
Cleans up KissAnime pages. Tested to work with Firefox and Greasemonkey.

// ==UserScript==
// @name            KissCleaner
// @namespace
// @description     Cleans up KissAnime pages. Tested to work with Firefox and Greasemonkey.
// @author          Juici, crapier
// @version         1.5.2
// @license
// @icon  
// @homepage
// @contactURL
// @supportURL
// @contributionURL
// @include         /^https?:\/\/kiss(?:anime\.(?:to|ru|ac)|cartoon\.(?:me|se|ac)|asian\.(?:com|se))(?:\/.*|)/
// @grant           unsafeWindow
// @grant           GM_addStyle
// @grant           GM_getValue
// @grant           GM_setValue
// @grant           GM_registerMenuCommand
// @grant           GM_getResourceText
// @resource        settings
// @resource        css
// @resource        resizeVideo
// @run-at          document-start
// @noframes
// ==/UserScript==

// current page url
const url = window.location.href;
// regex to check against for determining what type page currently on and what to clean
const rHome = /https?:\/\/(kiss(?:anime\.(?:to|ru|ac)|cartoon\.(?:me|se|ac)|asian\.(?:com|se)))\/$/;
const rAnimeList = /https?:\/\/(kiss(?:anime\.(?:to|ru|ac)|cartoon\.(?:me|se|ac)|asian\.(?:com|se)))\/(AnimeList|Genre|Status|Search|UpcomingAnime|CartoonList|DramaList|Country)/;
const rAnimePage = /https?:\/\/(kiss(?:anime\.(?:to|ru|ac)|cartoon\.(?:me|se|ac)|asian\.(?:com|se)))\/(Anime|Cartoon|Drama)\/[^/]*$/;
const rVideoPage = /https?:\/\/(kiss(?:anime\.(?:to|ru|ac)|cartoon\.(?:me|se|ac)|asian\.(?:com|se)))\/(Anime|Cartoon|Drama)\/[^/]*\/[^/]*(?:\?id=\d*)?/;

// player type constants
const PLAYER = {
  FLASH: 'flash',
  HTML5: 'html5'

// site type
const SITE = {
  ANIME: false,
  CARTOON: false,
  ASIAN: false
const kissSite = /:\/\/kiss([^.]+)\./.exec(window.location.href)[1].toUpperCase();
SITE[kissSite] = true;

// settings
const settings = {
  // auto pause on video load
  autoPause: GM_getValue('autoPause', false),
  // auto advance to next video on playback end
  autoAdvance: GM_getValue('autoAdvance', true),
  // auto scroll to video area
  autoScroll: GM_getValue('autoScroll', true),

  // resize the video
  resizeVideo: GM_getValue('resizeVideo', true),

  // remove login
  removeLogin: GM_getValue('removeLogin', true),
  // remove comments area
  removeComments: GM_getValue('removeComments', true),

  // video player
  player: GM_getValue('player', PLAYER.HTML5),
  // video quality
  quality: GM_getValue('quality', '1080'),
  // video volume
  volume: GM_getValue('volume', 100)

const _ = {
  // document query returning array
  queryAll: function (...selector) {
    return Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(selector instanceof Array ? selector.join(',') : selector));
  // remove element matching css selector (first or index)
  removeAd: function (selector, index) {
    const ads = _.queryAll(selector);

    // make sure index is within bounds
    index = index || 0;
    if (index < 0 || index > ads.length - 1) {
      index = 0;

  // remove all elements matching css selectors
  removeAds: function (...selectors) {
    const ads = _.queryAll(selectors);
    ads.forEach(elt => elt.remove());
  // clean up the empty space left by ad removal
  cleanupAdspace: function () {
    // get the ads frame
    const adspace = document.getElementById('adsIfrme1');
    if (adspace) {
      // check and remove the clear before the adspace
      const clearBefore = adspace.parentElement.previousElementSibling;
      if (clearBefore && clearBefore.matches('.clear')) {
      // check and remove the clear a bit after the adspace
      const clearAfter = adspace.parentElement.nextElementSibling && adspace.parentElement.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling &&
        adspace.parentElement.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling ? adspace.parentElement.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling.nextElementSibling : null;
      if (clearAfter && clearAfter.matches('.clear')) {
      // remove the adspace's parent (and thus it)
  // remove or hide stubborn ads
  hideAds: function () {
    let count = 0;
    const adremover = setInterval(() => {

      // remove extra elements after #containerRoot in body
      const rootAds = _.queryAll('#containerRoot ~ *');
      rootAds.forEach(elt => elt.remove());

