Greasy Fork is available in English.

Enhanced Ticker

Various fixes for the very bare ticker.

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Enhanced Ticker
// @namespace   MrBrax, Xelivous
// @description Various fixes for the very bare ticker.
// @include
// @require
// @version     3.35
// @grant 	GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==



ETICKER.IMG_MAGNIFIER 	= "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";
ETICKER.IMG_CROSS 		= "iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAABAAAAAQCAYAAAAf8/9hAAAABGdBTUEAAK/INwWK6QAAABl0RVh0U29mdHdhcmUAQWRvYmUgSW1hZ2VSZWFkeXHJZTwAAAIhSURBVDjLlZPrThNRFIWJicmJz6BWiYbIkYDEG0JbBiitDQgm0PuFXqSAtKXtpE2hNuoPTXwSnwtExd6w0pl2OtPlrphKLSXhx07OZM769qy19wwAGLhM1ddC184+d18QMzoq3lfsD3LZ7Y3XbE5DL6Atzuyilc5Ciyd7IHVfgNcDYTQ2tvDr5crn6uLSvX+Av2Lk36FFpSVENDe3OxDZu8apO5rROJDLo30+Nlvj5RnTlVNAKs1aCVFr7b4BPn6Cls21AWgEQlz2+Dl1h7IdA+i97A/geP65WhbmrnZZ0GIJpr6OqZqYAd5/gJpKox4Mg7pD2YoC2b0/54rJQuJZdm6Izcgma4TW1WZ0h+y8BfbyJMwBmSxkjw+VObNanp5h/adwGhaTXF4NWbLj9gEONyCmUZmd10pGgf1/vwcgOT3tUQE0DdicwIod2EmSbwsKE1P8QoDkcHPJ5YESjgBJkYQpIEZ2KEB51Y6y3ojvY+P8XEDN7uKS0w0ltA7QGCWHCxSWWpwyaCeLy0BkA7UXyyg8fIzDoWHeBaDN4tQdSvAVdU1Aok+nsNTipIEVnkywo/FHatVkBoIhnFisOBoZxcGtQd4B0GYJNZsDSiAEadUBCkstPtN3Avs2Msa+Dt9XfxoFSNYF/Bh9gP0bOqHLAm2WUF1YQskwrVFYPWkf3h1iXwbvqGfFPSGW9Eah8HSS9fuZDnS32f71m8KFY7xs/QZyu6TH2+2+FAAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==";
ETICKER.IMG_PAGE 		= "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";
ETICKER.IMG_STAR 		= "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";
ETICKER.IMG_LOADING 	= ""

ETICKER.Hide = true;

ETICKER.BanCounter = [];

console.log("[ETicker] Enhanched Ticker v" + ETICKER.VERSION + " loading...");


function addGlobalStyle(css) {
	var head, style;
	head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
	if (!head) { return; }
	style = document.createElement('style');
	style.type = 'text/css';
	style.innerHTML = css;

function config(){

	// Init global stuff

	// Ratings system
	ratings = {
		'tick.png' : 'Agree',
		'cross.png' : 'Disagree',
		'funny2.png' : 'Funny',
		'winner.png' : 'Winner',
		'zing.png' : 'Zing',
		'information.png' : 'Informative',
		'heart.png' : 'Friendly',
		'wrench.png' : 'Useful',
		'rainbow.png' : 'Optimistic',
		'palette.png' : 'Artistic',
		'clock.png' : 'Late',
		'box.png' : 'Dumb',
		'lua_king.png' : 'Lua King',
		'lua_helper.png' : 'Lua Helper',
		'weed.png' : 'Smarked',
		'mapping_king.png' : 'Mapping King',
		'moustache.png' : 'Moustache',
		'programming_king.png' : 'Programming King'
	var ratings_key = Array();
	for(key in ratings){
	ratings_regex = ratings_key.join("|");

	var cfg = window.localStorage.getItem("ETickerConfig");
	if(cfg && cfg.length>5){
		cfg = JSON.parse(cfg);
		if(cfg["validated"] && cfg["weekday"] && cfg["threads"]){
			cfg.subforums_name = { // these don't need input from the user
				// Facepunch
				6: "General Discussion",
				60: "Fast Threads",
				64: "Videos And Flash Movies and That Kind Of Crap",
				403: "Mass Debate",
				396: "Sensationalist Headlines",
				51: "In The News Node",
				46: "The Gold Members Forum",
				// Rust
				415: "Rust General Discussion",
				424: "Rust Experimental Version",
				417: "Rust Servers",
				418: "Rust Modding",
				421: "Rust Bug Reports & Exploits",
				425: "Rust Help & Support",
				// Garry's Mod
				15: "Garry's Mod General Discussion",
				198: "Screenshots, Movies, Saves and Dupes",
				66: "Gamemode & Addon Releases",
				65: "Developer Discussion",
				16: "Help & Support",
				// Hardware & Software
				397: "Hardware and Software - General Discussion",
				107: "Technical Support",
				243: "PC Building",
				// Games
				110: "General Games Discussion",
				339: "Valve/Steam/PowerPlay",
				277: "Team Fortress 2",
				411: "DOTA 2",
				383: "Minecraft",
				189: "Games In Progress",
				// Developers
				240: "Programming",
				353: "Web Development",
				38: "Mapping",
				40: "Modelling",

