Pocket direct links

Clicking on an item directly opens the website, not the Pocket reader.

< Обсуждения Pocket direct links

Отзыв: Хороший — скрипт работает как нужно

Is it possible to make the script respect ctrl+left click to open in new tab? I'd like to open all the links in its original link, with a few clicks. I hate the pocket redesign though, which makes it impossible doing so.

I don't understand frontend development at all, so sadly I cannot contribute....

Thank you!

Создано: 10.03.2021

Hi! So, currently it's working using a hack, so it's a bit harder. You can use middle-click to open in a new tab for now. I can do ctrl+click, the thing is that key combinations are different on different platforms, so I didn't know how to respect that difference. I'll take a look at it again.

Создано: 10.03.2021

Okay I made it work with either control or command. I guess it makes it a bit easier to use now, although it's not ideal.

Okay I made it work with either control or command. I guess it makes it a bit easier to use now, although it's not ideal.

I don't get to complain - you rock!
Thanks for your work, agj!

Создано: 11.03.2021

No problem!


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