- USD to PLN conversion

Attempts to convert USD to Polish zloty on aliexpress

// ==UserScript==
// @name - USD to PLN conversion
// @namespace
// @version      1.1
// @description  Attempts to convert USD to Polish zloty on aliexpress
// @author       Barricade
// @match        **
// @grant        GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @require
// ==/UserScript==
//Pobranie kursu zł//
var PLN;
GM_xmlhttpRequest ( {
    method:     "GET",
    url:        '',
    onload:     function (rsp){
        var rspJSON     = JSON.parse (rsp.responseText);
        var convRate    = rspJSON.rate;
        PLN = convRate;
        console.log ('kurs wynosi ',convRate);
} );
function usdToPLN(usd) {
    var plnStr = '';
    // Check if string is not a single usd, i.e: US $0.67 - 10.56
    if( ! $.isNumeric(usd)) {
        var val1 = parseFloat(usd.substring(4,usd.indexOf('-')-1));
        var val2 = parseFloat(usd.substring(usd.indexOf('-')+1, usd.length));
        val1 = (val1 * PLN).toFixed(2) + ' zł'
        val2 = (val2 * PLN).toFixed(2) + ' zł'
        plnStr = val1 + ' - ' + val2;
    else {
        plnStr = parseFloat(usd * PLN).toFixed(2) + ' zł';
    return plnStr; 

    $('span[itemprop="price"]').each(function(index, val) {