TM Routine Line Sharing

Display players routine in tactics page

// ==UserScript==
// @name             TM Routine Line Sharing
// @namespace
// @version
// @description      Display players routine in tactics page
// @author           Matteo Tomassetti (Polverigi FC)
// @copyright        © 2017 Matteo Tomassetti. All rights reserved.
// @iconURL
// @supportURL
// @contributionURL
// @include*tactics/*
// @run-at           document-idle
// @grant            none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    // ****************************
    // *** Constants definition ***
    // ****************************
    var share_bonus = 0.25;
    var routine_cap = 40.0;
    var def_line_idx = [0, 6];   // Defensive positions are 0 to 5
    var mid_line_idx = [6, 16];  // Midfield positions are 6 to 15
    var off_line_idx = [16, 24]; // Offensive positions are 16 to 23

    // ************************
    // *** Script main code ***
    // ************************
    var players_on_field = {};

    // ****************************
    // *** Functions definition ***
    // ****************************

	function initialize() {
		if(players.length > 0) {
		} else {
			setTimeout(function() {initialize();}, 100);						
	* This function updates and displays routine values of all players
	function updateAndDisplay() {
	* This function displays routine value of each player in formation
    function displayPlayersRoutine() {
		// show routine of players on field
		$("div.field_player").each(function(index, el) {
			// fix gk flag issue
			if ($(el).attr("position") === "gk") {
				var hasFlag = $(el).find("ib").length;
				var width = (hasFlag ? "130px" : "60px");
				var text_align = (hasFlag ? "left" : "center");
					"width": width,
					"text-align": text_align    
			if ($(el).attr("player_set") === "false") {
			} else {           
				var id = $(el).attr("player_id");
				var no = players_on_field[id]["no"];
				var routine = players_on_field[id]["routine"]; 
				var rou_div = $(el).find("div.field_player_routine");
				if (rou_div.length) {
					// div already exists
				} else {
					// create new div to display routine value
					$(this).append('<div class="field_player_routine">' + routine + '</div>');   
		// show routine of players on bench
		$("li.bench_player").each(function(index, el) {
			var id = $(el).attr("player_id");
			var routine = players_by_id[id]["routine"];
			var rou_div = $(el).find("div.bench_player_routine");
			if (rou_div.length) {
				// div already exists
			} else {
				// create new div to display routine value
				var rec_div = $(el).find("div.rec_stars").css("line-height", "14px");
					"font-size": "10px",
					"text-align": "center"    

	* This function updates the routine of all players on the field 
	* applying the routine bonus
    function updatePlayersRoutine() {

	* This function applies the routine bonus to the player with least routine 
	* in the given line and saves the updated routine value  
    function updateLineRoutine(line_idx) {
        var players_ar = [];
        // for each position in the line
        for (var i = line_idx[0]; i < line_idx[1]; i++) {      
            var id = formation_by_pos[i];
            // check if there is a player in that position
            if (id !== "0" && id !== null) {
                // retrieve player info
                var player = players_by_id[id];
                var name = player["name"];
                var no = player["no"];
                var routine = parseFloat(player["routine"]);           
                // create new player object and add it to the array
                var p = {"id": id, "no": no, "routine": routine};
        var line_size = players_ar.length; // players in the line
        // if line consist of two or more players: apply routine bonus
        if (line_size > 1) {
			// sort players array by routine in ascending order
			var min = players_ar[0]["routine"];
			if (min < routine_cap) {
				var max = players_ar[line_size - 1]["routine"];            
				var min2 = players_ar[1]["routine"];
				// calculate new routine value applying routine bonus
				var bonus = max * share_bonus;
				var new_routine = min + bonus;
				new_routine = (new_routine < min2 ? new_routine : min2);
				new_routine = (new_routine < routine_cap ? new_routine : routine_cap);
				new_routine = parseFloat(new_routine.toFixed(1));
				// update player routine
				players_ar[0]["routine"] = new_routine;
		// insert players into players_on_field object by id
		for (i = 0; i < players_ar.length; i++) {
			var player = players_ar[i];
			var id = player["id"];
			var no = player["no"];
			var routine = player["routine"];
			players_on_field[id] = {"no": no, "routine": routine};

