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MetaFilter unicorn and narwhal buttons with laser kitty (Modern)

Shows unicorn and narwhal buttons on the comment form, and a laser kitty on deleted posts (for logged-in members)

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2016-08-21: Now also available as a user style for the Stylus extension (I plan to move this to mefiscripts github):

This is an update of the awesome script created by Rhomboid, and is shared here with his permission. Rhomboid's greasemonkey script replaces the default comment form buttons (Post, Preview) on MeFi, AskMe, MeTa and other subsites with a unicorn and narwhal. It should also show a laser kitty for the comment form on deleted posts (the laser kitty works at least on MetaTalk with the Modern theme, so hopefully it works elsewhere, too).

See Rhomboid's original script description and credits (with laser kitty screenshot) at the mirror.

Change log:

  • Version 4.0: 2020-01-11 - Replaced GM_addStyle (deprecated in Greasemonkey 4.0). (Thanks to Tehhund for reporting the issue.) Also added @updateURL and @downloadURL for auto update support. Tampermonkey should still work with version 3.1 of this userscript, so if you use Tampermonkey, you don't have to update unless you want automatic updates.
  • Version 3.1: 2016-08-21 - Added "Modern" to @name to distinguish it from Rhomboid's script name. Removed extra ";" in "box-shadow" line and some extra spaces. (Minor syntax cleanup...version 3.0 still works for me.)
  • Version 3.0: 2014-12-31 - Updated version 2.0 of Rhomboid's script to add compatibility for Modern theme (got narwhal showing again for Preview button, added text wrap within Post button, stopped background image from changing position on hover); general style enhancements for buttons (added glow effect for better text legibility, highlighted border on hover). Should also still work with the Classic and Plain themes. Note: Laser kitty untested. Update: I've seen the laser kitty show up on a deleted thread on MetaTalk using the Modern theme, Dark Mode.
  • Version 2.0 - This is the (mostly) unchanged version of Rhomboid's script version 2.0, as it was last available on (see mirror). The actual code is identical -- the only change is that I had to add a @namespace meta line to be able to post it to (Uploaded here so you can run diffs to see what exactly changed from Rhomboid's code.)

Example screenshots:

Modern Theme, with default comment form buttons on MeFi:

(Screenshot of default MeFi comment form buttons on Modern Theme

Modern Theme, with this script enabled: behold the unicorn "post" button and narwhal "preview" button!

(Screenshot of MeFi with this script enabled on Modern Theme)

Modern Theme - Dark Mode, with default comment form buttons:

(Screenshot of MeFi with default comment form buttons on Modern Theme Dark Mode)

Modern Theme - Dark Mode, with this script enabled:

(Screenshot of MeFi with this script enabled on Modern Theme Dark Mode)

Classic Theme, with default comment form buttons:

(Screenshot of MeFi with default comment form buttons on Classic Theme)

Classic Theme, with this script enabled:

(Screenshot of MeFi with this script enabled on Classic Theme)

Plain Theme, with this script enabled:

(Screenshot of MeFi with this script enabled on Plain Theme)


Rhomboid's related archived scripts are on
* Unicorn and narwhal with laser kitty
* Unicorn and narwhal (no laser kitty)
* Unicorn only

The images are from Rhomboid's original scripts:
* Narwhal by cubecrazy2: (the original link is 404:
* Unicorn and laser kitty source unknown.


More cuteness for your MeFi experience:

If you like this script, you might also like the MetaFilter hedgehog comment pointer, the MetaFilter inline video fishy icon and the MetaFilter Recent Activity border o' rainbows (other scripts I posted).