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GooglePlay direct screenshot links

Shows all the screenshots without the scrollbox and adds direct links for fullsized versions

< GooglePlay direct screenshot links 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-11-01
수정: 2021-11-01

Hi again. I would like to report that I sometimes get a "400 error" on all screenshots due to the change resize...

May you address this?


작성: 2021-11-01

I can't reproduce the problem.

작성: 2021-11-01
수정: 2021-11-01

I can't reproduce the problem.

For some reason, I still getting the same error from yesterday:

  • "This document requires 'TrustedScript' assignment."

And also, some 400 Status errors. (Tested on Chrome 95.0.4638.69)

What does "TrustedScript assignment" mean exactly?

작성: 2021-11-01

It's not related to my script as far as I can tell.

작성: 2021-11-01

It's not related to my script as far as I can tell.

It's so odd bc sometimes it works flawlessly. I've even tested it with all extensions disabled and nothing changed.

Ty anyway (:

작성: 2021-11-01

FWIW, it may be a bug in the site's recent update. While rewriting my script I've noticed a few bugs with the new site so hopefully they'll fix them eventually.

작성: 2021-11-01

FWIW, it may be a bug in the site's recent update. While rewriting my script I've noticed a few bugs with the new site so hopefully they'll fix them eventually.

Don't worry. I've managed to fix this issue, it turns out that the wildcard used in the replace method is very weak. So therefore, I added a more powerful wildcards such as ".*,?,~" in the line 65.

Finally it works as it should be.

작성: 2021-11-02

wildcards such as ".*,?,~" in the line 65.

I don't see any screenshots with a comma or ~ in the url. Could you give me a link to the page where you've seen it?

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