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YouTube Playlist Duration Sort

Add duration sorting options to YouTube playlists.

< Feedback on YouTube Playlist Duration Sort

Review: Bad - script does not work

Posted: 2020/11/15

I literally went trough the trouble of making an account to leave this review.
I had 128 videos in a playlist and after running this script I was left with 33 videos that weren't even sorted.
In short this script has major issues and you shouldn't use it until it has been resolved.

Surf ArcherAuthor
Posted: 2020/12/22

I'm so sorry that happened! It's taken some investigation but I now have some understanding of what's going wrong here.

I've marked the script private until I get a chance to work on the issues involved - which hopefully should be just after xmas.

Once I've done that I'll reply again on this thread to let you know.

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