MetaFilter hedgehog comment pointer

Replaces the linked comment triangle pointer with a hedgehog

Daily installs
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9.76 KB
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[This script was originally hosted at]

Change log:

  • Version 6.0: 2024-09-07 - Updated to fix compatibility issues with all MeFi themes, after MeFi changed some official stylesheets. Added conditional styles depending on whether the Modern themes or Classic/Plain themes are active. Major fixes:
    * For Modern themes: hedgehog no longer overlaps the comment.
    * For Classic and Plain themes: hedgehog now appears again!
  • Version 5.1: 2020-01-12 - Restored @updateURL and @downloadURL.
  • Version 5.0: 2020-01-11 - Replaced GM_addStyle (deprecated in Greasemonkey 4.0). (Thanks to Tehhund for reporting the issue) Tampermonkey should still work with version 4.0 of this userscript (so if you use Tampermonkey, you don't have to update unless you want to).
  • Version 4.0: 2014-12-07 - Now works with Modern & Modern Dark Mode themes; no need to update if using only the Classic or Plain theme.
  • Version 3.1: 2014-05-23 - Replaced @namespace with script home page.
  • Version 3.0: 2014-05-23 - Changed script URLs to point to, since hasn't been stable recently. BTW the profile preference option on MeFi profiles has since been relabeled "Use secure browsing" (from "Use SSL everywhere").
  • Version 2.0: 2013-07-03 - Now works with the new "Use SSL everywhere" user profile preference for logged-in MeFi members. Also added support for automatic script updates, as well as better compatibility with Chrome.
  • Version 1.1: 2011-10-23 - Moved hedgehog a tad farther left, so that it doesn't overlap with the left stripe along comments by the asker/OP in AskMe threads.
  • Version 1.0: 2011-10-20 - First release.

Example screenshots:

Modern Theme, with default MetaFilter triangle:

(Screenshot of an example with default triangle on Modern Theme

Modern Theme, with hedgehog script enabled: Instead of the default triangle, a hedgehog points to jessamyn's comment! (In this case, it's pointing to jessamyn's request to use the hedgehog.)

(Screenshot of an example with this script enabled on Modern Theme)

Modern Theme - Dark Mode, with default MetaFilter triangle:

(Screenshot of an example with default triangle on Modern Theme Dark Mode)

Modern Theme - Dark Mode, with hedgehog script enabled:

(Screenshot of an example with this script enabled on Modern Theme Dark Mode)

Classic Theme, with default MetaFilter triangle (in this case, pointing to the comment where pb announced the new feature):

(Screenshot of an example with default triangle on Classic Theme)

Classic Theme, with hedgehog script enabled:

(Screenshot of an example with this script enabled on Classic Theme)

Classic Theme, with hedgehog script enabled:

(Screenshot of another example with this script enabled on Classic Theme)

What this script does:

A triangle pointer normally appears when navigating to an anchored permalink for a comment. To see it in action, just visit any direct link to a comment, e.g.

This script basically overrides the triangle and replaces it with an image of a hedgehog, as suggested by jessamyn. It works even if you're not logged in to MeFi!

For more details on the functionality of the pointer, see these threads in MetaTalk:
- "Improving links to specific comments"
- "Hooray for readability"

Like the hedgehog? Consider donating to help support MetaFilter.

If you'd like to modify the script, please feel free. Disclaimer: I am not a programmer, but if you have suggestions for improving it, I'd be interested in learning about them.

Compatibility notes:

This script works on MeFi, AskMe, MeTa and all other subsites.

Version 6.0 was tested to work with Greasemonkey 4.13 + Firefox 129/Linux Mint. There are no guarantees that it will work anywhere else or with other MeFi-related scripts.

Version 5.0 was tested to work with Firefox 72.0.1/Linux Mint. There are no guarantees that it will work anywhere else or with other MeFi-related scripts.

Version 1.0 was tested in Firefox 7.0.1 for Windows; thanks to MeFites in the "Hooray for readability" MeTa thread for confirming that this script also works in Firefox for Mac, and Chrome for Windows and Mac.


The hedgehog image is licensed by artjazz

Thanks to Rhomboid and his original MetaFilter unicorn and narwhal buttons script, which I basically used as a model for the hedgehog. (Here's my update to his MetaFilter unicorn and narwhal buttons and laser kitty script.)

More cuteness for your MeFi experience:

If you like the hedgehog and the unicorn and narwhal buttons, you might also want to check out these other scripts I posted: MetaFilter Recent Activity border o' rainbows and MetaFilter inline video fishy icon.