

// ==UserScript==
// @name			众里寻她千百度
// @version			5.40
// @author			风风轮舞
// @namespace		https://space.bilibili.com/379335206
// @match			https://www.baidu.com/
// @match			https://www.baidu.com/?bs_nt=1
// @match			https://www.baidu.com/?tn=*
// @description		百度首页深度美化
// @supportURL		https://jq.qq.com/?_wv=1027&k=IMqY916N
// @icon			https://loktindyi.lacus.site/img/Tri.8f789b4f.png
// @run-at			document-idle
// @grant			GM_addStyle
// @grant			GM_setValue
// @grant			GM_getValue
// @grant			GM_deleteValue
// @grant			GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant			GM_registerMenuCommand
// @note			5.36 抛弃jQuery
// @note			5.40 归来 适配 优化
// ==/UserScript==

function tri_ready(fn) {
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tri_ready(() => {
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	const TRI_UPDATE_NOTICE = [`<strong>右边缘双击</strong>可打开配置`, 8];
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	const SEASON_LOGO = [
	const API = [
	const her = {
		engageSet: true,
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		replaceLogo: 0,					//logo
		season: 3,						//季节
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		tipDeLogo: "",					//logo提示语
		targetDeLogo: false,			//跳转方式
		logoLinksTo: "",				//链接到
		thmColor: [						//fc fo
	const lingvo = {
		set: "配置",
		update: "用户配置升级完成",
		say: "world.say\n\t",
		welcome: "众里寻她千百度:\n\t欢迎来到这个星球。",
		save: "记忆装填中...",
		vzin: "维新开始工作。",
		bing: "壁纸与微软必应同步:\n\t",
		night: "昼夜更替已切换至夜间。",
		endlessNight: "夜间模式保持开启。",
		watchNight: "昼夜更替正在等待夜间降临:19:00-7:00",
		season: "logo同步哔哩哔哩四季:\n\t",
		bili: "logo与哔哩哔哩同步:\n\t",
		custome: "自定义logo:\n\t"
	const you = "USER_CONFIG", me = "ct";
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					或者 <input id="bgimg" style="width:70%" type="text" class="fs-ipt" placeholder="https...xxx.png/jpg" oninput="document.getElementById('sbgimg').innerText=this.value==''?'':'background-image: url('+this.value+')'" autocomplete="off">
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						<option value="-2" style="color:#000a">隐藏式</option>
						<option value="-1">移除</option>
						<option value="1" style="color:#9ECE60">哔哩哔哩四季</option>
						<option value="233" style="color:#fa7298">与哔哩哔哩同步</option>
						<option value="666" id="op666">自定义</option>
					<input id="cuslgurl" type="text" class="fs-ipt cus-lg" style="display:none" placeholder="https...xxx.png" autocomplete="off">
				并在鼠标停留logo上时提示 <input id="lgtip" type="text" class="fs-ipt" style="width:30%" placeholder="哔哩哔哩">
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					<label title="新标签页">
						<input id="lgtar" type="radio" name="target_de_logo"> 新标签页
				打开这个页面 <input id="lglinksto" type="text" class="fs-ipt" style="width:50%" placeholder="https://www.bilibili.com" autocomplete="off">
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		night: `
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		rise: GM_setValue,
		take: GM_getValue,
		execute: GM_deleteValue,
		require: GM_xmlhttpRequest,
		set: GM_registerMenuCommand,
		wait: (t, f) => {
			setTimeout(f, t * 1000)
		repeat: {
			engage: (t, f) => {
				return setInterval(f, t * 1000)
			execute: (f) => {
		log: (l) => {
			console.log(`%c TriLingvo %c\n ${l}`, 'color:#fff;background-color:#fa7298;border-radius:8px', '');
		say: (msg, t) => {
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			if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.say + msg);
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				m.className += " fadeout";
				world.wait(1, () => {
		show: () => {
			$('#tri-fds').className = $('#tri-fds').className != 'in' ? 'in' : 'out';
		update: () => {
			// world.say(TRI_UPDATE_NOTICE[0], TRI_UPDATE_NOTICE[1]);
			if (TRI_UPDATE_NOTICE[0] != yourData.triSay) {
				yourData.triSay = TRI_UPDATE_NOTICE[0]
			Object.keys(her).forEach(part => {
				if (typeof yourData[part] == "undefined") yourData[part] = her[part]

