block">';
	template += '<div class="modal-dialog"><div class="modal-header"><a class="close">×</a><h3>文件下载</h3></div>';
	template += '<h3>点击蓝色的链接或右键另存为即可下载,文件夹打包下载必须点击跳转进行下载</h3>';
	template += '<div class="modal-body"></div></div></div>';
	if ($('#J_FileModal').length == 0) {
		$('#J_FileModal .close').on('click', function(e) {

function addLoadEvent(func) {
	var old_onload = unsafeWindow.onload;
	if (typeof unsafeWindow.onload != 'function') {
		unsafeWindow.onload = func;
	} else {

function getCookie(name) {
	var strcookie = document.cookie;
	var arrcookie = strcookie.split('; ');
	for (var i = 0; i < arrcookie.length; i++) {
		var arr = arrcookie[i].split('=');
		if (arr[0] == name) {
			return arr[1];
	return '';