      // hide elements after #container in #containerRoot
      const containerAds = _.queryAll('#container ~ *:not(#kisscleaner-settings-container)');
      containerAds.forEach(elt => _.hideElement(elt, true));

      // hide elements in the #rightside that aren't content
      const rightsideAds = _.queryAll('#rightside > div:not(.rightBox):not(.clear):not(.clear2)');
      rightsideAds.forEach(elt => _.hideElement(elt, true));

      if (count === 50) {
    }, 100);
  // inject javascript into page
  injectScript: function (js) {
    // create script to inject
    const script = document.createElement('script');
    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.innerHTML = (typeof js === 'function' ? `(${js.toString()})();` : js);
    // inject the script
  // hide an element, soft param doesn't use 'display: none;' instead 'visibility: hidden; height: 0; width: 0;'
  hideElement: function (element, soft) {
    if (soft === true) {'visibility', 'hidden', 'important');'height', '0', 'important');'width', '0', 'important');
    } else {'display', 'none', 'important');
  // navigate to previous video
  previousVideo: function () {
    const btnPrevious = document.getElementById('btnPrevious');
    if (btnPrevious) {
      window.location.href = btnPrevious.parentElement.href;
  // navigate to next video
  nextVideo: function () {
    const btnNext = document.getElementById('btnNext');
    if (btnNext) {
      window.location.href = btnNext.parentElement.href;
  // check if should advance to next video
  checkAutoAdvance: function (evt) {
    settings.autoAdvance && _.nextVideo();

// add custom css

const clean = function () {
  // pre init checks
  if (document.querySelector('.cf-browser-verification')) {
    // cloudflare browser verification
    console.log('Waiting for CloudFlare browser verification.');
  } else if (!document.getElementById('containerRoot')) {
    // some error with page
    console.log('Something went wrong loading page. Reloading to fix it...');
    setTimeout(() => {
      window.location.href = window.location.href;
    }, 500);

  console.log('Initializing KissCleaner...');

  // Clean Home page
  if (rHome.test(url)) {
    console.log('Cleaning home page...');

    // remove sections from the right side of the page
    const rightsideSearch = [/remove ads/i, /like me please/i];
    const rightside = document.getElementById('rightside');
    if (rightside) {
      for (let i = rightside.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        const child = rightside.children[i];
        // if child has children
        if (child.children.length > 0) {
          // check search patterns
          let remove = false;
          for (const pattern of rightsideSearch) {
            if (child.children[0] > 0) {
              remove = true;

          // remove because a pattern matched and remove following .clear2 (if exists)
          if (remove) {
            const clear2 = child.nextElementSibling;
            if (clear2 && clear2.matches('.clear2')) {

    // remove register link in nav sub bar
    const navsub = document.querySelector('#navsubbar > p');
    if (navsub) {

    // remove ads
    _.removeAds('#divFloatLeft', '#divFloatRight', '#divAds2', '#divAds', '#adsIfrme1');

    // remove or hide stubborn ads

    console.log('Finished cleaning home page.');

  // Clean Anime List Pages
  if (rAnimeList.test(url)) {
    console.log('Cleaning anime list page...');

    // remove large spaces left by empty adspace

    // remove ads
    _.removeAds('#divFloatLeft', '#divFloatRight', '#adsIfrme2');

    // remove or hide stubborn ads

    console.log('Finished cleaning anime list page.');

  // Clean Episode List Pages
  if (rAnimePage.test(url)) {
    console.log('Cleaning episode list page...');

    // remove large spaces left by empty adspace

    // remove ads
    // remove bookmarks
    _.removeAds('#divFloatLeft', '#divFloatRight', '#divAds', '#spanBookmark');

    // remove fluff from episode list pages
    const eplist = document.querySelector('div.barContent.episodeList > div:not(.arrow-general)');
    if (eplist) {
      let countdown = document.querySelector('#nextEpisodeCountDown');
      if (countdown) {
        countdown = countdown.parentElement.parentElement;

        // remove clear before listing
        const clear = countdown.nextElementSibling;
        if (clear && clear.matches('.clear')) {

      // loop remove element if not listing or element containing counting
      let child;
      while (eplist.children.length > 0 && !((child = eplist.children[0]).matches('.listing') || (typeof countdown !== 'undefined' && countdown !== null && child === countdown))) {

    // remove comments (different child location for kissasian)
    settings.removeComments && _.removeAd('div.bigBarContainer', SITE.ASIAN ? 3 : 2);