			world.rise(you, yourData);
			if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.update)
		savl: (s) => {
			let e = {
				search: $('#vsearch'),
				btn: $('#vbtn'),
				vzin: $('#vzin'),
				vset: $('#vset'),
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				topleft: $('#topleft'),
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				ipos: $('#ipos'),
				ipfz: $('#ipfz'),
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				bgimgbing: $('#bgimg-bing'),
				bgimgnight: $('#bgimg-night'),
				bgendlessnight: $('#bg-endless-night'),
				logo: $('#vlogo'),
				cuslgurl: $('#cuslgurl'),
				lgtip: $('#lgtip'),
				lgtar: $('#lgtar'),
				lglinksto: $('#lglinksto'),
				thmcolor: [$('.thmcolor')[0], $('.thmcolor')[1]]
				//Ne triSay
			if (s) {	// load
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				e.bgendlessnight.checked = s.backgroundEndlessNight;
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				e.cuslgurl.value = s.cusLogoUrl;
				e.lgtip.value = s.tipDeLogo;
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				[e.thmcolor[0].value, e.thmcolor[1].value] = s.thmColor;
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					pageBackgroundImgNight: e.bgimgnight.checked,
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					replaceLogo: Number(e.logo.value),
					season: yourData.season,
					cusLogoUrl: e.cuslgurl.value,
					tipDeLogo: e.lgtip.value,
					targetDeLogo: e.lgtar.checked,
					logoLinksTo: e.lglinksto.value,
					thmColor: e.thmcolor.map(el => el.value)
		watch: (e, a, f) => {
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		cover: () => {
			if (yourData.drawIptStyle) world.draw('#head_wrapper #form .bdsug-new li,#head_wrapper #form .bdsug-new li b {color: #222 !important}');
			if (yourData.vzin) world.log(yourData.backgroundEndlessNight ? lingvo.endlessNight : lingvo.night)
	let ct = document.createElement('div');
	ct.innerHTML = TRI_HTML;
	let yourData = world.take(you, her);
	if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.vzin);
	let timeHour = new Date().getHours(), nightArea = [19, 7];
	let engageNightCover = Boolean(yourData.pageBackgroundImgNight && (timeHour >= nightArea[0] || timeHour <= nightArea[1]))
	let pageBackgroundImg = engageNightCover || yourData.pageBackgroundImgBing || !yourData.pageBackgroundImg.length ? '' : 'background-image: url(' + yourData.pageBackgroundImg + ')';
	if (yourData.pageTiltle.length) document.title = yourData.pageTiltle;
	if (engageNightCover || yourData.backgroundEndlessNight) {
	} else {
		if (yourData.pageBackgroundImgBing) {
				method: "GET",
				url: API[2],
				onload: (b) => {
					let c = JSON.parse(b.responseText).images[0]
					let bing = 'https://www.bing.com' + c.url;
					world.draw(`body{background-image:url( ${bing} )}`);
					if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.bing + c.copyright + '\n\t' + bing)
		if (yourData.pageBackgroundImgNight) {
			if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.watchNight)
			let night = world.repeat.engage(10, () => {
				timeHour = new Date().getHours();
				if (timeHour >= nightArea[0] || timeHour <= nightArea[1]) {
	yourData.drawIptStyle ? world.draw(TRI_CSS_TEXT.sei) : world.draw(TRI_CSS_TEXT.seu);
	yourData.hideSearchBtn ? world.draw(`#head_wrapper .s_btn_wr {display: none}`) : world.draw(`#head_wrapper .s_form{width:667px}#head_wrapper .s_btn_wr,#head_wrapper .s_btn {opacity: 1}`);
	if (yourData.topLeft) world.draw(`#s-top-left{display: none}`);
	if (yourData.userList) {
		world.draw(`.s-top-right{display: none}`)
	// else {world.draw(`.s-top-right .s-top-login-btn{display: none}`)}
	if (yourData.hotNews) world.draw(`.s-hotsearch-wrapper,#m,#s_wrap {display: none}`);
	let ipa = 0
	let a = world.repeat.engage(0.01, () => {
		document.body.style.opacity = ipa.toString()
		if (parseInt(ipa) == 1) {
		ipa += 0.02

	let lgs = yourData.replaceLogo;
	if (lgs) {
		let elogo = $("#s_lg_img");
		switch (lgs) {
			case -3:
				elogo.src = IMAGES[1];
			case -2:
				elogo.style.opacity = "0";
			case -1:
				elogo.style.display = "none"; //移除
			case 1:
			case 233:
				elogo.src = SEASON_LOGO[yourData.season];
					method: "GET",
					url: API[0],
					onload: (r) => {
						let bili = JSON.parse(r.responseText).data.litpic.replace("http:", "https:");
						if (SEASON_LOGO.includes(bili)) {
							yourData.season = SEASON_LOGO.indexOf(bili);
							world.rise(you, yourData);
						if (lgs === 1) {
							elogo.src = SEASON_LOGO[yourData.season];
							if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.season + SEASON_LOGO[yourData.season]);
						} else {
							elogo.src = bili;
							if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.bili + bili);
			case 666:
				if (yourData.cusLogoUrl.length) elogo.src = yourData.cusLogoUrl;
				if (yourData.vzin) world.log(lingvo.custome + (yourData.cusLogoUrl.length ? yourData.cusLogoUrl : "地址为空"))
	if (~lgs) {	//-1 移除 无需替换
		let mp = $("area")[0];
		if (yourData.logoLinksTo.length) mp.href = yourData.logoLinksTo;
		mp.target = yourData.targetDeLogo ? "_blank" : "_self";
		if (yourData.tipDeLogo.length) mp.title = yourData.tipDeLogo
	try {
		$('#tri-ell').innerHTML = `
			body {<span id="sbgimg"> ${pageBackgroundImg} </span>}
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				--thm-fo: ${yourData.thmColor[1]}
		world.watch($('#ipfz'), 'input', () => {
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			if (kw.value.match(/^(字体大小\d+px)?$/)) kw.value = `字体大小${ip}px`;
			$('#iptfz').innerText = ip
		world.watch($('#ipfz'), 'focusout', () => {
			if ($('#kw').value.match(/^字体大小\d+px$/)) $('#kw').value = ""
		world.watch($('.save-btn')[0], 'click', () => {
			world.say(lingvo.save, 0.8);
			world.rise(you, world.savl(0));
			world.wait(1.2, () => {
		world.watch($('.tri-dis')[0], 'dblclick', world.show);
		$('#kw').autofocus = true;
	} catch (e) {
	if (yourData.engageSet) world.set(lingvo.set, () => {
		world.draw('.tri-dis {animation: appear 1s 8}');
		world.say('双击右边缘提示区域可打开或关闭配置', 2)
	if (yourData.vzin) {