Better tech for Cyber Nations JS - Selects "10.0 Technology" by default when going to the "Technology" page.
Show entire conversation for PnW JS - Adds an option to enable/disable scrolling through messages. Makes it very easy to send screenshots of conversations.
PnW messages preview JS - Adds a button to preview unread messages.
Easy rebuy for Cyber Nations JS - Makes it easier to rebuy troops
Easy rebuy for Politics and War JS - Makes it easier to rebuy troops
PnW non-VIP mass infra and land-purchaser JS - Adds a button to buy infra or land to a certain level in all cities.
Få A i alle fag JS - Hvem trenger vel noe annet en A?
PnW Login Reminder JS - Creates a popup in your browser if you haven't logged in to PnW in the last two days.
Emne-hjelper JS - Viser statistikk om NTNU-emner