				// Creationism Corner
				75: "Creationism Corner",
				316: "MS Paint",
				315: "Musician's Gig Room",
				389: "Photography",
				76: "Photoshop Contests",
				// Hobbies
				262: "Music",
				384: "Automotive Addicts",
				385: "Durgs Discussion",
				393: "Airsoft",
				401: "Urban Exploration",
				361: "Film and Television",
				394: "Witness The Fitness",
				391: "Maker Mates",
				// Misc
				33: "Moderators"

			var col_mod = "#00aa00";
			var col_staff = "#0070FF";
			var col_fag = "#f0f";
			var col_gold = "#A06000";
			var col_bot = "#48D4DB";

			cfg.bots = [ 
				546131, // pcgamesn
				380954, // bbc
				92596,  //
				55839,  // moddb
				600577, // playrust

			cfg.specialusers = {

				// admins
				garry: 					col_staff,
				gwilty: 				col_staff,
				Robotboy655: 			col_staff,
				Ziks: 					col_staff,
				'Paul.B': 				col_staff,
				Holmzy: 				col_staff,
				Helk: 					col_staff,
				'_Kilburn': 			col_staff,
				layla: 					col_staff,
				Orkel: 					col_staff,
				// mods
				'Big Dumb American': 	col_mod,
				Blazyd: 				col_mod,
				Craptasket: 			col_mod,
				GunFox: 				col_mod,
				Gurant: 				col_mod,
				Jaanus: 				col_mod,
				NiandraLades: 			col_mod,
				OvB: 					col_mod,
				postal: 				col_mod,
				rilez: 					col_mod,
				Rusty100: 				col_fag,
				Starpluck: 				col_fag,
				SteveUK: 				col_mod,
				Swebonny: 				col_fag,
				verynicelady: 			col_mod,
				Bradyns:				col_mod,
				Novangel:				col_mod,
				Reagy:					col_mod,
				Kiwi:					col_mod,
				'Sgt Doom':				col_mod,
				Icemaz:					col_mod

				//PCGamesN: 				col_bot,
				//'': 		col_bot,
				//ModDB: 					col_bot,
				//bbc: 					col_bot


			for(u in cfg.specialusers){
				ETICKER.BanCounter[u] = 0;

			// FPR gold list
			cfg.golds = [

			// Set new unknown variables
			cfg.show_titlechange = cfg.show_titlechange != undefined ? cfg.show_titlechange : true;
			cfg.show_events = cfg.show_events != undefined ? cfg.show_events : true;
			cfg.show_ratings = cfg.show_ratings != undefined ? cfg.show_ratings : true; = != undefined ? : Array();

			cfg.notify_mentioned = cfg.notify_mentioned != undefined ? cfg.notify_mentioned : false;
			cfg.notify_watched = cfg.notify_watched != undefined ? cfg.notify_watched : false;
			cfg.notify_rating = cfg.notify_rating != undefined ? cfg.notify_rating : false;
			cfg.notify_modaction = cfg.notify_modaction != undefined ? cfg.notify_modaction : false;
			cfg.store_mentioned = cfg.store_mentioned != undefined ? cfg.store_mentioned : true;
			cfg.store_watched = cfg.store_watched != undefined ? cfg.store_watched : false;
			cfg.store_rating = cfg.store_rating != undefined ? cfg.store_rating : false;
			cfg.tickerlimit = cfg.tickerlimit != undefined ? cfg.tickerlimit : 100; 

			cfg.darkmode = cfg.darkmode != undefined ? cfg.darkmode : false;
			cfg.supersecret = cfg.supersecret != undefined ? cfg.supersecret : "";
			cfg.supersecret_u = cfg.supersecret_u != undefined ? cfg.supersecret_u : "";
			cfg.supersecret_p = cfg.supersecret_p != undefined ? cfg.supersecret_p : "";
			return cfg;

			alert("Could not validate settings, refresh.");
			Config = {};
		alert("Resetting settings...");
		var def = {
			'validated' : true,
			'show_unicode' : true,
			'show_avatars' : true,
			'show_military' : true,
			'show_join'	: false,
			'show_colors' : true,
			'show_titlechange' : true,
			'show_ratings' : true,
			'color_readthread' : "#c5c8eb",
			'color_rating' : "#ddf85e",
			'color_highlight': "#f2b2a9",
			'color_hover': "#add4b2",
			'notify_mentioned' : true,
			'notify_watched' : true,
			'notify_rating' : true,
			'store_mentioned' : true,
			'store_watched' : false,
			'store_rating' : false,
			'tickerlimit' : 100,
			'subforums': {
				33: true  // moderators
			'threads': {

			'users' : [],

			'words' : [],
			'watch' : {},
			'weekday': ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"]
		Config = def;
		alert("Settings saved to local storage.");
		return def;


Config = config();

ETICKER.USERNAME = $("#navbar-login a").last("strong").text();
Config.specialusers[ETICKER.USERNAME] = "#085d20";

console.log("[ETicker] Got username: " + ETICKER.USERNAME);

// add panel
$("#content_inner").children("div").prepend("<div id='eticker_history'></div>");
//$("#content_inner").children("div").prepend("<br><br><hr><div style='margin:16px 16px 0 16px; text-align:center'></div>");

var panel = $("<div class='eticker_panel'></div>").prependTo(".fp_custom_page");
panel.append("<span style='color:#f070f0'>Enhanced Ticker " + ETICKER.VERSION + "</span>");
$("<img width=16 height=16 id=\"eticker_status\" src=\"" + ETICKER.IMG_LOADING + "\"><br>").appendTo(panel);
$("<button>clear ticker</button>").appendTo(panel).click(function(){ eClear(1); });
$("<button>only highlights</button>").appendTo(panel).click(function(){ eClear(2); });
$("<button>only ratings</button>").appendTo(panel).click(function(){ eClear(3); });
$("<button>only read</button>").appendTo(panel).click(function(){ eClear(4); });

