Linkify Plus Plus JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
Select text inside a link like Opera JS - Disable link dragging and select text.
Show and reload broken images JS - The name explained it
No Embed Youtube JS - replace embed iframe, object with anchor link.
Wakfu link JS - Add useful link to wakfu elements, wakfu wiki, and encyclopedia
Grease Info JS - Parse markdown info in userjs.
Textarea Plus JS - Have a better textarea! A userscript which can improve plain textarea for code editing.
Github Rawgit Button JS - An userscript to add "Rawgit" button on github.
Scroll like Opera JS - Based on Linkify Plus. Turn plain text URLs into links.
Direct Wmode JS - An userscript to make flash object display in "direct" mode.
Open external link in new tab JS - This script will open any external link in new tab. Support dynamic content
Display Original Image JS - This script will replace thumbnail with full size image if available.
Embed Me! JS - Embed video, images from links.
Komica - Unembed Youtube JS - Open youtube in new tab instead of playing directly when clicking on the video.
Wikipedia - Linkify headers JS - An userscript helping you get the url linking to specified section
Linky Square JS - Grab links by dragging a square.
PTT Push Count JS - Count pushes on PTT.cc.
Kanpani Girls Reload Button JS - Add a button to reload the game.
Tieba Keyword Filter JS - 依關鍵字摺疊樓層廣告
Twitter Original Image JS - Add ":orig" to twitter images.
巴哈姆特哈拉開圖器 fixed JS - 直接顯示巴哈姆特哈啦區文章的圖片和影片。跳過站外連結警告。
Better Standalone Image JS - Make standalone image display better
Copy URL with Hash JS - Add a contextmenu command to copy URL with '#' anchor
Hijack Worker JS - Hijack web workers in the browser to stop coin miner
Github raw.githack.com Button JS - A userscript to add raw.githack.com button on Github.
NGA Auto Refresh JS - Refresh NGA post automatically.
Wakfupedia Builder JS - A userscript that extends Wakfu Encyclopedia with a simple builder.
Delink on Touch JS - Stop showing context menu when long-pressing a link, enable text selection.
bezier-easing JS (라이브러리) - Bezier Curve based easing functions for Javascript animations
GM_config (eight's version) JS (라이브러리) - A library to help you set up configure in greasemonkey script.
linkify-plus-plus-core JS (라이브러리) - A JavaScript library for linkification stuff. Used by linkify-plus-plus.
GM_context JS (라이브러리) - A html5 contextmenu library
GM_webextPref JS (라이브러리) - A config library powered by webext-pref.