
J-WIDの作品データベース検索サービスへの自動接続で直リン(直接のリンク)が出来なる allow JASRAC direct links by auto-login

As of 2015-07-09. See the latest version.

// ==UserScript==
// @name         JASRACへの直リンク
// @version      2015.7.9.1705
// @description  J-WIDの作品データベース検索サービスへの自動接続で直リン(直接のリンク)が出来なる allow JASRAC direct links by auto-login
// @homepage     http://userscripts-mirror.org/scripts/show/131591
// @supportURL   https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command/issues
// @compatible   opera(12)                my own coding setup
// @compatible   opera(12)+violentmonkey  my own browsing setup
// @compatible   firefox+greasemonkey     quickly tested
// @compatible   chromium+tampermonkey    quickly tested
// @compatible   chrome+tampermonkey      tested with chromium
// @namespace    https://github.com/jesus2099/konami-command
// @author       PATATE12
// @licence      CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/)
// @since        2012-04-22
// @grant        none
// @include      http://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/*
// @run-at       document-end
// ==/UserScript==
(function(){"use strict";
	var as, home = "http://www2.jasrac.or.jp/eJwid/main.jsp?trxID=F00100";
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		rows[0].parentNode.parentNode.addEventListener("mouseout", rowHighlight);
	/* use regular latin characters, etc. */
	var cells = document.getElementsByTagName("td");
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		while (textNode && textNode.nodeType != Node.TEXT_NODE) {
			textNode = textNode.firstChild;
		if (textNode) {
			var text = formatText(textNode.textContent);
			if (text != textNode.textContent) {
				textNode.parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(text), textNode);
	/* make connection, etc. */
	if (self == top && document.body.textContent.match(/接続が切断されました。再度、了承画面からお願い致します。|システムエラーです。(.+)/) && (as = document.querySelectorAll("body > a")).length == 1 && as[0].textContent.match(/作品データベース検索サービスへ/) && as[0].getAttribute("target").match(/_top/i)) {
		var toto = document.body.appendChild(createTag("div", {}, {"background-color": "purple", border: ".5em solid black", color: "white", "font-size": "2em", "font-weight": "bold", margin: "1em", padding: "2em", "text-align": "center", "text-shadow": "1px 2px 2px black"}, {}, document.createTextNode("接続中")));
		document.title = toto.textContent;
		document.body.appendChild(createTag("iframe", {src: home}, {border: "0", width: "0", height: "0"}, {load: function(event) {
			document.title = toto.textContent;
			setTimeout(function() { location.reload(true); }, 1);
	} else if (self == top && location.pathname != "/eJwid/" && document.getElementsByTagName("frameset").length == 0) {
		try {
			if (!document.referer && self.opener && self.opener == self.opener.top && self.opener.location.host == location.host) {
				if(self.opener) {
					var ajs = self.opener.document.querySelectorAll("table.contentsTable a[name='AUTO_JUMP']");
					if (ajs.length == 1) {
						self.opener.location.href = ajs[0].getAttribute("href");
		} catch(error) {}
		document.body.appendChild(createTag("a", {href: home}, {"background-color": "#ff9", "font-weight": "bold", position: "fixed", top: "0", right: "49%", padding: "0 4px 4px 4px", border: "2px solid orange", "border-top": "none"}, {click: function(event) { hasHome(true); }, mouseover: function(event) { this.replaceChild(hasHome(), this.firstChild); }}, hasHome()));
		var works = document.querySelectorAll("table.contentsTable td > a[name='AUTO_JUMP'][target='_blank']");
		for (var a = 0; a < works.length; a++) {
	} else if (location.pathname == "/eJwid/main.jsp") {
		var results = document.querySelector("select[name='IN_DEFAULT_WORKS_KOUHO_MAX']");
		if (results) { results.selectedIndex = results.options.length - 1; }
	function hasHome(action) {
		var has = false;
		try {
			if (self.opener != null && self.opener.innerWidth > 0 && self.opener.top.location.href == home) {
				has = true;
		} catch(error) {}
		if (action && has) {
		} else {
			return document.createTextNode(has ? "CLOSE" : "HOME");
	function rowHighlight(event) {
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	function formatText(string) {
		return string.replace(/["#$%'*+,-.0123456789@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz]/g, function(character) {
			return String.fromCharCode(character.charCodeAt(0) - 65248);
		}).replace(/\u3000/g, "\u0020").replace(/~/g, "〜").replace(/-/g, "‐").replace(/'/g, "’");
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