if(Config.supersecret && Config.supersecret != "" && Config.supersecret_u && Config.supersecret_u != "" ){
	$("<br><input type='text' placeholder='Username' id='autoreg_username'> <input type='text' placeholder='Hostname' id='autoreg_hostname'> <button id='autoreg_submit'>Create for GMFD</button>").appendTo(panel);
		if(!ETICKER.SuperSecretCache) ETICKER.SuperSecretCache = [];
		var hostname = $("#autoreg_hostname").val();
		var username = $("#autoreg_username").val();
			method: "POST",
			url: Config.supersecret,
			data: "text=REGISTER " + hostname + "&username=" + username,
			headers: {
			  "Authorization": "Basic " + btoa(Config.supersecret_u + ":" + Config.supersecret_p),
			  "Accept": "text/html, application/json",
			  "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
			onload: function(data) {
				try {
					var json = JSON.parse(data.responseText);
							alert("Supersecret error: " + json.error);
							if(json.error.indexOf("already exists") !== -1){
								ETICKER.SuperSecretCache[username] = true;
						console.log("[Autoreg] Made account for '" + json.username + "' with password '" + json.password +"' on '" + json.hostname + "'.");
						unsafeWindow.eNotify("Autoreg made account for '" + json.username + "' with password '" + json.password +"' on '" + json.hostname + "'.");
						var not = $("<div style='background:#f00;color:#fff;padding:4px'>Supersecret made account for '" + json.username + "' with password '" + json.password +"' on '" + json.hostname + "'.<br><a href='" + +"' target='_blank'>" + + "</a></div>").prependTo("#eticker_history");
						ETICKER.SuperSecretCache[username] = true;
						console.log("[Autoreg] Send PM...", data);
						$.post("/private.php?do=insertpm&pmid=", { recipients: username, securitytoken: unsafeWindow.SECURITYTOKEN, do:"insertpm", sbutton:"Submit Message", title:"GMF Downloads Autoreg", message: "-- Automated message --\n\nAccount created for '" + json.hostname + "' with the username '" + json.username + "' and password '" + json.password +"'.\n\n[url=" + +"]" + + "[/url]" }, function(data){
							console.log("[Autoreg] Sent PM.", data);
							not.append("<br><b>PM Sent to user with instructions.</b>");
							console.log("[Autoreg] Failed PM.", data);
							not.append("<br><b>PM Failed to send.</b>");

						alert("[Autoreg] Got no response at all.");
					alert("[Autoreg] JSON error.", data, e);
			onerror: function(data) {
				alert("[Autoreg] error: ", data);
//$("<input type='checkbox' id='eticker_hide' checked> Apply hiding for new posts (<span id=\"hiddenposts\"></span>)").appendTo(panel)

function eNotify(text, link){

	console.log("[ETicker] Notify: " + text);

	if( ETICKER.LOADED + 5000 > ){ return; }

	if (!("Notification" in window)) {
		alert("[ETicker] This browser does not support desktop notification");
	}else if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
		var notification = new Notification(text);

		if(link != undefined){
			notification.onclick = function(){;

	}else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
		Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
			if (!('permission' in Notification)) {
				Notification.permission = permission;
			if (permission === "granted") {
				var notification = new Notification(text);

				if(link != undefined){
					notification.onclick = function(){;


	console.log("[ETicker] " + text);

function eSaveData(){
	var cfg = Config;
	try {
		window.localStorage.setItem("ETickerConfig", JSON.stringify(cfg));
	} catch(e) {
		if (e == QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR) {
			unsafeWindow.eNotify('Quota exceeded!'); //data wasn't successfully saved due to quota exceed so throw an error
	console.log("[ETicker] Save data...");
	unsafeWindow.eNotify("Settings saved to local storage.");

function eConfig(){
	var html = '<div id="eticker_config"><h1 style="font-size:18px">Enhanced Ticker Configuration</h1>';
	// Subforums
	html += "<form id='eticker_form' onSubmit='return false;'>";
	//html += "<br><br>Separate values with a newline.<br>";

