Автоматизация действий для игры Хроники Хаоса
I don't quite understand what you're talking about.
For example:
160: { buff: 0, pet: 6005, heroes: [64, 66, 13, 9, 4], favor: { 4: 6006, 9: 6004, 13: 6003, 64: 6005, 66: 6002 } },
Which ID is which hero and pet. Is there any mapping anywhere?
Why is this necessary if the pack will be automatically substituted when the "Fix" checkbox is enabled?
Just out of interest.
Ok, you can get the hero or pet name by simply putting the id here
cheats.translate('LIB_HERO_NAME_' + id)
and run it in the browser console on the game page with the script enabled, like this:
cheats.translate('LIB_HERO_NAME_' + 6005)
> "Albus"
Thank you!
Hi, where can I find the Hero and Pet IDs you use in your script? Thank you!