tv.cctv.com_auto_720p JS - tv.cctv.com auto set 720p and max volume
bilibili ASS Danmaku Downloader JS - download danmaku as ".ass" format
51job search filter with distance JS - 51job搜索结果以距离过滤
Google_search_filter_with_Language JS - Google result filter by language
AcFun ASS Danmaku Downloader JS - 以 ASS 格式下载 AcFun 的弹幕
bahamut ASS Danmaku Downloader JS - http://ani.gamer.com.tw download danmaku as ".ass"
eyny_highlight_720p JS - video.eyny.com highlight 720p video
video_background JS - use video as page background
pixiv_sort_by_popularity JS - non premium menber use "Sort by popularity"
display_filename_on_image JS - with custom position, size, color
imdb_everywhere JS - if page has imdb link, display content from that imdb link.
punctuation_convert JS - Punctuation: English<->Chinese
bimibimi_next_episode JS - bimibimi auto next episode