Greasy Fork

Greasy Fork is available in English.

Bonvenon al Greasy Fork, retejo por uzantaskriptoj.

Kiuj estas uzantaskriptoj

User scripts put you in control of your browsing experience. Once installed, they automatically make the sites you visit better by adding features, making them easier to use, or taking out the annoying bits. The user scripts on Greasy Fork were written by other users and posted to share with the world. They're free to install and easy to use.

Step 1: install a user script manager

Tampermonkey on Chrome

To use user scripts you need to first install a user script manager. Which user script manager you can use depends on which browser you use.

Desktop Mobile (Android) Mobile (iOS)

Step 2: install a user script

A user script's install button

Browse this site to find a user script you want to try. Here is a sample of the most popular scripts:

  • 文献互助小帮手:①读秀PDF一键下载 ②图书馆联盟、读秀、超星、中美百万显示SSID等索书号 ③各文献站、图书电商站与豆瓣的互访链接 ④一键复制元数据 - ①读秀试读或者包库全文、汇雅电子书的一键下载 ② 在图书馆参考咨询联盟(ucdrs)或读秀(duxiu)以及他们镜像站上显示文献的ssid或dxid,用于图书文献互助、群组找书等场景;显示大学数字图书馆国际合作计划(cadal)的书号-ssno,用于查询下载中美百万书册;显示社科文献中心、日本内阁文库等文献站点的索书号。 ③ 提供各文献站点、图书电商和豆瓣图书的互访链接。 ④ 一键复制各文献站点的索书号、图书元数据。 To搜索[红太狼的平底锅]的朋友:提供红太狼的平底锅的部分功能,如显示ssid,但不提供售卖,下载请自行找百度网盘群组;显示dxid或其它索书号、双向链接、一键复制等为平底锅没有的新加功能。
  • Cathay Award Search Fixer 2022 - Beware: Only install using the "Install this Script" or "安裝腳本" button below, beware of fake buttons in the ad under it.
  • 网易云音乐:云盘快传(含周杰伦)|歌曲下载&转存云盘|云盘匹配纠正|高音质试听 - 无需文件云盘快传歌曲(含周杰伦)、歌曲下载&转存云盘(可批量)、云盘匹配纠正、高音质试听、完整歌单列表、评论区显示IP属地、使用指定的IP地址发送评论、歌单歌曲排序(时间、红心数、评论数)、专辑页加载Disc信息、限免VIP歌曲下载上传、云盘音质提升、本地文件上传云盘、云盘导入导出。
  • Ne Prenu Mian IP - Blokas la kaptadon de la IP-adreso farita per ekstera API peto.
  • Infinity Craft (en Esperanto) - Aldonas lingvon elektilon al la interfaco de la ludo Infinity Craft ĉe — la senfina ludo.

Once you've found a user script, click the green install button on the user script's page, and your user script manager will ask you to confirm the install.

Step 3: use the user script

Go to the site the user script affects. It should automatically do its thing. After trying out the user script for a while, go back to where you installed the user script and leave some feedback for the user script's author.