    // remove or hide stubborn ads

    console.log('Finished cleaning episode list page.');

  // Clean Video Page
  if (rVideoPage.test(url)) {
    console.log('Cleaning video page...');

    // override functions so they wont be do anything when called by the pages code
      isBlockAds2 = false;
      DoDetect2 = function () {};
      CheckAdImage = function () {};
      xaZlE = function () {};
    // doesn't appear to be randomly generated function name (leaving this here for now)
    // get around new anti-adblock on
    //const aab = document.querySelector('#container ~ iframe[src="/ucs.aspx"] ~ script');
    //if (aab) {
    //  const aabFn = aab.textContent.replace(/.*function (.*?)\(\).*/, '$1').trim();
    //  _.injectScript(`
    //    ${aabFn} = function () {};
    //  `);
    console.log('Overridden anti-adblock detects.');

    // remove ad spaces
    // remove lights off feature (pointless with ads removed)
    _.removeAds('#divFloatLeft', '#divFloatRight', '#adsIfrme6', '#adsIfrme7', '#adsIfrme8', '#adsIfrme10', '#adsIfrme11', '#adCheck1', '#adCheck2', '#adCheck3', '#divDownload', '#divFileName', '#switch', '#divTextQua', '#videoAd');
    _.queryAll(`iframe[src*="${window.location.hostname}/Ads"]:not(#videoAd)`).forEach(e => e.parentElement.remove());

    // hide ads

    // remove empty spaces from video pages
    // remove clears
    const vid = document.getElementById('centerDivVideo');
    const vidParent = vid.parentElement;
    for (let i = 0; i < vidParent.children.length; i++) {
      if (vidParent.children[i].matches('.clear, .clear2')) {

    // remove comments area
    if (settings.removeComments) {
      // get the comment section on the video pages
      let comments = document.getElementById('btnShowComments');
      comments = (comments ? comments.parentElement : document.getElementById('divComments'));
      // remove comments and elements just prior
      if (comments) {
        let temp;
        while ((temp = comments.previousElementSibling) && !temp.matches('iframe, script')) {
        while ((temp = comments.nextElementSibling) && !temp.matches('iframe, script')) {

    if (settings.resizeVideo) {

    // hide on page video controls
    const selectPlayer = document.getElementById('selectPlayer');
    if (selectPlayer) {

    // remove info above video
    const profileLink = document.querySelector('#adsIfrme a[href="/Profile"]');
    if (profileLink) {

    // set player type
    let useFlash = (settings.player === PLAYER.FLASH);
    let youtubeFlash = false;

    // set player cookie and reload with correct player
    if (useFlash && document.cookie.indexOf('usingFlashV1') < 0) {
      document.cookie = 'usingFlashV1=true;path=/';
      document.cookie = 'usingHTML5V1=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;path=/';
      window.location.href = window.location.href;
    } else if (document.cookie.indexOf('usingHTML5V1') < 0) {
      document.cookie = 'usingFlashV1=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;path=/';
      document.cookie = 'usingHTML5V1=true;path=/';
      window.location.href = window.location.href;

    const _jw = (typeof unsafeWindow.jwplayer === 'undefined' || unsafeWindow.jwplayer === null), _mp = (typeof unsafeWindow.myPlayer === 'undefined' || unsafeWindow.myPlayer === null);
    if ((useFlash && _jw) || (!useFlash && _mp)) {
      useFlash = !useFlash;
      youtubeFlash = _jw && _mp;

    // start per player settings
    // flash player
    if (useFlash) {
      console.log('Using Flash player.');

      if (youtubeFlash) {
        console.log('Using YouTube player.');

        // functions to inject on page for flash video control
        // fires when youtube player is ready
        const ytHook = (playerId) => {
          console.log('Youtube player hooked.');

          const video = window.embedVideo;

          settings.autoPause && video.pauseVideo();
          video.addEventListener('onStateChange', _.checkAutoAdvance);

          // translate option into youtube quality strings values
          const ytQuality = (function (quality) {
            switch (quality) {
            case '360': return 'medium';
            case '480': return 'large';
            case '720': return 'hd720';
            default: return 'hd1080';

          // set quality
          // set volume

          // focus on the video (so pressing f will fullscreen)
          setTimeout(() => { video.focus(); }, 0);

