Fiverr Original JS - Provides links to the original pictures on Fiverr
CandidForum No Registration Required JS - Browse CandidForum and click on links without an account; not recommended if you have an active account.
WorldCosplay Download JS - Download the linked image on WorldCosplay photo pages
Tumblr Archive Reblog Remover JS - Make browsing Tumblr archives easier.
Big Instagram Images JS - Makes Instagram preview images full-sized
Big Weibo Images JS - Changes medium-sized Weibo images to full-sized
LiveMe Replay M3U8 URL JS - Get the M3U8 URL for a LiveMe replay
Volafile Mark Read JS - Adds a line to Volafile chat showing the line last read, along with a menu to show a list of file URLs for use with downloaders.
Volafile Unremover JS - Preserves messages and files auto-removed by Volafile and prevents navigation to front page on room closure.
Make Khazar Milkers Great Again JS - Allows visitors to khazarmilkers.com to once again save the images of those Khazar milkers.
oncam.me Download Links JS - Download videos from oncam.me
Volafile Upload-Helper JS - Helps Volafile users avoid certain problematic servers when uploading files, shows what server each file was uploaded to on hover, and allows raising the parallel-upload limit, up to 10.
Volafile Chat Timestamps JS - Adds timestamps to chat messages on Volafile.