[Premium] Shortlink Maker by Andrewblood

Automatic click the buttons for much Shortlink sites (a list is no longer possible with so many pages)

< Обсуждения: [Premium] Shortlink Maker by Andrewblood

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Создано: 14.10.2024
Изменено: 14.10.2024

Script works well as is. Flylinks have added a few new sites to their rotation

However Im comfortable with code and I have manually editted to include a few new sites and fly sites.

Sites I added manually :exe.io (basically cutty), shortox(semi-auto),shrinkme,shrinkearn, revcut (semi-auto).

Suggestion for some of the longer if statements (primarily for readability/tidiness):

const urlArray = [] let urlCheck = urlArray.map(i=> window.location.href.includes(i)).includes(true) if(urlCheck){ do something }

basically stops so much repetition but great code :)

Создано: 15.10.2024
Изменено: 15.10.2024

Leaving additional code here as you may be able to improve/implement it better :)
new fly domains: bikerlynn .com,deskmir .com,clk .skin

exe.io code:

already existed under cut-urls but seemed to not click the final button (could just be me)
let interval = setInterval(function() {
let element = document.querySelector("a.button.link-button.get-link");
if (element) { element.click(); clearInterval(interval); } }, 500); }

revcut/urlcut/cutlink code:

const urlArray = ["docadvice.eu","horoscop.info","writeprofit.org","trendzilla.club","article24.online","cutlink.xyz","revcut.net","urlcut.pro"]
let found = urlArray.map(i=>window.location.href.includes(i)).includes(true) if(found){




shrinkearn follows the same rules as clksh, domains: policiesreview .com,tpi .li

Hello JackCappleman, I copied the revcut code you share, and I pasted it into the script, but I can't get it to work, is there anything left to add? I'm sorry, I don't understand programming. anyway thank you very much

Hello JackCappleman, I copied the revcut code you share, and I pasted it into the script, but I can't get it to work, is there anything left to add? I'm sorry, I don't understand programming. anyway thank you very much

The only thing which it doesnt do is the adclicks, I believe there is 2 in total from my experience, once at the start to get the google captcha, and once at the end.

short video to show how it works: https://jumpshare.com/s/c7fOqlbGEH0wMOebSKBe

Usually ads never load for me so I click the provider box usually, I also use another script called "Always on focus"

I also think I missed a line break in the code pasted here so if(found){ should be on its own line. My fault :)

const urlArray = ["docadvice.eu","horoscop.info","writeprofit.org","trendzilla.club","article24.online","cutlink.xyz","revcut.net","urlcut.pro"]
let found = urlArray.map(i=>window.location.href.includes(i)).includes(true)

correct formatting to copy and paste

The last way, copy and paste worked fine. lol.

What do you use to stop loading, hide or block those Ads? Any scripts you created? downloaded?

Tank you :)

Sorry for the late reply.

Im just using firefox with advanced tracking protection turned on for the sites.

this snippit forces the last button to always show I personally find click the ad didnt always spawn it :) Place it after the if(found){ on a new line

if (document.querySelector("#plan2")){
document.querySelector("#plan2").style.display = "block"

Andrews updates now incorporate majority of my changes and other new sites so you should be safe to just update to the most recent version of this script

Создано: 12.11.2024
Изменено: 12.11.2024

Î see on that this week and integrate that when you whan't.

Hey JackCappleman

And also thanks for explaining what Tesseract is used to recognize captcha number on some websites
Have a nice day, and keep up your great work Bro.

I also haven't had much time for the internet these last few days.
I don't understand programming, but I can read it and somehow I can understand what the code does.
Be careful with the links // Adlink and // RevCut. They have hidden crypto miners.
I recommend the extension called "MinerBlock". install then click on the settings button then "My Filters"
then paste these two lines of code. Then click on Save Button


Создано: 05.12.2024
Изменено: 05.12.2024

I use UBlock origin with the default setting (make 2 settings that stop network until load all filter and ignore cosmetic filter) some sites i must exclude but revbid function with that

cookies Banner I also don't wan't and make the filters
No adblock detection looks on the cookie banner^^


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