Invisible Weapon (CrossBow) ZOMBS.IO!

Press [-] for this invisible weapon! It is called crossbow and it is found in the game files

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Invisible Weapon (CrossBow) ZOMBS.IO!
// @namespace    -
// @version      1
// @description  Press [-] for this invisible weapon! It is called crossbow and it is found in the game files
// @author       Nathaniel_Scripts11
// @match        *://*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==
addEventListener('keydown', function(e){ // when key is pressed
    if(e.key == "-"){ // If the key being held down is '-'{ name: "BuyItem", itemName: "Crossbow", tier: 1}); // Buys item{ name: "EquipItem", itemName: "Crossbow", tier: 1}); // Holds item{ name: "SendChatMessage", channel: "Local", message: "Invisible Weapon by Eh / Nathaniel_Scripts11!" }) // sends a chat message
console.log('invisable') // debuggin stuff
}) // :D