	html += 'Fetched username: ' + ETICKER.USERNAME;
	// Print subforums
	html += "<br><br><b>Ignored subforums</b><br>";	
	html += '<div id="eticker_subforums">';
	for(var key in Config.subforums_name){
		html += '<input type="checkbox" data-subid="'+key+'" '+(Config.subforums[key]==true?"checked":"")+'> ' + Config.subforums_name[key] + " (id "+key+")<br>";
	html += '</div>';
	// Trigger words
	html += "<br><br><b>Ignored threads</b><br>";
	html += "<select size='10' id='eticker_threads' multiple>";
	for(var k in Config.threads){
		html += '<option value="'+k+'">' + Config.threads[k] + '</option>';
	html += '</select><br><button onclick="$(\'#eticker_threads option:selected\').remove();return false;">Remove</button><br>';
	// Watched
	html += "<br><br><b>Watched threads</b><br>";
	html += "<select size='10' id='eticker_watch' multiple>";
	for(var k in{
		html += '<option value="'+k+'">' +[k] + '</option>';
	html += '</select><br><button onclick="$(\'#eticker_watch option:selected\').remove();return false;">Remove</button><br>';
	html += '<br><br><input type="text" id="eticker_tickerlimit" value="' + Config.tickerlimit + '"> Max ticker items before fading out';
	html += '<br><br><input type="text" id="eticker_supersecret" value="' + Config.supersecret + '"> GMF Supersecret H';
	html += '<br><br><input type="text" id="eticker_supersecret_u" value="' + Config.supersecret_u + '"> GMF Supersecret U';
	html += '<br><br><input type="text" id="eticker_supersecret_p" value="' + Config.supersecret_p + '"> GMF Supersecret P';
	html += '<br><br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_unicode" ' + ( Config.show_unicode ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show glitched unicode posts';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_avatars" ' + ( Config.show_avatars ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show avatars';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_military" ' + ( Config.show_military ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show military time';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_join" ' + ( Config.show_join ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show joined users';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_colors" ' + ( Config.show_colors ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show colored usernames';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_titlechange" ' + ( Config.show_titlechange ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show title changes';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_events" ' + ( Config.show_events ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show events';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_show_ratings" ' + ( Config.show_ratings ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Show ratings';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_darkmode" ' + ( Config.darkmode ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Dark mode';
	html += '<br><br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_notify_watched" ' + ( Config.notify_watched ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Notify on watched threads';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_notify_rating" ' + ( Config.notify_rating ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Notify on rated posts';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_notify_mentioned" ' + ( Config.notify_mentioned ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Notify on mentioned posts';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_notify_modaction" ' + ( Config.notify_modaction ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Notify on mod actions';
	html += '<br><br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_store_watched" ' + ( Config.store_watched ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Store watched threads';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_store_rating" ' + ( Config.store_rating ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Store rated posts';
	html += '<br><input type="checkbox" id="eticker_store_mentioned" ' + ( Config.store_mentioned ? "checked" : "" ) + '> Store mentioned posts';
	html += '<br><br><button class="submit">save settings</button>';
	html += ' <button class="reset">reset settings</button>';
	html += ' <button class="manage" onclick="cfg = prompt(\'Import/Export data here:\', JSON.stringify(Config)); if(cfg){ Config = JSON.parse(cfg); eSaveData(); location.reload(); }">import/export</button>';
	html += ' <button class="close">close</button>';
	html += "</form>";
	html += "<style>#eticker_form textarea { width:300px; height:150px; }</style>";
	html += '</div>';

function eClear(a){
	if(a == 1){
		$("#TickerBox .ticker_item").each(function(){
	if(a == 2){
		$("#TickerBox .ticker_item:not(.eticker_highlight)").each(function(){
	if(a == 3){
		$("#TickerBox .ticker_item:not(.eticker_rating)").each(function(){
	if(a == 4){
		$("#TickerBox .ticker_item:not(.eticker_readthread)").each(function(){

function eLoadRatings(obj, post_id){
	console.log("[ETicker] Get ratings for post " + post_id);
	$.get('/ajax.php', {'do': 'rate_list', postid: post_id}, function(data){
		var x = $(obj).offset().left;
		var y = $(obj).offset().top + 30;
		var div = $("<div class='top popupbox ratingslist'>" + data.list + "</div>").appendTo("body");
		div.css("left", (x) + "px");
		div.css("top",  (y) + "px");{
	}, 'json');

function eBans(m, a, b){

	if(!Config.notify_modaction) return;
	if($("#bancounter").length == 0) $("<div id='bancounter'></div>").appendTo(".eticker_panel");
	if(!ETICKER.BanCounter[m]) ETICKER.BanCounter[m] = 0;


	var e = $("#bancounter .entry[data-mod='" + m + "']");
	if(e.length > 0){
		$(".count", e).html( ETICKER.BanCounter[m] );
		$("<div class='entry' data-mod='" + m + "'><img title='" + m + "' src='" + a + "'><span class='count'>" + ETICKER.BanCounter[m] + "</span>").appendTo("#bancounter");


var is_dark_theme = Config.darkmode && Config.darkmode == true; //= $("#logo a").css("margin-left") != "0px";

// add styles
var st =	'.ticker_item  			{ clear:both; overflow:hidden; height:28px; white-space:nowrap } ' +
			'.ticker_item:hover 	{ background-color: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#181818" : "#eee" ) + '; }' +
			'.ticker_item a 		{ font-size: 12px !important; ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "color: #ECECEC;" : "" ) + ' } ' +
			'.ticker_item a:hover 	{ ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "color: #FFF !important;" : "" ) + ' } ' +
			'.ticker_item a:visited { ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "color: #AAE !important;" : "" ) + ' } ' +
			'.ticker_item > a:visited { ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "color: #AAE !important;" : "" ) + ' } ' +
			'.eticker_forumlink a:visited { ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "color: #AAE !important;" : "" ) + ' } ' +
			'.ticker_item div > a:visited { ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "color: #AAE !important;" : "" ) + ' } ' +

			'.ticker_item > div { padding:0px !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_forumlink { padding:4px; } ' +
			'.eticker_forumlink a { ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "color: #ccc;" : "" ) + ' } ' +
			'.eticker_threadlink { display:inline-block; max-width:64%; overflow:hidden; height:20px } ' +
			'.eticker_threadlink a { display:inline-block; width:200%; vertical-align:-14px } ' +
			'.eticker_event img, .eticker_rating img { vertical-align:-4px !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_icon { margin-left:5px } ' +
			'.eticker_rating .eticker_icon { margin-right:7px } ' +

			'.eticker_time { width:55px !important; line-height:1 !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_readthread 	{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#303030" : "#c5c8eb" ) + ' !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_rating 		{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#3E6536" : "#f3f85e" ) + ' !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_bot 			{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#353535" : "#C5D9C6" ) + ' !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_highlight 	{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#8F291B" : "#f2b2a9" ) + ' !important; } ' +

			'.eticker_readthread:hover 	{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#353535" : "#b2b6de" ) + ' !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_rating:hover 		{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#3E6939" : "#dee356" ) + ' !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_bot:hover 		{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#393939" : "#BACFBB" ) + ' !important; } ' +
			'.eticker_highlight:hover 	{ background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#8F291F" : "#e59e94" ) + ' !important; } ' +

