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Old Google 2014

Adds back the 2014 google design. Changes google search, maps, translate, login, news, drive, shopping, photos, classroom and lens. ## DO NOT EXPECT MANY MORE UPDATES, GOOGLE HAS GONE TOO FAR SOUTH!! Also install "google 2014 row" for better search filter experience

< Old Google 2014 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2023-01-15

now works with the new google layout and looks great!

작성: 2023-01-15

Hey Lego Savant! if i am correct above the well hidden image you are using the old chrome layout, i am trying go get this for months! to be exactly the layout of chrome 28 released in 2013, but the old versions of chrome which contain this layout is outdated and broken, i found the browser Pale moon and i download a addon that bring back the layout that i want, but this browser is very incompatible with extensions and stuff of the web, the current design of chrome sucks, the current design of chrome was added in chrome 69 back in 2018,can you tell me how do you get the old chrome layout? (Pre chrome 50)

작성: 2023-01-28

update please

Lego Savant개발자
작성: 2023-03-03

yeah theres lots of old layouts of chrome
chrome 28-54 is commonly called pre material, 53-70 is material 1, 69+ is material 2 and the many older versions before 28
that screenshot you see there is actually regular firefox :) based off the pre material design and it works for firefox 91-94, but i dont think it was released

작성: 2023-03-04

thanks for the information!

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