Ratings on IMDb

Adds ratings from Rotten Tomatoes, Metacritic and MyAnimeList to IMDb

< Feedback on Ratings on IMDb

Review: Good - script works

Posted: 2021/10/03

Nice script, love it. However omdbapi.com is not up to date. I already have found two movies (new ones) with no RT rating data on omdbapi.com

Posted: 2021/10/10

This is a limitation of OMDb unfortunately, however it's still the best APIs for this data. But if there are better APIs, I gladly accept suggestions.

Posted: 2022/01/04
Edited: 2022/01/04

Also the metascore sometimes differs from the one indicated by imdb itself (bottom right corner), or even some cases it is missing.
See: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4513678/ (59 vs. 45) and https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11214590/ (none vs. 59).

Posted: 2022/01/21
Edited: 2022/01/21

For RT, some scripts use this API https://www.rottentomatoes.com/api/private/v2.0/search/ - it's key-less. Here is some description.

Posted: 2022/01/21

Thanks, I will take a look at it

Posted: 2022/01/24

Done, now use the Rotten Tomatoes API whenever possible, in addition to the OMDb data.

Posted: 2022/01/24

Wow, thanks! (I had to update the script from your github though...)

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