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Internet Archive Saver

This userscript saves every visited page to the Internet Archive Wayback Machine (, if the page has not already been saved there within the last 30 days. This prevents duplicate saves (We don't want to spam the Internet Archive). Some sites are excluded by default (No need to archive google searches, for example). You can add more @exclude flags on your own.

< Internet Archive Saver 피드백


작성: 2020-11-18

Unfortunately the script seems not to be working any longer!
I have re-installed it after a hiatus of 2-3 months, and archival seems to fail (while already archived pages present with the U badge, newly added pages do not display anything)

Flo Pin개발자
작성: 2021-07-05

Sometimes the archiving takes very long. Sometimes it throws errors. At the moment it works pretty well.

작성: 2021-07-05
Sometimes the archiving takes very long. Sometimes it throws errors. At the moment it works pretty well.

Thank you very much, that explains it for me: the long delay (especially if compared to earlier, like 2019) made it look like it was not working any longer, but that is indeed not the case - and waiting up to 20-30 seconds, at least in my geographical location, does the trick

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