
Автоматизация действий для игры Хроники Хаоса

< Обсуждения: HeroWarsHelper

Вопрос или комментарий

Hi, where can I find the Hero and Pet IDs you use in your script? Thank you!

Создано: 28.02.2025

I don't quite understand what you're talking about.

For example:

160: { buff: 0, pet: 6005, heroes: [64, 66, 13, 9, 4], favor: { 4: 6006, 9: 6004, 13: 6003, 64: 6005, 66: 6002 } },

Which ID is which hero and pet. Is there any mapping anywhere?

Создано: 01.03.2025

Why is this necessary if the pack will be automatically substituted when the "Fix" checkbox is enabled?

Just out of interest.

Создано: 01.03.2025

Ok, you can get the hero or pet name by simply putting the id here
cheats.translate('LIB_HERO_NAME_' + id)
and run it in the browser console on the game page with the script enabled, like this:
cheats.translate('LIB_HERO_NAME_' + 6005)
> "Albus"


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