Base Record & Rebuild

Record Base

< Base Record & Rebuild 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2021-12-24

It's fine, but i gotta remind you, Main X has the worst system for saving bases currently. I know that, because i also used it for Xeraphinite (one of my public scripts). Again, just a reminder.

작성: 2021-12-25

Can u tell me more about this?

작성: 2021-12-28

Sure! if anything, I'll explain why it is bad with code.
First of all, the string is not - in any sense - optimized, it loads (pretty) slowly because of the string format.
Secondly, Its GetGoldStash() is looping to get the Gold Stash. Not efficient, not pretty at all.
Thirdly, the thing is just pain to look at. It's made by Trollers, after all...

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