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Script doesn't work anymore, who can fix it?

Posted: 30.10.2015
Edited: 30.10.2015

Script doesn't work anymore, who can fix it?

In 2012 mr Jefferson has created a (greasemonkey) script below for the website marktplaats.nl. It seems that marktplaats changed something because I can't get the script working any more. With firebug and common sence I can't see what is wrong but I guess it is something small. So I wanted to upload the script but the website userscripts is closed http://userscripts-mirror.org/topics/119213.html

Is it possible to have a look at it?

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Change marktplaats prijstype
// @namespace   bezoeker
// @include     https://marktplaats.nl/syi/
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

var prijs_links = document.querySelectorAll("#syi-price-tabs a");
for (var cpt_count=0; cpt_count<prijs_links.length; cpt_count++){
  if (prijs_links[cpt_count].textContent == "Kies ander prijstype"){
    // Click the "Kies ander prijstype" link
    // Click "Bieden" in the hidden unordered list
    var prijs_listitems = document.querySelectorAll("#syi-price-type ul li");
    for (cpt_count=0; cpt_count<prijs_listitems.length; cpt_count++){
      if (prijs_listitems[cpt_count].textContent == "Bieden"){

To test the script use https://www.marktplaats.nl/syi/plaatsAdvertentie.html

Type word: boeken click :vind rubriek, click on the created link below Half way down in the new page the pricetype prijs appears I need default Kies ander prijstype > bieden

Jefferson Scher wrote on my e-mail:

I added a console.log to the script and it seems that "clicking" the link using a script reloads/navigates the page while clicking interactively does not. And on the second load, the script fails.

prijs_links.length=2 in https://www.marktplaats.nl/syi/201/224/plaatsAdvertentie.html?bucket=37&origin=HEADER

prijs_links.length=0 in https://www.marktplaats.nl/syi/201/224/plaatsAdvertentie.html?bucket=37&origin=HEADER#syi-price-type

But when I try to fix this, it breaks the part of the form just below that...

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Change prijstype
// @namespace   YourNameHere
// @include     https://www.marktplaats.nl/syi/*
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==
var prijs_links = document.querySelectorAll("a.syi-price-tab");
console.log("**** Found: prijs_links.length="+prijs_links.length+" in "+location.href);
for (var cpt_count=0; cpt_count<prijs_links.length; cpt_count++){
  if (prijs_links[cpt_count].textContent == "Kies ander prijstype"){
    // Click the "Kies ander prijstype" link
    /* Try to prevent navigation by swapping out the href attribute temporarily: WRECKS FORM
    var oldHref = prijs_links[cpt_count].href;
    prijs_links[cpt_count].href = "javascript:return false;";
    prijs_links[cpt_count].href = oldHref;
    // Click "Bieden" in the hidden unordered list
    var prijs_listitems = document.querySelectorAll("#syi-price-type ul li");
    for (cpt_count=0; cpt_count<prijs_listitems.length; cpt_count++){
      if (prijs_listitems[cpt_count].textContent == "Bieden"){
Posted: 30.10.2015

Oh hey, that's me.

Could you try this way. Instead of relying on the click events, it tries to make all the changes directly. I didn't submit the form, so I don't know whether I got everything.

function switchDisplay(){
  var ptabs = document.querySelectorAll('#syi-price-tabs a');
  if (ptabs.length == 0){
    window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 500);
  if (ptabs[1].className.indexOf("selected") > -1) return;
  // Switch selected class
  ptabs[0].className = ptabs[0].className.replace("selected", "");
  ptabs[1].className += " selected";
  // Set hidden input
  var frm = document.getElementById("syi-form");
  frm.elements["price.option"].value = "priceType";
  // Change visibility of controls
  document.getElementById("syi-price").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("syi-price-type").style.display = "block";
  // Set selected for "Bieden" option in the select control
  var ptv = frm.elements["price.typeValue"];
  for (var i=0; i<ptv.options.length; i++){
    if (ptv.options[i].textContent == "Bieden"){
      console.log("Found Bieden");
      ptv.options[i].selected = true;
if (window.self == window.top) window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 1000);
Posted: 31.10.2015

It works perfect, also with submit, Manny thanks Jefferson!

Posted: 31.10.2015
Edited: 31.10.2015

Is it also possible to set "toon op kaart" not filled by default?

