우클릭 잠금 해제, 복사, 잘라내기, 텍스트 선택, 컨텍스트 메뉴, 텍스트 복사, 텍스트 선택, 이미지 우클릭 등의 제한을 해제합니다. 기능 강화: Alt 키로 하이퍼링크 텍스트 선택.
< Selection and Copying Restorer (Universal) 피드백
This kind of special site I cannot do anything right now. I can add it to whitelist if you want. This needs a separate script to handle it.
I understand this one is too difficult/time-consuming for now. Thanks for at least considering it.
Thank you a lot. After enabling Enhanced build-in Alt Text Selection and Repetitive AuxClick Prevention, copying text is finally working.
But the site's script still detects tampering and redirects to https://novelpia.com/page/plugin, fortunately there's a brief window to copy text before the browser redirects to the warning page, so I'll manage with that for now.
Updated again.
Just checked that it was not working in Firefox. fixed now.
If it is still not okay, please tell me which browser you are using.
Thanks a lot. Yes I'm using Firefox, and the script's working fine now.
FF often has a bunch of issues. Unrelated, but another script I tried had problems with Firefox's CSP security, the script's author straight up said the only way to get it working is to disable CSP for that specific site.
[new request] The script doesn't work on novelpia.com, a Korean webnovel site that blocks selecting and copying text and regularly checks for any tampering. If it detects tampering, it redirects to their warning page at https://novelpia.com/page/plugin, which says "warning: Your current browser has a plugin installed that allows force copying of text [...] Please disable the plugin before using the service." (google translate)
Test it here: https://novelpia.com/viewer/2846471. It's a prologue chapter URL of a fantasy novel https://novelpia.com/novel/229672 (no registration needed to read the prologue chap).