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I'm always having trouble logging in here, I have to make a new account everytime :(

Создано: 30.04.2015
Отредактировано: 30.04.2015

I'm always having trouble logging in here, I have to make a new account everytime :(

I mean the forum (vanilla) logging not the main site (greasyfork).

Please help

Clearing the site cookies should help, I think.

I did, and I tried many browsers, I even tried Internet Explorer :(

Создано: 30.04.2015
Отредактировано: 30.04.2015

Sorry I forgot to mention that. It either gives "Sorry, permission denied." or it would pass me to the forum but not logged in.

It doesn't matter if I'm logged in or not. I think it's an issue with vanillaforums sevice.


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