	* Compare function to sort objects by their routine property in ascending order
    function compareByRoutineAsc(a, b) {
		var rou_a = parseFloat(a.routine);
		var rou_b = parseFloat(b.routine);
        return (rou_a - rou_b);

	* Compare function to sort objects by their routine property in descending order
    function compareByRoutineDesc(a, b) {
        return (b.routine - a.routine);
	* This function sorts players array by given key and order
	* and then updates tactics table
	var sortPlayers = function(key, direction) {
	    // key = no / pos / name / rec / rou
		// direction = asc, desc
		key = key || "pos";
		direction = direction || "asc";
		if (key === "rou") {
			var comp_fun = (direction === "asc" ? compareByRoutineAsc : compareByRoutineDesc);
		} else {
			players = mergeSort(players, key+"_sort", direction);
	* This function adds routine column to tactics table
	function addRoutineToTacticsTable() {
		var name_col = $("#tactics_list_headers").find(".name_col.list_column").width("170px");
		var rou_col = $("<div class=\"rou_col list_column\" tooltip=\"Ordina per Routine\"" + 
						"onclick=\"tactics_sort('pos')\"; style=\"width: 34px;\">" + 
						"<div class=\"padding\" style=\"background: none;\">Rou</div></div>");
	function addClickListeners() {
		// Attach click event handler function to the tactics table headers:
		// when the user clicks on the field, players in the table are sorted
		$("#tactics_list_headers").find(".list_column").each(function(index, el) {
			var key = $(el).attr("class").split(" ")[0].split("_")[0];
			if (key !== "col") { // do not consider empty col
				$(el).attr("order", "desc");
				//$(el).prop("onclick", null);
				$(el).click(function() {
					var order = $(el).attr("order");
					var new_order = (order === "asc" ? "desc" : "asc");
					sortPlayers(key, order);
					$(el).attr("order", new_order);

		// Attach click event handler function to the tactics field:
		// when the user clicks on the field, routine values are updated
		$("#tactics_field").click(function() {
	* This function populates tactics table with players data
	function listPlayers() {
		var $list = $("#tactics_list_list");
		var $ul = $("<ul>").addClass("tactics_list");
		var gk_header = false;
		for(var i in players)
			var p = players[i];
				p["on_field"] = on_field[p["player_id"]] || on_subs[p["player_id"]];
					var str = "<div class=\"list_column no_col align_center\">"+p["no"]+"</div>" +
					"<div class=\"vert_split\"></div>" +
					"<div class=\"list_column pos_col align_center\">"+p["favorite_position_short"]+"</div>" +
					"<div class=\"vert_split\"></div>" +
					"<div class=\"list_column name_col\" style=\"width: 170px\"><div class=\"padding\">"+ 
						"<span class='player_name' player_link='"+p["player_id"]+"' player_id='"+p["player_id"]+"'>"+p["name"]+"</span>"+
						(p["show_flag"] ? " "+p["flag"] : "" )+(p["status_no_check"] === "" ? "" : " "+p["status_no_count"] )+"</div></div>" +
					"<div class=\"vert_split\"></div>" +
					"<div class=\"list_column rou_col align_center\" style=\"width: 34px\">"+p["routine"]+"</div>" +
					"<div class=\"vert_split\"></div>" +
					"<div class=\"list_column rec_col\"><div class=\"padding\">"+p["recommendation"]+"</div></div>" +
					"<div class=\"clear\"></div>";
					var $li = $("<li>")
					if(on_field[p["player_id"]]) {
					else if(on_subs[p["player_id"]]){
					else if(show_field_players_in_list) $li.addClass("subtle_gray");

					// Player link on CTRL+CLICK
						{"/players/"+$(this).attr("player_id")+"/"+$(this).html().replace(" ","_").replace(". ","_")+"/");
		} // i in players
			"force_scroll": true,
