Greasy Fork is available in English.

YouTube Player Controls

fill window, stretch video, float video, set HD 4K 8K resolution, click skip ads, click show more, hide ads and annotations, loop, pause at start/end

Versión del día 23/1/2023. Echa un vistazo a la versión más reciente.

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Funciona en

Inserts a button under the YouTube video player with the following options:

  • Fill window with video
  • Stretch video
  • Float video while scrolling
  • Change video resolution to HD, FHD, QHD, 4K, 5K, 8K
  • Hide video annotations and ads
  • Auto click skip ads
  • Auto click show more
  • Pause video at start/end
  • Loop video

After you select the option "Fill Window" the options "Stretch" and "Hide Search" are revealed. The "Stretch" option expands the video's width or height to fit within the visible area while preserving the original aspect ratio; the stretch is useful for ultrawide and also narrow monitors because it fills the window. The "Hide Search" option helps to maximize the visible area of the video by automatically hiding the search bar at the top; the search bar is revealed when you scroll down the window.

After you select the option "Float Video" the option "Small Float" allows a small video size to float on the page as you scroll. If small float is unselected then the floating video has the original size. In the fill window mode the float is automatically small.

This script has been tested with Tampermonkey on the browsers: Chrome, Edge, Brave, Firefox, Opera.