JR Crowdsource keyword/ranking mturk.com scripts

A userscript for crowdsource keyword and ranking hits. It should be working for the keywords for any Google location. Also it will work for the ranking hits. It will even work for the choose the best URL hits.

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작성: 2015-03-06

A couple of very minor issues

I just wanted to let you know about two very minor issues I've noticed since your last update. When entering a value manually, the ENTER key is no longer accepted to send the answer. No big deal but a minor nuisance. The other issue is with the new horrible, senseless, irritating, down right dumb-ass version 21 keyword search (the one where it asks you to rewrite the sentence in your own words). When selecting none, when no match is found in the google results, the rewrite input should be filled as well. It won't submit without it.

Other than that, it's great! I can never thank you enough for the work you do on this.

작성: 2015-03-07

The newest update today allows enter in the answer textarea. Also fills in None in the rewrite sentence hit when answering none.

작성: 2015-03-11

Thanks for the update. I'm just now able to try it and it works great.

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