GC - Neoboard Post Format Remover JS - Add buttons to neoboard posts to wipe out all formatting in a post.
Item 'Feed to Pet' Hider JS - Hides the options for feeding an item to a pet. Can toggle back on if want to feed something to a pet.
Detailed Search Link JS - Add Detailed Search link below the search bar.
Pet Pic Replacer A JS - Basic pet pic replacer proof of concept. Was done quickly at 4 am.
Pet Pic Replacer B JS - Basic pet pic replacer proof of concept. This one assuming you are replacing with images of another on site colour set of images.
GC Sidebar Timezone and Remaining Time JS - Changes the times of stuff in the aio sidebar to both be user's local timezone, adds how many hours/minutes until that time, and highlights quest timers if less than 15 mins remain.
GC Faerie Bori Tail Shading JS - Updates the art for the 'Circle' faerie bori art to one that adds shading to the tail fluff.
GC Larger Dice-A-Roo Buttons JS - Easier to click Dice-A-Roo buttons so you can chill and idly tap a nice large target. Applies to the 'Roll Again' when playing, 'Press Me' when game over, and 'Lets Play!' when at the main menu buttons.
GC PB/MP Rainbow Pool Links JS - Add link to rainbow pool for relevant pet/colour for paint brush and morphing potions when viewing them in your inventory or in the search details
GC - Esophagor No Double Click JS - Helps prevent accidental double clicking on esophagor buttons, so to prevent missing brain tree quest info.
Larger Lever of Doom Button JS - Larger Lever of Doom Buttonn
GC - Games Points til Max NP JS - Adds to games a quick reference of how many points you'll need to max out your remaining NP and how many points you'll need to get the max amount of NP in one game.
GC - AIO Kad Link Sorted JS - Makes the link to the kadoatery in the AIO sidebar link to the sorted version.
GC - Garden Donated Amount JS - Adds a button in the guild garden section to refresh and show a (rough) calculation of how much you've donated per month (based on the date you joined to current day). This amount is stored and displayed until you want to refresh it again. If you've been in a guild for less than a month it will just show the exact amount you donated without any additional calculation.
Symol Hole Autoselect JS - Automatically selects an option at the symol hole.
GC - Neggsweeper Mines Remaining JS - Shows how many mines are left in a neggsweeper game, assuming that you flagged mines correctly.
GC - Quest Reward Stat Collector JS - Collects reward and the items requested from quests to put into a shared spreadsheet for stats. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17lADRhz5POPYPxKRa6ZVYlJuKuYxxev0_bxnFPbK0Bk/edit?gid=1499161972#gid=1499161972
Snowball Fight User Shop Link JS - Adds a link to the target's shop so you can quickly check if they're one of the event price gougers to aid your decision to throw snowballs or not.
GC - Wheel Prize JS - Automatically show the wheel of mediocrity, excitement, misfortune and knowledge prizes without having to click the button.
GC - Shop Numpad JS - Adds an on screen number pad to click on to fill in a haggle price at stores.
GC - Quest Quick Links JS - On the quest pages, attaches to the images for each quest item a link to either the SDB if you have the item in your SDB, or the Shop Wizard.
GC - Faerie Quest SW Link JS - Adds a textbox with a link to the shop wizard search on the Faerie Quests page so that you can just copy that and send it to your friends to make it easier for them to find the item for you.
GC - Gormball Click Image to Continue JS - Clicking the image of the 'the gormball explodes on x' continues the game.
GC - Max Interest Rate JS - Calculates and displays how much NP you need in the bank to reach max interest rate (with Ultimate Riches! Interest Rate), and if you have already reached max interest rate, how much NP you are able to withdraw without going below max interest rate.