			'.eticker_event, .eticker_rating { line-height:28px; } ' +
			'.eticker_threadlink, .eticker_forumlink { line-height:20px; } ' + 

			'.eticker_ybox { ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "background: #7E4141;" : "background: #F8FAC0;" ) + ' margin:0 4px; display:inline-block; vertical-align:9px } ' +

			'.eticker_userinfo { width:140px !important; overflow:hidden } ' +
			'.eticker_userinfo a { width:200% !important; } ' +

			'.eticker_panel { padding:5px; margin:15px; background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#353535" : "#eee" ) + '; } ' +
			'.eticker_panel button { font-size:11px; background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#565656" : "#dfdfdf" ) + '; border:none; padding:2px 4px; margin-right:4px; margin-top:5px } ' +
			'.eticker_panel button:hover { background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#595959" : "#ccc" ) + '; cursor:pointer } ' +
			'#eticker_history { margin:16px; } ' +
			'hr { height:1px; background:#ccc; border:none; margin: 0 16px } ' +

			'#eticker_config { position:absolute; top:20px; left:20px; background: ' + ( is_dark_theme ? "#222" : "#fff" ) + '; padding:20px; border:5px solid #000; font-size:12px; } ' +
			'#postpreview_black { display:none; top:0; left:0; bottom:0; right:0; background:rgba(0,0,0,.6); position:fixed; }' +
			'#postpreview_box { display:none; top:15%; left:10%; right:10%; position:fixed; background:#fff; overflow-x:hidden; max-height:80%; }' +
			'.eticker_postbuttons { display:inline-block; float:left; width:95px; } ' +

			'.pbutton { border:none; background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0); background-repeat:no-repeat; background-position: center; width:20px; height:20px; font-size:10px; margin-right:5px; vertical-align:4px; } ' +
			'.pbutton.ig { background-image:url(data:image/png;base64,'+ETICKER.IMG_CROSS+'); }' + // ignore
			'.pbutton.op { background-image:url(data:image/png;base64,'+ETICKER.IMG_PAGE+'); }' + // show op
			' { background-image:url(data:image/png;base64,'+ETICKER.IMG_MAGNIFIER+'); }' + // preview
			'.pbutton.wa { background-image:url(data:image/png;base64,'+ETICKER.IMG_STAR+'); margin:0 }' + // watch
			'.pbutton:hover { background-color:#ddd; cursor:pointer; }' +

			'#eticker_status { vertical-align: -3px; margin-left:5px } ' +
			'.eticker_avatar { width:20px; height:20px; vertical-align:-6px; margin-right:4px; opacity:.6; background-size:cover; background-align:center center; display:inline-block; } ' +
			'.eticker_avatar:hover { position:absolute; width:80px; height:160px; opacity:1; z-index:999; background-size:auto; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-align:center center; }' +

			'#eticker_form textarea, #eticker_form input[type=text] { padding:2px; background:#fff; border:1px solid #ccc; }' +
			'#eticker_form input[type=checkbox] { vertical-align:-3px; margin:2px 0; } ' +
			'#eticker_form button { padding:5px 10px; } ' +
			'#eticker_subforums { height:150px; overflow-x:hidden; } ' +
			'.eticker_forumlink, .eticker_time, .eticker_userinfo, .eticker_postbuttons, .eticker_threadlink { padding:4px }' +

			'#bancounter { overflow:hidden; margin-top: 5px; } ' +
			'#bancounter .entry { float: left; height: 32px; width: 70px; margin: 0 3px 3px 0; background: rgba(255,0,255,.2); padding: 3px; } ' +
			'#bancounter .count { font-size: 24px; display:inline-block; vertical-align: 9px; font-family: monospace; font-weight: 700; }' +
			'#bancounter img { width:32px; height:32px; margin-right: 7px; } '


window.hidden_posts = 0;

function updateposts( num ){
	window.hidden_posts += num;
	//$("#hiddenposts").html( window.hidden_posts );

function update_user_colors(){
		$(this).css("color", Config.specialusers[ $(this).text() ] );

// override ticker function completely
function AddTickerPost(post){
	var now = new Date();
	var html = post.attributes.getNamedItem( "html" ).value;
	var dt = new Date(post.attributes.getNamedItem( "date" ).value * 1000);
	var dtt = ('0'  + dt.getHours()).slice(-2)+':'+('0' + dt.getMinutes()).slice(-2)+':'+('0' + dt.getSeconds()).slice(-2);
	var final_html;

	var hide = false;
	var tclass = "ticker_item";
	var showbtn = true;
	var rating = false;
	var threadname = "Unknown";
	var username = "Unknown";
	var userid = 0;
	var store = false;

	var is_mentioned 	= false;
	var is_self 		= false;
	var is_post 		= true;
	var is_event 		= false;
	var is_join 		= false;
	var is_rating 		= false;
	var is_bot 			= false;
	var is_ban			= false;
	var thread_id 		= -1;
	var post_id 		= -1;
	var subforum_id 	= -1;

	var notify_post 	= false;
	var notify_quote 	= false;
	// print date
	if(dt.getDate() == now.getDate()){
		dtt += "<br><span style='font-size:8px; color:#999; line-height:1.2em'>Today</span>";
		dtt += "<br><span style='font-size:8px; color:#999; line-height:1.2em'>"+Config.weekday[dt.getDay()]+ "</span>";
	// check for join messages
	if(html.indexOf("join.png") !== -1 ){ 
		is_post = false; 
		is_event = true; 
		is_join = true; 
		if(!Config.show_join){ updateposts(1); return; }
	// check for events
	if(html.indexOf("events.png") !== -1 || html.indexOf("toobig.png") !== -1 || html.indexOf("ddt.png") !== -1 ){ 
		is_post = false; 
		is_event = true;
		if(!Config.show_events){ updateposts(1); return; }
	// check for title changes (not even used anymore)
	if(html.indexOf("title.png") !== -1 && !Config.show_titlechange){ updateposts(1); return; }

