스크립트에서 @require
로 사용하도록 Greasy Fork 유저들이 업로드한 라이브러리가 있습니다. @require
할 수 있는 다른 라이브러리는 Greasy Fork @require 정책을 봐 주세요.
auto-perk-legacy JS (라이브러리) - Subite los stats bobo
JSZip_min JS (라이브러리) - 加速載入的自用版
Furaffinity-Message-Box JS (라이브러리) - Library to hold MessageBox functions for Furaffinity
LibImgDown JS (라이브러리) - WEBのダウンロードライブラリ
MonkeyConfig Mod JS (라이브러리) - Enhanced Configuration Dialog Builder with Column layout , Custom styling, and Additional input types
Selection Context JS (라이브러리) - Get the selected text along with text before and after the selection
MyDealz Comment Viewer JS (라이브러리) - Zeigt die letzten Kommentare eines Benutzers an
Text Explainer Settings JS (라이브러리) - Settings module for Text Explainer
SmolLLM JS (라이브러리) - LLM utility library
SimpleBalancer JS (라이브러리) - Balances API key and URL pairs usage
MyDealz Reactions Viewer 2025 JS (라이브러리) - zeigt für Kommentare erhaltene like,funny,helpful
BETA4 JS (라이브러리) - Final Beta?
Chat_Room JS (라이브러리) - 聊天室插件
UTILS_FUNCTION Library JS (라이브러리) - Eine nützliche Bibliothek für verschiedene Funktionen
UTILS_FETCH Library JS (라이브러리) - fetch library
UTILS_DOM Library JS (라이브러리) - Eine nützliche Bibliothek für verschiedene Funktionen
outdent-umd JS (라이브러리) - A UMD build of outdent
ImageDownloaderLib(Priv) JS (라이브러리) - Version privada.
聊天室库 JS (라이브러리) - 网页聊天室库
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-08 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
createModal JS (라이브러리) - Create-Modal
waitForElement JS (라이브러리) - Waits for an element using the MutationObserver API
Aria2 RPC Edit 2 JS (라이브러리) - Aria2 RPC Library 维护,源脚本 https://greasyfork.org/zh-CN/scripts/402652
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-07 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-06 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
layout-umd JS (라이브러리) - An improved UMD build of layout
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-05 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-04 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-03 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-02 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
GreasyFork镜像站验证库-01 JS (라이브러리) - GreasyFork镜像站验证库:https://github.com/shenchanran/greasyfork-mirror
IdlePixel Dialogue Handler JS (라이브러리) - Library which creates a modal for opening plugin panels.
Virastar Library JS (라이브러리) - Cleaning-up Persian Texts!
GeoKMZer JS (라이브러리) - geoKMZer is a JavaScript library designed to convert KMZ into KML files, use with GeoKMLer to convert to GeoJSON.
GeoSHPer JS (라이브러리) - GeoSHPer is a JavaScript library for converting shapefile data into GeoJSON. It reads ZIP archives containing .shp, .dbf, and .prj files, parses geographic features and attributes, and supports coordinate transformation using Proj4js. The result is a GeoJSON FeatureCollection, enabling easy integration with web mapping libraries.
Dynamic Include Sites Script (Protocol-Independent) JS (라이브러리) - Run on default & user-defined sites using wildcard patterns (ignores protocols), with full management features.
背景图片base64配置-微信读书脚本使用 JS (라이브러리) - 背景图片base64配置
chroma-js-umd JS (라이브러리) - A UMD build of chroma-js
Rolocate Base64 Image Library JS (라이브러리) - Stores Base64 images for reuse in the Rolocate userscript.
addjs JS (라이브러리) - 动态加载库
USToolkit JS (라이브러리) - simple toolkit to help me
up_tk JS (라이브러리) - up_tk_1.0
Barclay's Library JS (라이브러리) - Import whatever model URLs you need - library that does the heavy lifting
Multiset JS (라이브러리) - Multiset data structure
GeoGMLer JS (라이브러리) - GeoGMLer is a JavaScript library for converting GML data into GeoJSON. It translates FeatureMembers with Points, LineStrings, and Polygons, handling coordinates via gml:coordinates and gml:posList. Supports multi-geometries to ensure conversion to GeoJSON's FeatureCollection.
