Greasy Fork is available in English.

1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View

Let's you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode and an aimbot too. Press M, N and T to toggle them.

< Părere la script-ul 1v1.LOL Aimbot, ESP & Wireframe View

Recenzie: Rau - script-ul nu merge

Postat în: 08-05-2022

Bro everytime i try to join a game it doesn't load

Postat în: 08-05-2022

I'm testing different ad types. Sorry for inconvenience. I have reverted back temporarily. Some update will still come soon.

Postat în: 16-05-2022

// ==UserScript==
// @name ESP & Wireframe View For
// @namespace
// @version 2
// @description Let's you see players behind walls. Comes with a wireframe view mode too. Press V and N to toggle them.
// @author Cracker (Cracked)
// @match *://*
// @icon
// @grant none
// @run-at document-start
// @antifeature ads
// ==/UserScript==

alert("Press V to Enable ESP and press N to Enable wireframe")

let espEnabled = false;
let wireframeEnabled = false;

const WebGL = WebGL2RenderingContext.prototype;

const uniformName = 'myUniform';

WebGL.shaderSource = new Proxy( WebGL.shaderSource, {
apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {

const isVertexShader = args[ 1 ].indexOf( 'gl_Position' ) > - 1;

if ( isVertexShader || args[ 1 ].indexOf( 'SV_Target0' ) > - 1 ) {

const varName = isVertexShader ? 'gl_Position.z' : 'SV_Target0';
const value = isVertexShader ? '1.0' : 'vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0)';

args[ 1 ] = args[ 1 ].replace( 'void main', 'uniform bool ' + uniformName + ';\nvoid main' )
.replace( /return;/, `${varName} = ${uniformName} ? ${value} : ${varName};` );


return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

} );

WebGL.getUniformLocation = new Proxy( WebGL.getUniformLocation, {
apply( target, thisArgs, [ program, name ] ) {

const result = Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

if ( result ) { = name;
result.program = program;


return result;

} );

WebGL.uniform4fv = new Proxy( WebGL.uniform4fv, {
apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {

if ( args[ 0 ].name === 'hlslcc_mtx4x4unity_ObjectToWorld' ) {

args[ 0 ].program.isUIProgram = true;


return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

} );

WebGL.drawElements = new Proxy( WebGL.drawElements, {
apply( target, thisArgs, args ) {

const program = thisArgs.getParameter( thisArgs.CURRENT_PROGRAM );

if ( ! program.uniformLocation ) {

program.uniformLocation = thisArgs.getUniformLocation( program, uniformName );


thisArgs.uniform1i( program.uniformLocation, espEnabled && args[ 1 ] > 4000 );

args[ 0 ] = wireframeEnabled && ! program.isUIProgram && args[ 1 ] > 6 ? thisArgs.LINES : args[ 0 ];

return Reflect.apply( ...arguments );

} );

window.addEventListener( 'keyup', function ( event ) {

switch ( String.fromCharCode( event.keyCode ) ) {

case 'V' : espEnabled = ! espEnabled; break;
case 'N' : wireframeEnabled = ! wireframeEnabled; break;


} );

window.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function () {

const value = parseInt( new URLSearchParams( ).get( 'showAd' ), 16 );

const shouldShowAd = isNaN( value ) || - value < 0 || - value > 10 * 60 * 1000;

const el = document.createElement( 'div' );

el.innerHTML = `

${shouldShowAd ? `Loading ad...` : `
ESP & Wireframe

[V] to toggle ESP

[N] to toggle wireframe

By Zertalious

More scripts
` }


} );

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