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Pixiv enhance history a little

Just let non-members browse history

< Pixiv enhance history a little 피드백

리뷰: 좋음 - 잘 동작함

작성: 2020-05-22
수정: 2020-06-07


Nice idea with history(I'm also was thinking about it), but script doesn't work for me\

>>SyntaxError: invalid regexp group

Tested in Firefox 56/77 Grease- and Tamper- monkeys.

I'm not so familiar with regexps(despite I'm using some in my script), so if you already know hot it works - I would appreciate if you fix it...

P.S. I'll change mark to "Green" if it will work.

작성: 2020-06-01
수정: 2020-06-01

Oh, sorry, I haven't logged in for a long time.
This is just programing for fun.
I update the script just now. But don't update version number.
I think I know the reason for error and I lazy to install, so I don't install the firefox. (→_→)
So if the script is wrong again, tell me, then I will install the firefox to test it again.

작성: 2020-06-07

@Quantum-Electrodynamics Yeah, now it works)
I understand your laziness) I think, laziness(for doing boring stuff) and curiosity(for possibility of making some new feature) is that what pushing us to programming field) In my turn, I have only two versions on FF and no Chrome at all xD (But from some period of time I try to write compatible code, if it's not too difficult).


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