          // force position to be absolute (compatibility with 'Turn Off the Lights')
          setTimeout(() => { === 'relative' &&'position'); }, 100);
        // inject function into page
        unsafeWindow.onYouTubePlayerReady = exportFunction(ytHook, unsafeWindow);
      } else {
        console.log('Using jwplayer.');
        // functions to inject on page for flash video control
        // fires when youtube player is ready
        const jwHook = () => {
          // wait till video is loaded into player
          window.jwplayer().onReady(() => {
            console.log('jwplayer hooked.');
            // change the quality to desired flash option
            const qualityLevels = window.jwplayer().getQualityLevels();
            const desiredQuality = parseInt(settings.quality, 10);
            let qualitySet = false;

            // try to find exact quality level
            for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) {
              if (desiredQuality === parseInt(qualityLevels[i].label, 10)) {
                qualitySet = true;

            // try to find best level alternate
            if (!qualitySet) {
              // check if desired level is lower than all available
              if (desiredQuality < parseInt(qualityLevels[0].label, 10)) {
              // check if desired level is higher than all available
              else if (desiredQuality > parseInt(qualityLevels[qualityLevels.length - 1].label, 10)) {
                window.jwplayer().setCurrentQuality(qualityLevels.length - 1);
              // else find level that is next smallest
              else {
                for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) {
                  if (desiredQuality < parseInt(qualityLevels[i].label, 10)) {
                    window.jwplayer().setCurrentQuality(i - 1);

            // pause the video if option is enabled
            settings.autoPause && window.jwplayer().pause();

            // setup callback for end of video checks
        // inject function into page
        unsafeWindow.jwHook = exportFunction(jwHook, unsafeWindow);
        // call injected function, hopefully after jwplayer has been setup
        setTimeout(() => { unsafeWindow.jwHook(); }, 500);

    // html5 player
    else {
      console.log('Using HTML5 player.');

      // move quality select below player
      const selectQuality = document.getElementById('selectQuality') || document.getElementById('slcQualix');
      const videoArea = document.getElementById('centerDivVideo');
      if (selectQuality && videoArea) {
        const parent = selectQuality.parentElement;
        videoArea.parentElement.appendChild(document.createElement('div'), videoArea.nextSibling);
        videoArea.parentElement.appendChild(selectQuality, videoArea.nextSibling);

      // functions to inject on page for html5 video control
      const html5Hook = () => {
        console.log('HTML5 player hooked.');
        // change the quality to desired flash option
        const qualityLevels = document.getElementById('selectQuality') || document.getElementById('slcQualix');
        const desiredQuality = parseInt(settings.quality, 10);
        let qualitySet = false;
        const setQuality = (index) => {
          qualityLevels.selectedIndex = index;
          qualityLevels.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));
        // try to find exact quality level
        for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) {
          if (desiredQuality === parseInt(qualityLevels.options[i].innerHTML, 10)) {
            qualitySet = true;

        // try to find best level alternate
        if (!qualitySet) {
          // check if desired level is higher than all available
          if (desiredQuality < parseInt(qualityLevels.options[qualityLevels.length - 1].innerHTML, 10)) {
            setQuality(qualityLevels.length - 1);
          // check if desired level is lower than all available
          else if (desiredQuality > parseInt(qualityLevels.options[0].innerHTML, 10)) {
          // else find level that is next smallest
          else {
            for (let i = 0; i < qualityLevels.length; i++) {
              if (desiredQuality > parseInt(qualityLevels.options[i].innerHTML, 10)) {

        const video = document.getElementById('my_video_1_html5_api');
        // auto pause
        if (settings.autoPause) {
          video.parentElement.setAttribute('autoplay', 'false');
          video.autoplay = false;
        video.volume = settings.volume / 100; // volume
        video.addEventListener('ended', _.checkAutoAdvance); // auto advance
      // inject function into page
      unsafeWindow.html5Hook = exportFunction(html5Hook, unsafeWindow);
      // call the injected script

      // remove any ghost vjs-tip (html5 player)
      setInterval(() => { _.queryAll('#vjs-tip').slice(1).forEach(elt => elt.remove()); }, 500);
    // end per player settings

    // scroll to the container
    settings.autoScroll && document.getElementById('container') && setTimeout(() => { document.getElementById('container').scrollIntoView(true); }, 0);

    // add listeners for keydown
    const windowListener = function (evt) {
      // prev / next video navigate
      if (evt.code === 'NumpadMultiply' || evt.code === 'NumpadSubtract') {
        (evt.code === 'NumpadMultiply') ? _.previousVideo() : _.nextVideo();
    const videoListener = function (evt) {
      if (!useFlash) {
        const video = unsafeWindow.document.getElementById('my_video_1_html5_api');
        const videoFocused = (unsafeWindow.document.activeElement === video);

