GGn request presets JS - Create request presets, set defaults and easily duplicate requests in the alternate currency
GGn Trump and Dupe Helper JS - Adds TP button on torrents for quick reporting
GGn Screenshots Resolutions Checker JS - Helps check and fix unequal screenshots resolutions
GGn Title Formatter JS - Formats title, sets alias if applicable and has buttons to undo. Adds buttons in edit page to format name and alias. Exposes title case function to other scripts
GGn Get Languages From Steam JS - Easily get languages from Steam. Edited from "GGn Steam Language BBCode quick copy".
GGn Steam Uploady (edited) JS - Fill upload form with Steam info. Edited from "GGn New Uploady"
GGn Row Numbers in User Log JS - Add row numbers to the user log
Copy SteamDB Changelog as BBcode JS - Adds a button to copy changelog
GGn Ignore Requests JS - Ignore requests
GGn SteamGridDB Cover Replacer JS - Easily replace cover using SteamGridDB images
GGn Tag selector JS - Enhanced Tag selector for GGn
GGn Reuploader JS - Upload torrents to the same group using an existing torrent's details
GGn Release Title Filler JS - Set release title from torrent file
GGn Epic Games Store Cover Replacer JS - Easily replace cover using Epic Games Store images
GGn Multi Reporter JS - Report multiple torrents using the same details without going to the report page