
Acceso fácil a multicunetas para ForoCoches

// ==UserScript==
// @name         MultiCuneta
// @version      0.1.1
// @description  Acceso fácil a multicunetas para ForoCoches
// @author       Tito Belfiore
// @match*
// @grant        none
// @require
// @namespace
// ==/UserScript==

// BUG: Si no has cerrado la ventanita de "Info para nuevos usuarios" no enviará bien el formulario de login


    var cunetas = [
            username: "Cuneta1",
            password: "Contra1"
            username: "Cuneta2",
            password: "Contra2"
            username: "Cuneta3",
            password: "Contra3"          
        // Etc

    // Get User Index from Get parameter
    var CunetaIndex = getUrlVars().CunetaIndex;

    var UserName = document.getElementsByTagName('strong')[1].firstElementChild.innerText;

    // Check if user is logged in (Another HTML element is the UserName instead)
    if(UserName != "IR ARRIBA  ▲"){ 
        CunetaIndex = getMultiArrayIndex(cunetas, 'username', UserName);

        var MenuNodeList = document.getElementsByClassName('vbmenu_control');

        var LogoutLink = MenuNodeList[6].firstChild.attributes[0].value;

        // Creation of the element to be added to the top menu
        var td  = document.createElement("td");
        td.className = "vbmenu_control";

        var a = document.createElement("a"); = "listacunetas";
        a.href = "/foro/index.php?nojs=1#listacunetas"; = "pointer";
        a.innerText = "Cuentas ";


        // Add the element to the top menu  
        // And register it for the click event

        // Creation of the Accounts selection PopUp
        var PopUpCuentas = '';
        PopUpCuentas += 
            '<div class="vbmenu_popup" id="listacunetas_menu" style="margin-top: 3px; position: absolute; z-index: 50; clip: rect(auto auto auto auto); left: 986.5px; top: 291px; display: none;" align="left">'+
            '<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="thead">Cuentas</td></tr>';
        for (var i in cunetas) {
            if (cunetas[i].username == UserName)
                PopUpCuentas += '<tr><td class="vbmenu_hilite vbmenu_hilite_alink" style="cursor: pointer; background: #5590CC;"><a href="#">';
                PopUpCuentas += '<tr><td class="vbmenu_option vbmenu_option_alink CunetaTd" style="cursor: default;"><a href="'+LogoutLink+
            PopUpCuentas += cunetas[i].username + '</a></td></tr>';
        PopUpCuentas += '</tbody></table></div>';

        // Get the PopUp Nodes and insert the new one after them    
        var PopUpNodes = document.getElementsByClassName('vbmenu_popup');
        var LastPopUp = PopUpNodes[3];  
        // Set style and hover behaviour
        $( "td.CunetaTd a" ).css("width","100%");
        $( "td.CunetaTd a" ).css("display","block");
        $( "td.CunetaTd" ).mouseenter(function() {
            $( this ).css("color", "#FFFFFF");
            $( this ).css("background", "#adadad");
            $( this ).css("cursor", "pointer");
        $( "td.CunetaTd" ).mouseleave(function() {
            $( this ).css("color", "#22229C");
            $( this ).css("background", "#f5f5f5");
            $( this ).css("cursor", "default");
    else if(CunetaIndex && !isNaN(CunetaIndex)){
        // If user is not logged in, log in the new user
        UserName = cunetas[CunetaIndex].username;
        var Password = cunetas[CunetaIndex].password;
        // Get User and password Form Input
        var UsernameInput = document.getElementById('navbar_username');
        var PasswordInput = document.getElementById('navbar_password');
        var RememberInput = document.getElementById('cb_cookieuser_navbar');
        // Set the values
        UsernameInput.value = UserName;
        PasswordInput.value = Password;
        RememberInput.value = 1;    
        // Send the form


function getUrlVars() {
    var vars = {};
    var parts = window.location.href.replace(/[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value) {
        vars[key] = value;
    return vars;

function getMultiArrayIndex(myArray, property, value){
    for(var i = 0; i < myArray.length; i++) {
        if(myArray[i][property] === value) {
            return i;