Posted: 01.11.2015
Is it also possible to set "toon op kaart" not filled by default?

Took me a while to find that, since I'm not logged in, it's hidden.

function switchDisplay(){
  var ptabs = document.querySelectorAll('#syi-price-tabs a');
  if (ptabs.length == 0){
    window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 500);
  if (ptabs[1].className.indexOf("selected") > -1) return;
  // Switch selected class
  ptabs[0].className = ptabs[0].className.replace("selected", "");
  ptabs[1].className += " selected";
  // Set hidden input
  var frm = document.getElementById("syi-form");
  frm.elements["price.option"].value = "priceType";
  // Change visibility of controls
  document.getElementById("syi-price").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("syi-price-type").style.display = "block";
  // Set selected for "Bieden" option in the select control
  var ptv = frm.elements["price.typeValue"];
  for (var i=0; i<ptv.options.length; i++){
    if (ptv.options[i].textContent == "Bieden"){
      console.log("Found Bieden");
      ptv.options[i].selected = true;
  // Do not show location on map
  var chkMap = document.getElementById("show-on-map");
  if (chkMap){
    chkMap.checked = false;
    if (chkMap.hasAttribute("checked")) chkMap.removeAttribute("checked");
if (window.self == window.top) window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 1000);
Posted: 01.11.2015

The show on map is ok but now I see that after the submit the price value choice is set to "gratis" instead of "bieden" it needs more work I am afraid

Posted: 01.11.2015
Edited: 01.11.2015

What?? Try switching the order because I'm not seeing that:

function switchDisplay(){
  // Select pricing
  var ptabs = document.querySelectorAll('#syi-price-tabs a');
  if (ptabs.length == 0){
    window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 500);
  if (ptabs[1].className.indexOf("selected") > -1) return;
  // Do not show location on map
  var chkMap = document.getElementById("show-on-map");
  if (chkMap){
    chkMap.checked = false;
    if (chkMap.hasAttribute("checked")) chkMap.removeAttribute("checked");
  // Switch selected class
  ptabs[0].className = ptabs[0].className.replace("selected", "");
  ptabs[1].className += " selected";
  // Set hidden input
  var frm = document.getElementById("syi-form");
  frm.elements["price.option"].value = "priceType";
  // Change visibility of controls
  document.getElementById("syi-price").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("syi-price-type").style.display = "block";
  // Set selected for "Bieden" option in the select control
  var ptv = frm.elements["price.typeValue"];
  for (var i=0; i<ptv.options.length; i++){
    if (ptv.options[i].textContent == "Bieden"){
      console.log("Found Bieden");
      ptv.options[i].selected = true;
if (window.self == window.top) window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 1000);
Posted: 01.11.2015

Maybe a good idea to undisable the price type drop-down in case you need to adjust it manually...

function switchDisplay(){
  // Select pricing
  var ptabs = document.querySelectorAll('#syi-price-tabs a');
  if (ptabs.length == 0){
    window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 500);
  if (ptabs[1].className.indexOf("selected") > -1) return;
  // Do not show location on map
  var chkMap = document.getElementById("show-on-map");
  if (chkMap){
    chkMap.checked = false;
    if (chkMap.hasAttribute("checked")) chkMap.removeAttribute("checked");
  // Switch selected class
  ptabs[0].className = ptabs[0].className.replace("selected", "");
  ptabs[1].className += " selected";
  // Set hidden input
  var frm = document.getElementById("syi-form");
  frm.elements["price.option"].value = "priceType";
  // Change visibility of controls
  document.getElementById("syi-price").style.display = "none";
  document.getElementById("syi-price-type").style.display = "block";
  // Set selected for "Bieden" option in the select control
  var ptv = frm.elements["price.typeValue"];
  for (var i=0; i<ptv.options.length; i++){
    if (ptv.options[i].textContent == "Bieden"){
      console.log("Found Bieden");
      ptv.options[i].selected = true;
  if (ptv.hasAttribute("disabled")) ptv.removeAttribute("disabled");
if (window.self == window.top) window.setTimeout(switchDisplay, 1000);
Posted: 02.11.2015

Jefferson, You make it look like it's magic, it works flawless

Posted: 02.11.2015

Great. Hopefully it will be a while before they change that page again.

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