Greasy Fork is available in English. Bot/Cheat Bot/Cheat that finds the best move!

< Bot/Cheat 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

Austani scibelli'This Script Unsafe, site caught This script Stockfish Engine ,So Change this script engine.Use'lozza'Engine github com.

작성: 2023-10-16

Austani scibelli'This Script Unsafe, site caught This script Stockfish Engine ,So Change this script engine.Use'lozza'Engine github com.

add my discord: emixrab, i have what you need

작성: 2023-12-22

How can I change Stockfish to lozza, plz help me

Austani Scibelli개발자
작성: 2024-01-20

How can I change Stockfish to lozza, plz help me

You have to obtain a js version of Lozza and change the include margin in the beginning of the file to where ever you find a cdn of it.

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