        // speed controls (html5)
        if (evt.code === 'Minus' || evt.code === 'Equal') {
          video.playbackRate += ((evt.code === 'Minus' && video.playbackRate > 0.25)? -0.25 : (evt.code === 'Equal' && video.playbackRate < 5) ? 0.25 : 0);

        // large seek (html5)
        const largeSeek = 20; // TODO add settings option
        if (evt.ctrlKey && (evt.code === 'ArrowLeft' || evt.code === 'ArrowRight')) {
          video.currentTime += ((evt.code === 'ArrowLeft') ? -largeSeek : largeSeek);
    const my_video_1 = document.getElementById('my_video_1');
    if (my_video_1) {
      window.addEventListener('keydown', videoListener);
    window.addEventListener('keydown', windowListener);

    console.log('Finished cleaning video page.');

  // Clean All pages
  console.log('Starting general page cleaning...');

  // remove share stuff next to search bar
  // get the search element near the top of the page
  const result_box = document.getElementById('result_box');
  if (result_box) {
    const ad = result_box.nextElementSibling;
    if (ad && (ad.children.length === 0 || !ad.children[0].matches('a[href*="AdvanceSearch"]'))) {

  // remove login at the top of the page
  settings.removeLogin && _.removeAd('#topHolderBox');

  // remove pointless tabs
  // remove footer
  // remove ad hides
  _.removeAds('#liMobile', '#liReportError', '#liRequest', '#liCommunity', '#liFAQ', '#liReadManga', '#footer', 'div.divCloseBut');

  // keys listener for script mnu otions
  // home key
  let settingsMenu;
  let isSettingsMenuOpen = false;
  const openSettingsMenu = () => {
    if (!isSettingsMenuOpen) {
      isSettingsMenuOpen = true;

      // create settings settingsMenu if it doesn't exist
      if (typeof settingsMenu === 'undefined' || settingsMenu === null) {
        const preview = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('preview');
        preview.documentElement.innerHTML = GM_getResourceText('settings');
        settingsMenu = preview.getElementById('kisscleaner-settings-container');

      // set settingsMenu option values from current settings
      const nodes = Array.from(settingsMenu.querySelectorAll('[name]'));
      nodes.forEach((node) => {
        if (settings.hasOwnProperty( {
          if (node.type === 'checkbox') {
            node.checked = settings[];
          } else {
            node.value = settings[];

      // add settings settingsMenu to page

      // add save button listener
      document.getElementById('kisscleaner-settings-save').addEventListener('click', saveSettingsMenu);
    } else {
  const saveSettingsMenu = () => {
    // save values
    const nodes = Array.from(settingsMenu.querySelectorAll('[name]'));
    let changes = false;
    nodes.forEach((node) => {
      if (settings.hasOwnProperty( {
        const value = ((node.type === 'checkbox') ? node.checked : node.value);
        if (settings[] !== value) {
          changes = true;
        GM_setValue(, (settings[] = value));

    // update player cookie
    if (settings.player === PLAYER.FLASH) {
      document.cookie = 'usingFlashV1=true;path=/';
      document.cookie = 'usingHTML5V1=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;path=/';
    } else {
      document.cookie = 'usingFlashV1=; expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:01 GMT;path=/';
      document.cookie = 'usingHTML5V1=true;path=/';

    // reload page to make changes
    if (changes) {
      window.location.href = window.location.href;

    isSettingsMenuOpen = false;
  // create global key listener
  const globalKeyListener = (evt) => {
    if (evt.code === 'Home') {
      // prevent default action of scrolling to top of page
  // inject functions into page
  unsafeWindow.openSettingsMenu = exportFunction(openSettingsMenu, unsafeWindow);
  unsafeWindow.saveSettingsMenu = exportFunction(saveSettingsMenu, unsafeWindow);
  // add the listener for keypresses
  window.addEventListener('keydown', globalKeyListener);
  // also add as GM menu command
  GM_registerMenuCommand('KissCleaner Settings', unsafeWindow.openSettingsMenu);

  // search box navigation
  const searchResults = document.getElementById('searchResults'); // search results
  const  searchBox = document.getElementById('keyword'); // search form text box
  // TODO arrow scroll through search results

  console.log('Finished general page cleaning.');
  console.log('Finished initialization.');
// work around different greasemonkey and tampermonkey load times
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', clean);