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AUTOROLL SCRIPT [DEC 2023] --Auto Roll --Status Console --4+ Betting Strategies --Special graphs --Extinction bet --Balance protection --Odds -- Increase Rate --AutoRoll Low Balance paying RP --Human Simulation --NO captcha solving --Lottery tickets --1000% & WOF Bonus --Close ADS --Slower night mode --Advanced human random times .
< Freebitcoin [2023] - Auto Roll - New Bonuses - Multiply - Lottery - Status Console 피드백
>Report v3.5.8
>1) The Multiply page is not displayed when playing (staying at free btc page)
>2) Multiply stop playing at ?
>3) Error amount playing can't be less than 0.00000001
Thanks Again for your reports.
1) Easily solved, was missing the click. Added it back.
2) and 3) Checking it.. I already replicated the problem using your same config, I Will keep u update..
Thx for your work ;)
Thx for your work ;)
it was a variable type error ;(
Something basic but have been hard to find
Keep me update if you find something more!
Report v3.5.8
1) The Multiply page is not displayed when playing (staying at free btc page)
2) Multiply stop playing at ?
3) Error amount playing can't be less than 0.00000001
Here my settings :
var ROLL = true; // Auto Roll enable or disable. **** If Disabled, Multiply will NOT be executed ***. Override nexts.
var PROMO_MODE = true; // Play faster when some promo (bonus RP or 1000% is active, or not. Override nexts.
var GHOST_MODE = false; // Don't play in the night if no promo actives. Override nexts.
var SLOW_MODE = false; // Play always really slow, not ovevrcharghing the rolls. Override nexts.
var NIGHT_MODE = true; // Play slower when it's night time
// *** Bonuses ***
// It buys bonuses just when missing less then 20 minutes to the Roll. To avoid losing 1 bonus Roll.
var REWARDS = true; // Decide if auto buy rewards bonuses, or not ***When true, it will activate RP promotions***
var BONUS1000 = false; // Decide if to buy 1000% bonus or not. It costs 4600 RP. *** When BONUS1000 = false and REWARDS = true, you'll increase RP. ***
var HOURS_BETWEEN_BUY_BONUS = 0; // How many hours to wait before to buy Bonuses Rewards Promo again
// *** Lottery ***
var LOTTERY = false; // Decide if auto buy lottery tickets, or not.
var LOTTERY_MAX_TICKETS = 5; // Max ticket to buy
var LOTTERY_P = 7; // 0 is never, 100 is always
// *** Multiply Game ***
// Exec Vars. If and When Play.
var MULTIPLY = true; // Play Multiply games or not, Play at your own risk. If ROLL is false, Multiply will not work.
var MULTIPLY_AT_NIGHT = true; // Play multiply in nightiime
var HOURS_BETWEEN_MULTIPLY = 4; // How many hours to wait before to play multiply
var ROLL_P = 60; // How many time to play multiply, AFTER roll AND AFTER HOURS passed; Values: 0-100
// Exit Vars. **First condition reached, it causes multiply to stop**
var MAX_ROLLS_AT_MULTIPLY = 1000; // How many rolls in multiply. It will safely play till it win or reach maxbet.
var MAX_PLAY = 100; // How many time maximum will play martingale. How much time BASE_BET is played.
var MAX_WIN = 0.00000250; // Target Win, Stop to play multiply when those sats won.
var MAX_BET = 0.00001024; // MAX BET reached, STOP condition
// Bet Amounts Vars.
var MIN_BET = 0.00000001; // STUFF BET to play till don't lose LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY times; Just work in MODE = manual.
var BAS_BET = 0.00000003; // BASE BET when begin the PLAY
// Strategies Vars. How to play.
var ODDS = 5; // Odds of the multiply game.
var INCR = 25; // Porcentage of increment in case of lost.
var GAME_TYPE = 2; // 0 = martingale classic, FIXED odds = 2, FIXED increase 100% on lose. NO extintion bet. Default.
// 1 = martingale with odds, increase, extinction bet MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY but NOT WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES.
// 2 = martingale with odds, increase, extinction bet MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY, AND WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES. Check guides.
// 3 = same as 2, but MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY increased by 1 at every win
var HIGH_LOW = 3; // You can decide how to play; 0 random, 1 H, 2 L, 3 OLAER; check guides
var MIN_LOSSES_BEFORE_PLAY = 2; // How many time it will play MIN_BET and lose before begin play bas_bet and double; Game_type >= 1
var WAIT_PLAY_AFTER_LOSSES = 1; // Just with GAME_TYPE=2; Check guides.
var SPEED = 3; // Speed of multiply betting in manual mode, 3 fast, 2 medium, 1 human, 0 slowest