fast-levenshtein-umd JS (라이브러리) - A UMD build of fast-levenshtein
ZG-AddScriptToDocHeader JS (라이브러리) - Add user script to the document header
Furaffinity-Prototype-Extensions JS (라이브러리) - Library to hold common prototype extensions for your Furaffinity Script
gartic io bot test JS (라이브러리) - Bot Panel for gartic.io
Autodarts Freundesliste - Reloaded Seite JS (라이브러리) - Freundesliste auf der Reloaded-Seite von Autodarts
Autodarts Freundesliste - History Seite JS (라이브러리) - Freundesliste auf der History-Seite von Autodarts
Autodarts Freundesliste - Statistics Seite JS (라이브러리) - Freundesliste auf der Statistics-Seite von Autodarts
Autodarts Freundesliste - Boards Seite JS (라이브러리) - Freundesliste auf der Boards-Seite von Autodarts
Autodarts Freundesliste - Tools Seite JS (라이브러리) - Freundesliste auf der Tools-Seite von Autodarts
Marlon 3 JS (라이브러리) - Turnier
Marlon2 JS (라이브러리) - Matches
Marlon 1 JS (라이브러리) - Lobbie
temuPmPa.user.js JS (라이브러리) - temuPmPa.user
tool.user.js JS (라이브러리) - tool.user
svg-path-bbox-umd JS (라이브러리) - A UMD build of svg-path-bbox
svgpath-umd JS (라이브러리) - A UMD build of svgpath
bilibili-mobile-comment-module JS (라이브러리) - Comment module for https://greasyfork.org/scripts/497732
GeoKMLer JS (라이브러리) - geoKMLer is a JavaScript library designed to convert KML data into GeoJSON format efficiently. It supports conversion of Placemarks containing Point, LineString, Polygon, and MultiGeometry elements.
Any Hackernews Link Utils JS (라이브러리) - Utility functions for Any Hackernews Link
Colored Logging JS (라이브러리) - allows you to use predefined logging methods which add some color variety
botcuk JS (라이브러리) - Bot Panel for gartic.io
exceljs 4.4.0 JS (라이브러리) - exceljs 4.4.0 --- js excel库
lccouponcss_1.0.1 JS (라이브러리) - lccouponcss_1.0.1.
MDA library JS (라이브러리) - my JS library
github-i18n-plugin-locales-zh-TW JS (라이브러리) - github-i18n-plugin zh-TW locales
ZG_GoogleMapsInit JS (라이브러리) - Waits for the Google Maps scripts to be fully initialized
gz-component JS (라이브러리) - 一个常用的组件库
GeoWKTer JS (라이브러리) - GeoWKTer is a JavaScript library designed to convert Well-Known Text (WKT) representations of geometries into GeoJSON format. This tool is useful for developers and GIS specialists who need to work with geographic data across different standards.
lccouponcss JS (라이브러리) - lccouponcss.
GeoGPXer JS (라이브러리) - GeoGPXer is a JavaScript library designed to convert GPX data into GeoJSON format efficiently. It supports the conversion of waypoints, tracks, and routes, with additional handling for GPX extensions.
requireTest JS (라이브러리) - test
AXEAI库 JS (라이브러리) - ai题库对接
GM_DL JS (라이브러리) - GM_download but it actually works
simtoolsReticentBase JS (라이브러리) - A tool for SimCompanies game.
百度脚本 JS (라이브러리) - 用户库
baidujs JS (라이브러리) - 自用库
MooMoo.io Official Msgpack JS (라이브러리) - The MooMoo.io Official Msgpack
waitForKeyElements3 JS (라이브러리) - Find the specified element and execute subsequent code after finding it. This code is rewritten by BrockA's waitForKeyElements.js and uses the native js environment.
WaitForKeyElement JS (라이브러리) - Waits for an element using the MutationObserver API
lbtest JS (라이브러리) - test
bosslbk JS (라이브러리) - boss调用操作列表
dialog-gui JS (라이브러리) - 快捷弹窗
ygn - otof5 V5 JS (라이브러리) - Try to take over the world!
彩金网站自动注册 JS (라이브러리) - jimmy 自动注册
VIPCore.js JS (라이브러리) - Core Library for VIP BOT
jQueryv2.1.4 JS (라이브러리) - jQuery_2_1_4
typrmd5_sweek JS (라이브러리) - Typr.js,Typr.U.js,md5.js
Kquery JS (라이브러리) - Add_iframe WaitingElement and more
Activation and Login Code Library JS (라이브러리) - A library for generating, storing, and exposing activation and login codes for other scripts.
tampermonkey parallel JS (라이브러리) - github.com/Tampermonkey/tampermonkey/issues/2215
扩展功能 JS (라이브러리) - 2024/12/28 15:36
自动上滑脚本 JS (라이브러리) - 自用库
about_and_feedback_components JS (라이브러리) - 个人项目自用关于和问题反馈组件