	// check for ratings
	if(html.indexOf("fp/ratings") !== -1){ is_post = false; is_event = false; is_rating = true; }
	// add military time
	if(Config.show_military) html = html.replace(/([0-9:]+)([AP]M)/, dtt );
	// outer jquery html, work only with jquery from now on
	var jhtml = $(html);
	// add avatar
	if(!is_event && Config.show_avatars){
		var userid = html.match(/\?u=([0-9]+)/);
			var avatar = $("div:nth-child(3)", jhtml).prepend('<span class="eticker_avatar" style="background-image: url(/image.php?u='+userid[1]+')"></span>');
			avatar.css("background-image", "url(/image.php?u="+userid[1]+")");
			avatar.css("background", "url(/image.php?u="+userid[1]+")");
			if(Config.golds.indexOf(userid[1]) == -1){
				var img = new Image();
				img.src = "/image.php?u=" + userid[1];
				if(img.height > 64) Config.golds.push(userid[1]);
	if(is_event) showbtn = false; // don't show buttons on events
	$("div", jhtml).css('background',''); // remove all backgrounds
	$("div", jhtml).css('background-color',''); // remove all backgrounds again
	$('div[style*="rgb(136, 136, 136)"]', jhtml).addClass("eticker_ybox"); // yellow box thing
	$("a", jhtml).each(function(){ // find all links
		// hide subforum
		var hpost = $(this).attr("href").match(/f=([0-9]+)/);
		if( hpost && Config.subforums[hpost[1]] && ETICKER.Hide ){
			hide = true;
			return false;
		// get username
			// $(this).parent().parent().css("padding", "0px"); // hax
			username = $(this).text();

			// color usernames
			if( window.global_username == username ){

				$(this).css('color', '#C21780' );
				is_self = true;

			}else if(Config.show_colors && Config.specialusers[username]){




		// get subforum
		var sub_match = $(this).attr("href").match(/forumdisplay\.php\?f=([0-9]+)/);
		if(!is_event && sub_match){
			is_post = true;
			is_rating = false;
			subforum_id = sub_match[1];

		// get userid
		var user_match = $(this).attr("href").match(/member\.php\?u=([0-9\-]+)/);
			userid = user_match[1];

			if(subforum_id > -1) $(this).parent().addClass("eticker_userinfo");

			$(this).attr("title", $(this).text() );

			if( Config.bots.indexOf( parseInt(userid) ) > -1 ){
				$(this).css('color', '#547A56' );
				tclass += " eticker_bot";
			}else if( Config.show_colors && Config.golds.indexOf( parseInt(userid) ) > -1 && !is_self ) {
				$(this).css('color', '#A06000' );

		// get thread name & id
		var thread_match = $(this).attr("href").match(/showthread\.php\?t=([0-9]+)\&p=([0-9]+)/);
		if(!is_event && thread_match){

			thread_link = thread_match[0];
			thread_id = thread_match[1];
			post_id = thread_match[2];
			threadname = $(this).text();
			if(!is_event && !is_rating){

				$(this).wrap("<div class=\"eticker_threadlink\"></div>");
				$(this).attr("title", $(this).text() );
				if( Config.threads[thread_id] && ETICKER.Hide ){
					hide = true;
					return false;
				if(subforum_id > -1 && !is_mentioned &&[thread_id]){
					//final_html = "<div class='ticker_item eticker_highlight' style='background-color: "+Config.color_highlight+"; display: none;'>" + html + "</div>";
					tclass = tclass + " eticker_highlight";
					notify_post = true;
					if(!is_self && Config.notify_watched) unsafeWindow.eNotify("New post in '" + threadname + "' by " + username);
					if(Config.store_watched) store = true;

	// last read
	var div_lastread = $("div:contains(Last Read)",jhtml);
	if(div_lastread.length > 0){

	// events
	//var img_events = $("img[src='/fp/navbar/events.png']",jhtml);

		$("img", jhtml).first().addClass("eticker_icon");

		var j_pban = $("img[src='/fp/events/pban.png']", jhtml).length > 0;
		var j_ban = $("img[src='/fp/events/ban.png']", jhtml).length > 0;
		var j_unban = $("img[src='/fp/events/unban.png']", jhtml).length > 0;

		// show banned user, not very useful but eh
		if( j_unban ){
			var mod 		= $(".eticker_username:eq(0)", jhtml).text();
			var unbanned 	= $(".eticker_username:eq(1)", jhtml).text();
			var reason 		= $("b:eq(0)", jhtml).text();
			var t 			= "Woah! " + unbanned + " got unbanned by " + mod + " - “" + reason + "”!";
			if(Config.notify_modaction) unsafeWindow.eNotify(t);
			$(".eticker_username:eq(1)", jhtml).css("color", "");
			Config.specialusers[unbanned] = undefined;
			is_ban = true;
		}else if( j_ban || j_pban ){
			var mod 	= $(".eticker_username:eq(0)", jhtml).text();
			var banned 	= $(".eticker_username:eq(1)", jhtml).text();
			var reason 	= $("b:eq(1)", jhtml).text();
			var t 		= "Bam! " + banned + " got " + ( j_pban ? "perma" : "" ) + "banned by " + mod + " - “" + reason + "”!";
			$(".eticker_username:eq(1)", jhtml).css("color", "#f00");
			if(Config.notify_modaction) unsafeWindow.eNotify(t);
			Config.specialusers[banned] = "#f00";
			is_ban = true;

