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[Request] Specific Adlink Bypasser...

It would be cool if someone made a script that can bypass all adlinks. I'd use the Universal Bypasser extension but it cannot bypass and Linkvertise. I found a site called that can do this however. Perhaps a user script could be made by using that somehow? Half the site is in Japanese so I'm not sure what I'm doing, and they do have an API w/ docs but I have yet to look over it. But that bypasser site does pretty much every adlink out there.

Создано: 10.02.2021
Отредактировано: 10.02.2021

They have userscript too:

Half the site is in Japanese

But the other half is english translate of the first half. ???

Such websites redirects you through a several required layers of their ad links. It is tough to automize that, and it's can't be avoided. Can be somehow hidden from a user, but still

Создано: 10.02.2021
Отредактировано: 10.02.2021

That would be cool if some bypass extension had a database that kept matchings of an ad links to clean links:

One user of the extension pass through the ads -> the extension remembers the matching on its online database -> now all next clicks on the ad link would be bypassed.


Not sure how I missed that JS code. Thanks anyway, though.

Создано: 10.02.2021
Отредактировано: 10.02.2021

That's an interesting userscript. I think that there are some other scripts similar to this one on greasyfork
like this one for example


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