Free and unlimited (NO Captcha) Zero Coin script (

Earn unlimited and free Zero Coin on using this script.(Part of this code I took from Maksyme, I added login. get bonuses, and go through the level upgrade page. part of the credits goes to him.

< Free and unlimited (NO Captcha) Zero Coin script ( 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2022-02-01

Here's another, for anybody interested - same site script. The root site itself also has some other faucets, but they use faucetpay, which I can't access. So, that's 3 now. Maybe we could get a rotation together?

Some other free sources of ZER--apparently from this same group--are:

I actually enjoy these two sites. They have a LOT of bonus stuff. And both have a staking feature. The Donald one pays better, but the zeroland one moves faster and allows staking of any amount. An autoclaim every so often would work very well here.

작성: 2022-02-15

rashadow. I'm working on the 2 sites suggested by you, I'll post soon.

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