			eBans(mod, $(".eticker_username:eq(0)", jhtml).attr("href").match(/member\.php\?u=([0-9\-]+)/)[1], banned);


		tclass = "ticker_item eticker_event"

		var div_time = $("div:nth-child(1)",jhtml);
		if(div_time.length > 0){

	}else if(is_rating){

		$("img", jhtml).first().addClass("eticker_icon");

		tclass = "ticker_item eticker_rating"
		var div_time = $("div:nth-child(1)",jhtml);
		if(div_time.length > 0){

		var div_time = $("div:nth-child(2)",jhtml);
		if(div_time.length > 0){

	// check if mentioned
	var div_quoted = $("div:contains(Quoted)",jhtml);
	var div_mentioned = $("div:contains(Mentioned)",jhtml);
	if(div_quoted.length > 0){
		tclass = "ticker_item eticker_highlight";
		if(Config.notify_mentioned) unsafeWindow.eNotify(username + " quoted you in '" + threadname + "'");
		notify_quote = true;
		is_mentioned = true;
		if(Config.store_mentioned) store = true;
	}else if(div_mentioned.length > 0){
		tclass = "ticker_item eticker_highlight";
		if(Config.notify_mentioned) unsafeWindow.eNotify(username + " mentioned you in '" + threadname + "'");
		notify_quote = true;
		is_mentioned = true;
		if(Config.store_mentioned) store = true;
	// fix ratings


		var title = $('a', jhtml).next();
		var val = title.html();
		//tclass = tclass + " eticker_rating";
		var rfind = html.match(ratings_regex);
			rating = ratings[rfind[0]];
			if(Config.notify_rating) unsafeWindow.eNotify(username + " rated you " + rating + " in '" + (!val ? "(unknown thread)" : threadname ) + "'");
			$("img", jhtml).css('vertical-align','-3px');
			title.html("this thread");
				return $(this).html().replace("rated your post in", "rated your post <b>" + rating + "</b> in");
			$("<a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='eLoadRatings(this, " + post_id + ")'>(list)</a>").appendTo(jhtml);
		if(Config.store_rating) store = true;
	// read threads color
	if(html.indexOf("rgba(190, 220") !== -1){
		var div = $('div', jhtml).parent();
		tclass = tclass + " eticker_readthread";
		div.css("background-color", ""); // set background
	// preview buttons & ignore
	if(is_post && showbtn){
		var holder = $("<div class='eticker_postbuttons'></div>").insertAfter( $(jhtml).find(".eticker_userinfo") );
		$("<button title='Watch thread' class='pbutton wa'></button>").prependTo(holder);
		$("<button title='Add to ignore list' class='pbutton ig'></button>").prependTo(holder);
		$("<button title='Preview post' class='pbutton pr'></button>").prependTo(holder);
		$("<button title='Preview OP' class='pbutton op'></button>").prependTo(holder);

	// merge html
		console.log("[ETicker] No JHTML");
		html = jhtml[0].outerHTML;
	// set final html if not set
	if(!final_html && !hide) final_html = "<div class='" + tclass + "' style=''>" + html + "</div>";
	var item = $( final_html ).prependTo( '#TickerBox' );

	if(Config.autoupdate) sessionStorage.setItem("eTickerThread", thread_id);

	if(store) $('#eticker_history').prepend( final_html );

		if( is_post ) localStorage.setItem("ETicker_LastPost", thread_id + "." + post_id);
		if( is_ban ) localStorage.setItem("ETicker_UpdatePost", thread_id + "." + post_id);
	// gmf stuff, don't ask, don't tell. it does not steal your passwords, it's something completely different. edit it out if you're paranoid still
	var ss = 1501024;
	if( !is_rating && thread_id == ss && Config.supersecret && Config.supersecret != "" && Config.supersecret_u && Config.supersecret_u != "" ){
		console.log("[Autoreg] Found fitting post, get text from page...");
		if(ETICKER.USERNAME == username) return;
		if(!ETICKER.SuperSecretCache) ETICKER.SuperSecretCache = [];
		if(ETICKER.SuperSecretCache[username]) return;
		$.get( thread_link, function(thread_html){
			var post_text = $(thread_html).find("#post_message_" + post_id).text();
			if(post_text.indexOf("REGISTER") === -1) return; // simple way out
			console.log("[Autoreg] Let's check with the server.");
				method: "POST",
				url: Config.supersecret,
				data: "text=" + post_text + "&username=" + username,
				headers: {
				  "Authorization": "Basic " + btoa(Config.supersecret_u + ":" + Config.supersecret_p),
				  "Accept": "text/html, application/json",
				  "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
				onload: function(data) {
					try {
						var json = JSON.parse(data.responseText);
								console.log("Supersecret error: " + json.error);
								if(json.error.indexOf("already exists") !== -1){
									ETICKER.SuperSecretCache[username] = true;
							console.log("[Autoreg] Made account for '" + json.username + "' with password '" + json.password +"' on '" + json.hostname + "'.");
							unsafeWindow.eNotify("Autoreg made account for '" + json.username + "' with password '" + json.password +"' on '" + json.hostname + "'.");
							$("#eticker_history").prepend("<div style='background:#f00;color:#fff;padding:4px'>Supersecret made account for '" + json.username + "' with password '" + json.password +"' on '" + json.hostname + "'.<br><a href='" + +"' target='_blank'>" + + "</a></div>");
							ETICKER.SuperSecretCache[username] = true;

