BJ's Wholesale Club Coupon Clicker

Click all the coupons on BJ's Wholesale Club website

< BJ's Wholesale Club Coupon Clicker 피드백


작성: 2023-07-10

This was one of the first and "native" coupon clickers for BJs. Unfortunately, first doesn't always mean best. It still currently is the only native button clicker, but there are other options that use the API or create a standalone plugin. Just sharing for those who want other alternatives

Original API-Based by raxityo
Comments: It looks like the API coupon clicking zip code may need to be adjusted (hardcoded), but not sure (`${storeId}/coupons/activate?zip=07302&offerId=${offerId}`,)

Mozilla Extension by jchrispen with revisions to raxityo's code
Comments: The zip code in the parameter is still hardcoded

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