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Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Omite toate site-urile cu linkuri scurte Omite automat elementele de scurtare a linkurilor enervante, direct către destinația ta

< Părere la script-ul Bypass Toate Linkuri scurte

Recenzie: OK - script works, but has bugs

Postat în: 22-01-2022

When using this userscript with link1s, my browser gets directed to mega but asks for the decryption key. but when done manually the file opens fine with a longer link.

Postat în: 22-01-2022

did you mean site for uploading file ? if yes that mean not my scripts has bugs, but you see the ads from link1s

Postat în: 22-01-2022

repeat again from the beginning if you have redirected to wrong destination , that is because you visit 2 shortlink or more with same site from same IP, example you visit link1s from dutchycorp and you visit link1s from faucetworld in the same time,that will give you error destination

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