Picviewer CE+

Мощный онлайн-инструмент для просмотра изображений, который может автоматически отображать/масштабировать/вращать/пакетно сохранять изображения

Устаревшая версия на 18.03.2022. Перейти к последней версии.

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This script can popup/scale/rotate/batch save pictures and load pictures from next pages automatically. Modify from picviewer CE of ywzhaiqi. Github.

Press CTRL+g to enter gallery quickly. Hold CTRL to view larger picture when mouse over images or links.

More settings in "Picviewer CE+ config" to be customized, reviewing them is currently the best way to learn about what the script is capable of. try to seach more functions by yourself !

English language by RX-3200.

Português language by AstroCoelestis.

Русский language by RX-3200.

  • Adjust: Scale/rotate/batch save every picture

  • View: Find and popup large version for pictures with click or mouse over

  • Fetch: Auto load and parse next paginated web pages and show ALL pics

  • Download: Pictures export to page or package into ZIP

  • Search: Search similar image by picture

  • View long image by scroll

  • Change webp to png

  • And so on ...

If you are glad to help me translate Picviewer CE+, come here to pull or open issue after modify the defaultLang language. It will help the people who speak the same language just like you. Thank you.

If you wish to add more rules for peculiar sites, come to my Github and pull requests or open issues.

Custom rules example for config:

1. This can add click-to-open for existing asiansister rule. Place it into the '[]' of rule textarea.

 name: "asiansister",

2. This can add large-image rule for dmm to view high-definition original images or download them.

 name: "dmm",
 src: /pics\.dmm\.co\.jp/i,
 r: "ps.jpg",
 s: "pl.jpg"

Most compatible and strongest Auto Pager script ever! Just give it a try

Buy me a coffee with PayPal.Me to keep my scripts always up to date.

Thousands compatible sites for find larger or original images like

deviantart.com google.com wikipedia.org dribbble.com bing.com imdb.com github.com tumblr.com youtube.com pixiv.net steampowered.com itunes.apple.com pinterest.com gelbooru.com discordapp.com twitter.com fandom.com reddit.com yande.re wallhaven.cc 500px nyaa e621.net nhentai.net tieba.baidu.com douban.com weibo.com bilibili.com t.qq.com huaban.com hujiang.com dianping.com trakt.tv music.163.com rule34hentai.net photosight.ru boqingguan.com 178.com zhisheji.com themex.net operachina.com topit.me bcy.net zhihu.com autohome.com.cn bitauto.com xcar.com.cn pcauto.com.cn auto.sina.com.cn baike.baidu.com nvshens.com 24meitu.com acgget.com lofter.com sohu.com taobao.com alibaba.com yihaodian.com addons.mozilla.org www.crsky.com firefox.net.cn jd.com dangdang.com detail.zol.com.cn duokan.com youku.com yyets.com xiaohongshu.com moegirl.org fanfou.com meipai.com game.yesky.com dota2.sgamer.com mafengwo.cn 588ku.com ibaotu.com 58pic.com

And so on ...