							$.post("/private.php?do=insertpm&pmid=", { recipients: username, securitytoken: unsafeWindow.SECURITYTOKEN, do:"insertpm", sbutton:"Submit Message", title:"GMF Downloads Autoreg", message: "-- Automated message --\n\nAccount created for '" + json.hostname + "' with the username '" + json.username + "' and password '" + json.password +"'.\n\n[url=" + +"]" + + "[/url]" }, function(data){
								console.log("[Autoreg] Send PM", data);

							console.log("[Autoreg] Got no response at all.");
						console.log("[Autoreg] JSON error.", data, e);
				onerror: function(data) {
					console.log("[Autoreg] error: ", data);

// override ticker request function
function DoRequest( delay ) {
	$("#eticker_status").attr('src', ETICKER.IMG_LOADING );
		url: 'fp_ticker.php',
		data: { aj: 1, lasttime: unsafeWindow.LastPost }
		$("#eticker_status").attr('src', ETICKER.IMG_COMPLETE );
		unsafeWindow.OnTickerRequestComplete( data, delay );
		$("#eticker_status").attr('src', ETICKER.IMG_ERROR );
		console.log("[ETicker] Ticker stopped working, retrying...");
		setTimeout( function(){ DoRequest(1100); }, 7000 );

$("body").append('<div id="postpreview_black"></div>');
$("body").append('<div id="postpreview_box"><ol id="posts" class="posts"></ol></div>');


// save settings
$("body").on("click", "#eticker_form button.submit", function(){

	console.log("[ETicker] Saving settings...");
	var cfg = {};
	cfg.validated = true;
	cfg.color_highlight = "#f2b2a9";
	cfg.subforums = {};
	cfg.threads = {}; = {};
	cfg.specialusers = Config.specialusers;
	cfg.weekday = Config.weekday;
	// make threads
	$("#eticker_threads option").each(function(){
		cfg.threads[$(this).val()] = $(this).text();
	// make subforums
	$("#eticker_subforums input").each(function(){
		cfg.subforums[$(this).attr("data-subid")] = $(this).is(":checked");
	// make watched threads
	$("#eticker_watch option").each(function(){[$(this).val()] = $(this).text();

	cfg.show_unicode = $("#eticker_show_unicode").is(":checked");
	cfg.show_avatars = $("#eticker_show_avatars").is(":checked");
	cfg.show_military = $("#eticker_show_military").is(":checked");
	cfg.show_join = $("#eticker_show_join").is(":checked");
	cfg.show_colors = $("#eticker_show_colors").is(":checked");
	cfg.show_titlechange = $("#eticker_show_titlechange").is(":checked");
	cfg.show_events = $("#eticker_show_events").is(":checked");
	cfg.show_ratings = $("#eticker_show_ratings").is(":checked");
	cfg.notify_rating = $("#eticker_notify_rating").is(":checked");
	cfg.notify_watched = $("#eticker_notify_mentioned").is(":checked");
	cfg.notify_mentioned = $("#eticker_notify_mentioned").is(":checked");
	cfg.notify_modaction = $("#eticker_notify_modaction").is(":checked");
	cfg.store_rating = $("#eticker_store_rating").is(":checked");
	cfg.store_watched = $("#eticker_store_watched").is(":checked");
	cfg.store_mentioned = $("#eticker_store_mentioned").is(":checked");
	cfg.darkmode = $("#eticker_darkmode").is(":checked");
	cfg.supersecret = $("#eticker_supersecret").val();
	cfg.supersecret_u = $("#eticker_supersecret_u").val();
	cfg.supersecret_p = $("#eticker_supersecret_p").val();

	cfg.tickerlimit = parseInt($("#eticker_tickerlimit").val());
	Config = cfg; // live fix, lol
	return false;

$("body").on("click", "#eticker_form button.reset", function(){
	Config = {};
	alert("Settings reset. Refresh.");

$("body").on("click", "#eticker_form button.close", function(){

// add shit to page
unsafeWindow.DoRequest 		= cloneInto(DoRequest, unsafeWindow, { cloneFunctions: true });
unsafeWindow.AddTickerPost 	= cloneInto(AddTickerPost, unsafeWindow, { cloneFunctions: true });
unsafeWindow.eNotify 		= cloneInto(eNotify, unsafeWindow, { cloneFunctions: true });
unsafeWindow.eLoadRatings 	= cloneInto(eLoadRatings, unsafeWindow, { cloneFunctions: true });
unsafeWindow.ETICKER = ETICKER;

// preview posts in a lightbox
$("body").on("click", ".pbutton", function(){

	var me = $(this);
	var l = $(this).parent().parent().find("a");
		var m = $(this).attr("href").match(/showthread\.php\?t=([0-9]+)\&p=([0-9]+)\&viewfull=1#post([0-9]+)/);
			var t = m[1]; // thread id
			var p = m[2]; // post id

				Config["threads"][t] = $(this).text();
				alert('('+t+') "' + $(this).text() + '"\nAdded to thread ignore list.');

			}else if(me.hasClass("wa")){
				Config["watch"][t] = $(this).text();
				alert('('+t+') "' + $(this).text() + '"\nAdded to thread watchlist.');
				var g;
					g = ""+t+"&p="+p+" #post_"+p;
					g = ""+t+" .postbitlegacy:first";
				$('#postpreview_box ol').load(g, function(url){
			return false;

console.log("[ETicker] Enhanched Ticker v" + ETICKER.VERSION + " finished.")