Youtube New Layout Font Fix JS - Reverts the shitty bold font to the good one
Youtube Thumbnail Unfucker JS - Script to unfuck the shitty rounded thumbnails introduced in the new downgrade
Disable Playlist Blur Background JS - Disables the playlist blur background when you view a playlist
Disable YouTube Glow/Ambilight --GreaseMonkey Fix (hopefully)-- JS - Script that removes the shitty glow/ambilight effect on the new YouTube downgrade. A mod suggested a fix for Greasemonkey which doesn't use GM_AddStyle anymore, so i pasted it in. Did a quick test with GreasyMonkey and it does seem to work.
Youtube Player Unrounder JS - unround the YouTube video player
Youtube Subscription Font Size Revert JS - Reverts the font size back to normal
Youtube Comment Count Font Size Revert JS - Reverts the font size back to normal